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The hypocrisy of climate change fanatics (you won't see on the BBC)

The media mogul Rupert Murdoch has all his global media fueling the climate change narrative. Especially the floods and droughts in Australia. At the same time, his nephew Matt Handbury actually runs the weather modification rainfall encouraging company Australian Rain Technologies. In their own words, the company, “…is focused on research and development of ground-based ionization technologies [HAARP anyone?] and … operates ionization rainfall enhancement technology, developed by the same scientists at General Electric who developed chemical cloud-seeding after World War II”. They have been doing this sh#t (publicly) for 10 years in case anyone wants to tell me the GIC’s ain’t f****** with weather everywhere.


Thanks @PatB. I’ve wondered about your question about weather-alteration as well.
1st rule of science - don’t interfere with the experiment/research with your own wheezes.

There are a lot of questions many ordinary bods would have before they were convinced - not just of the supposed fact of climate change, but of the role of CO2 and especially the wisdom and integrity of the proposed solutions.

A couple of days ago I heard an advert saying sign up and get a new iphone every year. With all the implications of just this one marketing whiz (energy and fuel use, rare metals needed for that wonderful ‘sustainable’ energy), you do wonder if they can really be serious about the main reasons for the new policies.

Another counterpolicy whiz is space travel. And where is climate change in the the lexicon of the military and the planners. Why isn’t there a moratorium on levelling whole countries.

When the solution to a problem happens to looks more like the longstanding aims of a dark policy, one needs to pause for thought. Until we can properly question our masters publicly we should be suspicious of this ‘one wheeze after another’ blitz.

It seems that one hand is waving in our orders (and floating information about the handcuffs and ze bugs), while the other is on a spree to make the situation worse.

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At our amazing used-to-be-a-football ground branch of Asda I descended the travelator this morning seeing ahead some of those hucksters who try to sell RAC membership, or double glazing, or - in this case - the merits of switching to their gas/leccy deals. As I sallied forth one of these gents asked “Do you use energy at home?” which was not a bad chat-up line. After all, how could you possibly say no? Or is this another sinister wheeze to nudge me to turn off that stinky boiler and wrap up warm in clothes donated by Lord Alli?

And why does no one accuse Octopus energy, for it was they, of reproducing antisemitic tropes? (Apparently the old propaganda images of Rothschilds and the like, with tentacles everywhere, etc etc)

They do, btw, have tentacles everywhere, even running an undertaking business

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