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The National Death Service ( formerly known as the NHS) mandates PCR for all which can lead to death protocols!

I recommend this blog from Debbie Evans reporting on UK Column today:

and the uk column today:

from 55:40 mins in to 1hr 10mins.

The speed at which a patient can go from a positive PCR “test” to “end of life care” ( or death protocol ) is truly frightening.
Watch and weep!



We’ve sent Debi’s blog piece to some people who need to read it (well, you never know. . .) in order to help persuade them that opposition to the ‘vaccine’ is not enough.

As you say, this is frightening stuff - for anyone daft/unfortunate enough to want/have to use NHS services - but fear is not a helpful emotion as I’m sure you know.

Meanwhile, I battle on against the ghastly abuse of our language as in her 2nd. sentence. I gritted my teeth nevertheless and carried on to the end, where I found yet another horrible solecism - the moral relativism of ‘your truth’ winds me up summink terrible. But I forgive her; she’s only an ex-nurse (and I’m only a snobby ex-grammar-school boy).


Thanks @GKH, here is a live feed @ 13:20
