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The more I hear from Denis Rancourt -

…the more persuaded I grow! :slight_smile: At the link below, he’s discussing further with one of his regular podcast hosts his ideas about what’s happening, and about why things like the - obviously - fake ‘pandemic’ panic, and also - as he has it - the demonstrably-fake climate panic, are being foisted on us just now.

His explanations tie in with the premier foundational idea which grips me: that we’re living in the early stages of a global-society-changing, non-negotiable, non-reversible punctuation moment in the Earth’s history; certainly in the total species-history of Homo Sapiens Sapiens (hah!): speaking about the Long Descent away from once-only hitech industrial civilisation, of course; the ‘Single Giant Pulse Event’; the ultimate upshot of ‘The Limits To Growth’.

It’s obvious to me that I and a few other mavericks just cannot be the only ones to have noticed the presence, and the absolute, non-controllable force majeure of that fact of our reality. It’s as obvious as anything can be that plenty of members of the world’s gic-mafias have noticed it too, and are strategising accordingly.

The current existential struggle between Oceania and Eurasia/Eastasia is as much about being in overall charge of the world in a time of irreversible decline, so as to cling on to control of whatever can be salvaged, as it’s about anything; the only other big motive being just the brainless addiction to ever-greater fixes of WealthPowerStatus, which clearly drives the psycho/socio-path gics in their megalomania.

That, at any rate, seems to be what drives most potently the gangsters who currently wield de-facto power in the Anglozionist - ‘Western’ - empire (I reserve judgement about what drives the crews running Russia and China; I simply dunno).

In connection with the recent brief glimpse which Willem gave us of the current doings of Skipper dan at the Hulk: there’s a passage in the linked podcast, starting at 35minutes and on for the following ten or so, which offers a very vivid account of what motivates people who have given their lives to professional careers within the system - very much including medics, of course.

Reading dan’s response in the light of what Denis says made me see vividly why the good doctor would be so unquestioningly authoritarian in affirming the official lines about the poison-stabs, the ‘virus’, and the waves of real - but crucially misdiagnosed! - wilfully-induced illnesses and deaths that have accompanied the scam.

Note too that, later in the pod, Denis describes briefly the utter ludicrousness of the idea that, after millions of years of co-evolution with illness vectors - whatever they are - and the establishment of a balanced and constantly re-balancing ecosystem between us and our plankton-filled environment, suddenly - ‘Juslikethat!’ - there should appear in the world a pathogen so full of entirely novel lethality that we can only prevent global mass death by regular booster injections of - something profitable…

Another sound reason to reject the scamdemic(s) fairytale, and go instead with a muscled-up immune system, and a healthy terrain:


Keeping their citizens, or a percentage of them, fed. Which is much the same as the other lot, though perhaps with less (or less obvious) theft, assassination, bombing, and threats.

AS indicated before, I’m increasingly of the opinion that they are all in it together - - there’s a set of rules, that can be broken…cheating is allowed - hence, adherence to ‘international law’/‘universal conventions’ is optional; the lameness of any rationale for transgressions is not a thing as there’s a host of entities (media/think tanks etc) that can step in to smooth the way - it seems most people don’t pay much attention anyway and can be easily swayed into supporting whichever ‘fresh hell’ is served-up.

As Marinetti had it; ‘war is the worlds only hygiene’…I’m sure the PTB see it that way - though they’d probably balk at the ‘only’ part - I reckon they’re happier with their broad suite (that groaning table of ‘all options’) of methods of culling and generally keeping the world populace in a state of permanent fear, doubt and uncertainty.

We seem to be in the midst of a centuries-long game of Risk…and it just got that bit riskier with the dreadful nuke-finger Truss winning the ‘contest’.

Jeez, these ‘people’ are bloody awful.

The Spizzles - Risk - YouTube

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Listening to Michael Hudson and other Westerners in a position to know a bit more about China than I do, I’d guess that the closest you can describe it is ‘market capitalism with Chinese Marxist characteristics’, meaning capitalism, but with the Party managing the ‘nationalised’ key commanding-heights parts of the economy directly, no profit motive allowed, and with strict, big-teeth regulation of the entire economy by a single ruling party, which consults the plebs regularly about what the Party should do, and how they think it’s doing so far. And with the regulation being pretty well blanket applied everywhere, with high-flying strivers getting convicted of breaking laws, particularly corruption laws, and getting banged up and ruined as a result, thus keeping them firmly to heel. Michael calls it socialism, which sounds a fair judgement. Apparently a majority of Chinese people call it democracy, too.

Similar deal in Russia as well. As I’ve heard it described: ‘Putin said to the oligarchs: “OK, you can keep your stashes, but on condition that you stay right out of politics, and you abide by the law strictly, along with everyone else!”’ Exactly the sort of thing which was prevented, and its opposite promoted to the present debacle, in the Ukraine by the Anglozionist empire’s thugs.

Denis also points out that since the crews running Russia and China also understand perfectly well that they’re in a war together agains the Az, they too need war powers; so they go along with things like the covid scam, because it provides them too with the excuse they need to practice the clamping down of war powers, as they are deemed to become necessary. I think you can say that we’ve seen China doing precisely that. Yet they’re all cooperating to bring about the WEFoid clowns’ wet-dream…? Can’t say I’m very convinced by that.

…still going I was delighted to see, as SpizzEnergi. Where’s Captain Kirk when we need him?

Truss has sussed that the Putin Price Hike scam is probably not going to be enough to contain the disgruntled What About My £1000 Leccy Bill peasantry. Will she go the German way and make us suck it up for the sake of democracy, or run the Click Some Cash Into Existence app?

My fake £3 note is on the latter: get the plebs boosted and toasty through the winter, apart from one or two rolling blackouts, get yet more Ukrainians trained for their kamikaze ops, and every now and then point and laugh at the dumbass Eurotrash if some Look At The Squirrel diversionary tactics are all she can think of.

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I also can’t quite figure the role of Russia in all this (whereas, to me, China seems to be full-blown NWO).

I see it all as some kind of giant jigsaw puzzle: you start fitting bits of it together and some of it starts to make sense. I think what’s hard to deny is that it is all designed to fit together, and the picture that will then emerge will not bode well for the human race.

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