5 Filters

The Great Chemtrail Hoax/Debate

I make no comment here except to paraphrase @RhisiartGwilym , I remain skeptical and open minded. This is from Arthur Firstenberg’s Cell Phone Task Force and an interesting (IMHO) addition to the chemtrail debate. It’s not a short read, but the ending may whet your appetite.

“Ironically, EDB actually was and still is being used as an additive in airplane fuel, just not in military or commercial jets. It is used as an antiknock agent in leaded fuel in general aviation by piston-engine airplanes that do not fly high enough to leave contrails behind them. That is the real scandal: 38 years after leaded fuel was banned in cars in the United States, 175,000 small airplanes are still spewing lead into all the air we breathe.”


On reflection I’ve decided to respond to my own post!

While it has been impossible to ignore the chemtrails or vapor trails in the sky that often develop into cloud cover there are some things that I have always questioned.

How is it that on some days all the planes crisscrossing my part of south east France don’t leave any trail at all. If what we see are actual chemtrails, are the additives not in the fuel on the clear days? If the chemtrails are sprayed separately from the fuel burned, by whom and how is it decided that the spraying is activated on some days and not others, and how do these chemicals get loaded onto planes for spraying?

I think the link posted above explains a lot and has pushed me off the fence on the side of chemtrails being a psy op.


I’m probably still on the fence but with feet dangling in that same direction @PatB

I would be interested to see any photographic or video evidence of cloud seeding and the like, weather influencing flights, which do exist. Beijing Olympic Games, reputedly.
Do these leave traces and, if so, what do these look like after 30 seconds, 10 minutes, and so on?

I really liked the Spartacus photo. Planes will have stymied many a cinematographer’s work I’ll bet.

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Hi Pat - after a long absence I thought to look at this, as in Australia the idea the government was seeding clouds and causing floods took off in a big way amongst the Anti-COVAX community, who thought it was an attempt at population control of people living in the cheap housing that got flooded - crazy as that may seem!
But this all arose because in Australia we have very clear skies where contrails are easily visible if they are there - except in cloudy weather. And the most astonishing thing was when all air traffic disappeared, for months on end, during the great Covidian invasions of 2020. Not only were the skies blissfully clear, as in the days of the settlements, but it was totally quiet. Growing up in the S of England, but then living in the W of Scotland, I’m well used to living with constant background noise including the drone of jets passing to and from Heathrow.
But then what happened, and just before we happened to have floods here, was that air traffic suddenly restarted. Some days then we got up to see six or seven contrails across the sky, all on the route between Melbourne and Sydney/Brisbane, which left Melbourne around 7 am…

However - your question about why sometimes planes don’t leave contrails is easily answered - as most of the time they don’t. It depends on the altitude they are at and the ceiling of the stratosphere, which varies with latitude and season, as well as the humidity and temperature. In fact the condtions where contrails form are the exception here. Often you can see a short trail behind the aircraft, which rapidly evaporates.
All the photos I’ve seen, including posted here, look no different from times in the past when conditions have allowed many contrails to persist. And in the UK of course they can cover the whole sky, and certainly alter/reduce the incoming solar energy. I wouldn’t be that surprised if these alterations in solar input following the global changes in air transport are connected with very imbalanced weather systems and disruptions since - but who knows? cheers D


I’m also still in two minds about this (and believe me, at this moment in time I could believe anything).

I will just chuck into the mix that all large passenger aircraft also have a further jet engine at the rear, under the tail fin. This jet engine has nothing to do with propelling the aircraft. It’s there as an electrical generator, and of course gives off an exhaust.

The last flight I took was in late 1999, from Montreal to Paris (trans-Atlantic; almost 8 hours flying time).

I used to enjoy flying, back in the day.

I doubt if I will now use this method of transport ever again.

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Hi @Dimac . We too, in south west France saw the exact same effect on clear blue skies during the 2020 martial law. So I am still just off the fence on the side of contrails, not chemtrails. But, and this is a big but.

The issue is the weather and this applies equally to the floods you mentioned and the other unusual weather events around the globe. Having read what information there is (or perhaps now, was), about HAARP, and then read bits and pieces about weather patterns that appeared unnatural (hurricanes travelling in straight lines for example) I am fairly satisfied that some of the extreme weather events are most definitely deliberate.

Nice to see you back :smiley:

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That’s interesting Pat - as my scientific antennae are not tuned to the possibility of real weather manipulation, given the enormous amounts of energy involved - in a hurricane for instance. Today’s ridiculous charade over the Chinese weather balloon is a case in point, as there is no way such a craft can control its trajectory, beyond lowering altitude into a different wind direction.
I do see the weather currently as breaking all boundaries of unpredictability, with a local example in that yesterday the max temp was 12’C and 4’C at night, such that we had to light both fires just to keep warm, and heat the water. This is early February, when a day under 30 is below average, and days over 40 are regular occurrences. Two weeks ago we had a “freak” hailstorm that stripped the leaves and fruit off the vegy garden, with 40 mm in 20 minutes. All the gutters blocked with a hail-leaf melange and overflowed.
I have the feeling that changes may be happening in the Antarctic that we aren’t really being told about, and the circum polar winds are pushing cold water and air towards the tropics more vigorously than usual. The patterns of ocean circulation are also destabilised and affecting climate across the hemisphere, just as in the North.

I wish I had more time to visit 5 Filters, but so taken up with the online and email fight against the Kiev Nazis, and continuing COVIDianidiocy, that little time to spare.
We have booked a couple of gites in the Cevennes and Provence in late June, and hope that nuclear war doesn’t spoil our plans… to trivialise an acutely life threatening situation atm. Hope life treats you well, cheers David.


Worth a look. Few interesting bits. BAE involved and Russia took (take?) It seriously.

That was interesting and I think grounded in truth. A hashtag #HAARP has been used by some people very recently in Twitter threads about the disastrous earthquakes that struck Syria and Turkiye. When technology is shrouded in secrecy or its existence is denied people will speculate, wildly at times.

Here’s a recent Substack that brings the 1952 weather experiments back into the limelight. As the conclusion says, don’t have nightmares:

Your government loves you now and would never do anything like that nowadays.

There’s some good stuff in the Comments.

Hi folks, according to James Corbett in his latest ( 7 minute) video, to get information on Chemtrails you need to use the right “magic words” in the search engine:
try typing “sratospheric aerosol injection technology” into the search bar! All the usual references to conspiracy theories seem to disappear!

This was in the show notes - quite interesting from a State’s perspective:



Hi @CJ1

This new BBC article is not very “in-depth”, but is kind of revealing, a kind of weak imitation of the Last American Vagabond article above.

Conspiracy theories swirl about geo-engineering, but could it help save the planet?

The headline is odd; article is not about conspiracy theories, headline seems to be aimed at pigeonholing critics of geo-engineering as conspiracy theorists in advance. And the people quoted by the BBC as having expertise seemed to identify problems that could be more significant, and make matters worse. This suggests the answer to the question in the second part of the headline is quite likely No. Overall the article looks most likely to be aimed at making the idea of geo-engineering seem more acceptable.

Yet even this modest article (it doesn’t mention the US established history of trying to control the weather, and for its own warlike purposes) confirms indirectly that there is a lot of GE research taking place, so it’s just the idea that it’s aimed at harming people that’s the ‘conspiracy theory’.

It also confirms that many scientists warn it can do harm to the cause of reducing GW.

It also kind of confirms, like the LAV article, that they don’t know what they are doing with these GE attempts and that there is a likelihood of doing harm - especially if the climate/weather system is fragile enough to be affected by small changes in the proportion of CO2.

For me, the elephant in the room is always the same with these types of articles, lying BBC or elsewhere. They are always based on the premise that global warming is real and is harming the planet. Where I live, in the last 12 months, if global warming were real, I would have been very happy. It has actually been cooler despite the BBC and others talking about a European heat wave.

In my opinion, the BBC always has an agenda. I can’t believe that once upon a time I used to think the BBC was a reliable news source. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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What a great find @LocalYokel ! Almost every location is the same or cooler in what I assume is 2024? And yet the red hot colours are spread everywhere. Just more lying mass media.

Yes, the bottom picture is from the last ten days or so. Seems only one place is warmer than 2018. I do find myself wondering what the purple area means

I agree Pat & Local. This spring and summer in Southeast England has been the coldest and wettest I’ve ever experienced on this earth by miles and with almost endless grey skies t’boot. (And with Chemtrails highly visible all over the place whenever there has been gaps in the clouds and on the few rare sunny days we’ve had. There has also been the odd clear day here and there without Chemtrails, as per usual. Including today BTW).

Have a look at this load of utter bullshit from Sky:

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Hi @Rich At face value, reading that article one could easily think, “oh sh*t. We’re all gonna die unless we stop eating meat, driving petrol cars, travel less, etc, etc”.

I have little doubt, that this research will turn out to be like the temperature ‘hockey stick’. Select the periods very carefully, make “adjustments” to the data where necessary, and then use the best graph axes to make it look like the results are horrific.

There are lies, dammed lies, statistics and the GIC’s.

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