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The Saker on Covid

Looks like he’s pretty firmly with MoA in his thinking. His point about Russia, Cuba etc is one I’ve asked many times too. A related question I would ask is why are these countries not using Ivermectin?


The Russian journalist, Nailya Asker-zade, mentions the topic of the the anti-vaxers.

Vladimir Putin: And not only anti-vax dissidents, there are enough of them both in this country and elsewhere.

What is happening in the world? What are specialists saying? When a sweeping vaccination campaign against the main infections is afoot, it seems that everything is fine and there is no need, as some people believe, to get vaccinated. “Why get a jab? Almost no one is sick.” But as soon as the vaccination level drops to a certain threshold – bang, all of a sudden there is an outbreak and everyone is scrambling to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

We should take our cue from the specialists, not people who do not know much about this matter and listen to rumours. After all, this is happening all around the world. You know, the things I heard: that there is nothing at all, that in reality there is no epidemic. Sometimes I listen to what some people are saying – they seem to be grown-up, educated people. I do not know where they are taking this from. When you tell them that this is happening all over the world, they reply: “Right, country leaders have come into collusion.” Do they have any idea of what is happening in the world, of the contradictions that are plaguing today’s world, where all leaders allegedly upped and conspired with each other? It is all absolute rubbish.

Now that I set the context, I have a simple question for all COVID-dissidents and anti-vaxxers (all restrictions on discussing the medical aspects of COVID (cf moderation rules numbers #19 and #20 are suspended, but ONLY for this comments section, under this post only!!!).

Xi Jinping, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Maduro, Arce (and Morales!) and new leader of Cuba, Díaz-Canel – all agree with Putin. Fully.

Six very different countries, six very different leaders, six very different political and social systems and six totally different economies. Yet they very much all agree with each other.

(Truth be told, all of Latin America – except maybe Bolsanaro – agrees with these six countries!)

So here is my question. There are four logical explanations of this for COVID-dissidents/anti-vaxxers:

  • Putin, Xi, Khamenei, Maduro, Arce (and Morales!) and Diaz-Canel are all less well informed that we (COVID-dissidents/anti-vaxxers) are.
  • Putin, Xi, Khamenei, Maduro, Arce (and Morales!) and Diaz-Canel all know the truth, but they are all lying.
  • Putin, Xi, Khamenei, Maduro, Arce (and Morales!) and Diaz-Canel all working with the Great-Replacers and “chippers” from Davos, with the Bohemian grovers, with Bill Gates and CFR, etc. etc. etc. They all want to create a single world government, kill a few billion people and usher in the Times of the Antichrist.
  • Don’t confuse me with facts, I got my opinion and, dammit, I am right!!!

Which one do you pick?

Continues at link. Comments will be interesting. Maybe.

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You can see my answer a little way down, P, btl - once it’s passed ‘moderation’. :slight_smile: Though to be fair to Andrei, the dissident btl posts that have been let through already are pretty impressive. I congratulate Andrei on having that much intellectual honesty, to allow a real debate, unlike so many other ad hoc censors on this vexed issue: b at MoA, Craig Murray, etc. Their commitment to free speech falls at the first serious fence!

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From what I’ve just seen BTL descends into the usual yah boo sucks to you with no-longer-astonishing rapidity.

Persevere, K. There’s some good stuff in there.

I might do but the Conservative Woman has sounded it’s siren song and I might head over there for my daily lurk first :wink:

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What strange political bedfellows we end up with in these days. And without the need to get drunk first!


Saker’s a natural for me. But finding myself - willingly! - in bed with a conservative woman… (Well, it’s happened before: buxomness trumps politics, especially for young bucks!)

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I didn’t see your reply bwana. Could you post a link? Did Andrei get back to you?

There is actually no debate, because Saker himself says (in one of his comments) that vaccines should never ever be mandatory.

But that is all that ‘anti-vaxxers’ take issue with - pressure/compulsion/legislation to push people in the direction of the jab (e.g. ‘no jab, no job’). ‘Anti-vaxxers’ do not attempt to deny people the right to inject anything they like into their bloodstreams; they just try to persuade people otherwise.

Saker himself comes across as an unmitigated w*nker on this issue. Here is one of his many juvenile remarks:

“Frankly, with a few exceptions, the thread is every bit as bad as I knew it would be.”

The irony is that his own posts are in the lead amongst those that degrade the quality of discussion there.

And the starting point of his ‘logic’ is also very juvenile: The establishment covid narrative must be right because all leaders, from diametrically opposed political ideologies, believe it.

The mature starting point would be: Never mind politicians (scientifically ignorant bureaucrats), how can we decide what to believe when there are eminently qualified scientists on both sides of the debate?

After seeing this cretinous display from Saker, I will henceforth treat his output with much caution, where, previously, I treated him as a valuable font of insight and wisdom.


I think he’s getting the same outcome as MoA. His ‘question’ is embarrasing and he is finding out why.
For many years, the knowledgeable left (like the esteemed Saker, MoA, Chomsky, Monbiot) have neglected to extend their interest in conventional politics to the comparable politics of science and medicine, and so in this new arena they come across as having been born yesterday. Nothing makes it clearer than their willingness to pigeonhole opponents rather than examine their arguments. Pretty astonishing that they think there is such a huge financial project run by capitalists, where the capitalists and their apparatchiks can be trusted and where opponents can be dismissed as the new Saddam lovers.


Does anyone really think that the psychos behind the scamdemic wouldn’t have all the bases covered?

When it comes to the so-called ‘alternate media’, I’ve often said that you can literally count the genuine ones on the fingers of one hand.

My post on this Saker thread is up now. And the btl continues to fill up with good quality responses, as well as some inconsequentials, of course. It’s also looking clear that Andrei is a bit rattled by the response, once he had the honesty to let it rip. His own responses are sometimes less than impressive, rather vindicating Rippon’s assessment.

But - ya know - everyone has their blind-spots/hot-buttons. Falling for the terror-porn, then not wanting to face the fact that he’s been had, is an understandable one for Andrei. After all, his strength is global realpolitik, and military analysis (at which he used to be a professional). He’s clearly not so clued up on medical matters as plenty of his respondents are. The btl is still worth dipping into, though very long now. More than Andrei expected, I dare say. Here’s my ten eggs, for what they’re worth:


Dear Saker: Thanks for the opportunity to air this matter here. It does you credit. So many of the people who believe in this scam simply refuse to allow any dissidents to post on their sites. You at least offer a discussion forum. I salute your principled honesty.

May I suggest that you are mistaken to say that the choice is just between two stark alternatives: take the insufficiently-tested, experimental poison-stabs (thousands dead of them already, according to official government figures: CDC-VAERS in US, ONS in Britain, EudraVigilance in EU; lesser, but often still very serious adverse effects already in the millions!); or risk a severe illness which could kill you, and if not you, others whom you infect through your own irresponsibility. This dichotomy is incomplete. There are other approaches too. I’ll describe mine:

Last year, whilst still only 79, I was infected. I live and eat prudently, and have no seriously debilitating vices (tobacco, booze, etc), so my immune system is still pretty strong. But also, being a fanboy of Andrew Saul’s truly excellent ‘Doctoryourself.com’ website, I use large-dose vitamin C as both prophylactic and cure, for many ills, very much including respiratory diseases. My record so far is almost thirty years never having been ill with colds or flu. Every year they try it on with me; every year, as soon as I feel the first early-warning symptoms, I up my daily C dose from two to three grams of timed-release tablets to at least 30 grams – sic! – of sodium ascorbate per day in water, stirred and sipped every half-hour, round the clock. (The ascorbate form is milder-tasting than ascorbic acid itself, and very easy on the stomach.)

My normal annual experience is that the early-warning symptoms vanish overnight. Last year, when I got the covid-flu it took three days of 30 grams a day; 90 in total. (Btw, there is no known lethal dose of C, despite some extremists taking huge doses, to no ill effect beyond C-heavy urine.) On this occasion, banishing all symptoms took longer, but the very worst I could say of the time was that I was really only very slightly under the weather, and taking it easy in a warm place. Absolutely nothing worse than that. You know, the way you coddle a bout of flu; though in this case it wasn’t even that bad. And now I’m long-term, balanced, naturally immune, and – despite the recently-invented lying canard of ‘asymptomatic super-spreaders’ – I can’t infect anyone else. I’m well, and not infectious.

People have to be terror-blinded not to see that there is something very strange going on around the covid-flu panic. Yes indeed, there’s a novel flu pathogen about (whatever it is, ‘virus’ or whatever); and yes indeed, it’s killing a few, as flus do every year – though apparently not much more than usual, when you dig into all-cause mortality figures. It seems to be really rotten for those who get it badly. I know of one consultant doctor in a London hospital, a middle-aged man of my long-time acquaintance, whose testimony I trust absolutely, who was desperately ill for weeks, and feared at one time that he might die. He had a classic case of long covid, and still isn’t fully over the after effects.

So yes, there’s something nasty about. Where it came from, and whether it had been tampered with, are still unsettled questions. No, that really ISN’T settled fact, Andrei. Once again, there are fully-qualified professionals on both sides of the argument.

But despite these apparent truths, it’s still also true that some people somewhere have been running a huge scam on the back of this not-outstandingly-dangerous pathogen. People really have to be wilfully terror-blinded not to see that. I think that I can see some of the people who are involved; consigliere Tony Fauci, and Gates for example. But I’m still unclear about the ‘why’ question. Sureashell, though, some bunch of chancers is running a scam on this. And yes, this scam, together with the genuinely nasty effects of the flu on the less robustly-healthy sufferers, has suckered a lot of people, many of whom really ought to know better, including the leaders whom you list. But it’s simply not true that there are no highly-qualified professionals who deny the official picture of the ‘pandemic’. There are a whole lot. And it’s very telling that they have legion stories of being censored, rubbished by – hah! – ‘fact checkers’, threatened with loss of licence to practice, loss of income, loss of standing in society, and so on.


If ‘the science’ is conclusive and honest, why the need to persecute and silence the dissident professionals? It’s not as if this alleged plague is really all that lethal, behind the outrageously massaged figures. And whilst we’re at it, why the organised effort to hide or to rubbish the half-dozen or so mild and strikingly effective treatments which both prevent covid, and treat those who get it. Apart from C, I’d highlight the equally-stellar performance of ivermectin, strikingly well-proven by frontline clinicians treating patients, and getting them better quickly and easily. But there are others also, equally effective. There’s really no need for this illness to be much worse than any seasonal flu. Highly-effective, mild, already long proven safe cures and preventatives have been developted by front-line doctors in many places over the past year and a half. So why are they being suppressed? A clear crime against humanity.

Why have most people either not been allowed to hear about this, or have heard only rubbishing lies about the genuine cures? The Permanent Bullshit Blizzard of the Anglozionst lamestream media doing its criminal stuff as usual, along with the pocket politicians.

Despite the reality – and the rather moderate – lethality of this flu (over 99.9% recovery rate pretty firmly established), something else – a Big Lie swindle – is going on around it. And that something smells really, REALLY bad.

Face it, Andrei: it isn’t either/or; it’s both.

Once again, congratulations for having the honesty to allow the dissidents space to put their arguments rationally. Shame there are so few places run as honourably as this one. Respect Andrei! And, despite your error over this matter, I continue to read your website, still regarding it as one of the very best around.

Yours, – RhG


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Well done RG. I am really disappointed by the condescending, insulting and ignorant tenor of the blog and Saker´s reply to comments btl. I suspect that, after reading reasoned comments like yours, he is beginning to go on the defensive. If he really is honest, he will retract this blog. V. unlikely in my opinion, like GG, too much ego invested in this.

Seems to me that Saker has done great (possibly irreparable) damage to his reputation amongst his readers in this idiotic stroke of commentary on a subject where he apparently has zero knowledge, and, instead, merely spouts juvenile sarcasm.

Yep! Raging blind-spot/hot-button irrationality on quite offensive display there, R! Now where have both you and I experienced that before…? :slight_smile:

I’ll continue to read Andrei’s output, though. Outwith the b-s/h-b irrationality bubble, he’s a pretty damn’ good analyst. We ALL have the problem; no exceptions. We need to be forgiving to each other about it.

PS: Do you notice Andrei’s projection of his own “juvenile sarcasm” onto his commentators? We’re all suffering from it, apparently.

Now, after a btl flood that’s already nearing 500 posts on his first post, Andrei’s written another fuming repudiation - which quite frankly I haven’t bothered to read beyond the first few paras. Think I’ll have to skip over his posts on covid, they way I skip over the ones on Russian Orthodox christianity. Simple practical sifting of the wheat from the chaff. Where DON’T we have to do that…? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

An excellent and very diplomatic response. However, I have one issue with all the pro-lockdown we’re all gonna die brigade and one which you didn’t address. I have taken a quote from a link in another thread here.

“On 8 September, the World Health Organisation (WHO) warned of a deadly condition that is likely to kill around 11 million people worldwide every year. This includes 2.9 million deaths among children, most of which are preventable. Given these awful projections, it is surely clear that urgent action is needed: social distancing; facemasks; lockdowns; unprecedented investment in vaccine development. But that wouldn’t address the problem, because we’re talking about sepsis

My beef is we are all debating the pandemic and reactions to it. Except where is it?

The Big C addresses this problem too, Pat, remarkable panacea that it is. However, don’t expect any promotion of this simple, cheap, potent solution, not whilst the slavering profit-gougers of Big Pharma think their wholly-owned ‘scientists’ can devise another expensive patented junk, to offer inferior-to-C results, with added bad side-effects. But a reliable money-maker, till it’s finally withdrawn because of it’s accumulating death-and-crippling toll. Profits: X billion; subsequent fine for malfeasance: 2 billion, where X is a lot greater than 2. No personal liability for the BPh perps; no feckin’ problem! Croak all you want, plebs, as long as you continue to serve the great god Profit!

Do you recognise the repeating pattern, Pat? Publc health be buggered.

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Second all that Rhis, but I also agree with PP’s original observation on the compliance of so many leaders in this scamdemic, and must find ways to understand how it can be. Putin is very smart, and what he says sort of sums it up - how could people who disagree fundamentally on many things be all taking the same position on this?
But the Saker’s rant has really exposed the limitations of OUR influence amongst many who are on the same side on geostrategic issues - and would never fault him on them. So it’s a problem. It would be good to see him answer your points, but I’m afraid he couldn’t.

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Read a piece a few days ago - can’t find a link or a name now - where the writer spoke of the various categories of people supporting the scam. The really interesting one was the ‘deceived influencer’: someone like a doctor, a medical officer, any standard-issue, whipped lobby-fodder politician, just about anyone purporting to be a journalist, though actually a mediawhore, and so on: People who spread the message because they’ve been persuaded - somehow, presumably lubricated to believe by TDS - that the official narrative is true, and they have a high moral duty to support it.

This, even though it’s utter bollocks, and any brief, non-terror-stampeded examination of the story, along with a bit of relevant fact collecting, would make that clear very quickly. And of course, there’s a further impetus to believe when their alterconscious deep-minds understand that this is a band-waggon they need to be on, to stay with the privileged in-crowd, and to maintain their positions - and the precious, comfortably-bill-paying career. Always a keen motivation for doublethinking.

Also, there’s the irrational emotion which refuses to acknowledge that they’ve been fooled, especially when they suspect that it might be true, and which causes the outbreaks of angry repudiation - with added ad homs. As Chris Martenson put it just recently, when you offend someone’s tightly-held belief, it triggers immediate, often quite excessive rage. Always an interesting signal. (Saker’s current outburst of raging irrationality, for an example…?)

I think that there are a whole lot of deceived influencers about right now, clinging to their ‘convictions’ like grim death, and helping to shove the whole bloody shooting match ever further down the coviscam road…