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The Dimming, Full Length Geoengineering (Chemtrails) Documentary. A MUST SEE HIGHLY SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION







“Granny” said; “Quickly turned into this…”

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Hi Gerard and snap!

Down here we’ve had about 2 weeks of zero chemtrails (which is very unusual) until this morning and it’s here we go again. It was pretty bad but I’ve seen worse here. They knocked off quite early though, at around 2pm and the sky started to clear slowly.

I’ve been meaning to post this for a while. There’s even a video of this prick on some sort of “amusing” US chat show…

Confronting Geoengineer David Keith


Thanks very much…

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It’s gone mental here this morning. Trails, grids & crosses all over the sky. Milky white haze formations well underway especially to the west and to the south a bit less. The trails are a bit lower than is often the case and the planes themselves are visible. One was right above me an hour or so ago; I could clearly see 4 trails belching out from the wings and I’m 90% sure that it was a two engined aircraft. No more blue skies! All back to normal here then, bastards.


“I took these photos this morning, there was an hour and a half between the first and last photo. I was a sceptic until a few months ago now Im definitely not”


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Same here - sceptic until last August.


I mean’t to say above: Milky white haze formations well underway especially to the north, west and to the south a bit less.

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Pictures…? Not that I would encourage anyone to own a mobile phone…I use a dedicated digicam…

"This was posted yesterday…now I ask you if China is expanding its programme and programmes are (at the very least), being considered here shouldn’t authorities be more careful about dismissing the issue of [#Geoengineering]*(https://twitter.com/hashtag/Geoengineering?src=hashtag_click)



Having a “ding-dong” with one non-subscriber: https://twitter.com/Williamtheb/status/1537377806216314881


If #Geoengineering has been going on without public consent…wouldn’t it become necessary to debunk any historical cases before actually seeking such consent?

Quite a heatwave we’re nearly having. Has this been seen and tried to be avoided?

*Nb. It is important to realise the distinction between “cloud-seeding” and geoengineering; cloud seeding (no matter how large scale), is not considered to be geoengineering by the “debunkers”, although, that large scale seeding isn’t also geoengineering is surely debatable, furthermore, how many citizens in the various nations using “cloud-seeding” know that their weather is being modified? If it’s so innocuous why aren’t their governments more up-front about how and when they do it?


GeoengWatch Debunked

Quote; “There’s a lot of online hate towards Bill Gates. The conspiracy theories involving him are like a witch hunt.” Although a touch ad hominem it’s as well to know who their friends are: https://twitter.com/GeoeWatchDebunk/status/1537068984918491138

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Having a few probs with posting the photos on here but will try again tmr. (Photos aren’t great BTW only have a basic phone with a poor camera).

I can’t vouch for the credibility of this source and the chemistry mentioned just makes me stare blankly into mid-distance until the unease passes . . .


"Take the zeolite in the water an hour or more after washing down the filleted aloe gel with the same water (and remaining hydrated). Try to do this on an empty stomach, failing this wait at least 1.5hrs after meals before initiating the protocol, do not take any form of active B12 (incl. from supplements or food additives), on the same day (aloe contains an “inactive” B12 that is antagonistic to the active form).

Nb. You can buy fresh whole aloe leaf online."

Given the contents of many zeolite formulations I’m moving to this being a two day protocol…taking the zeolites the day after the aloe (as I have today having used an aloe leaf yesterday), the problem is that at the moment some zeolites either contain humic acid or have B12 added, fine in themselves but inimical to the aloe protocol, I have discovered one that appears ph neutral and without B12 on the product list of the company I have been using but can only recommend pure zeolite use with aloe (ie. at the same time), with the caveat that I haven’t tried it myself at the moment. I will continue my research, please be advised.

I’ve searched for more and there are many different media sources carrying this story.

"|Parliamentary questions|PDF 105k \ 10x1 WORD 26k|
| — | — |
|19 May 2015|E-007937-15|
|Question for written answer E-007937-15
to the Commission
Rule 130
Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE)|

Subject: ‘Chemtrail’ method of military geoengineering for changing the climate. Environmental and health risks and commercial reasons for participating in climate policies \ 16x16 Answer in writing
Four employees of Spain’s Meteorological Agency have confessed that Spain is being sprayed nationwide by aircraft that are spreading lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomite through the atmosphere. The objective is to keep rain away and allow temperatures to rise, which creates a summer climate for tourism while benefiting corporations in the agricultural sector. In turn this is causing very severe instances of the extreme weather phenomenon known in Spanish as ‘gota fría’(1).

The autonomous communities of Murcia and Valencia and the province of Almeria are the most affected, to the extent that not a drop of rain falls in over seven months, catastrophic ‘gota fría’ storms are generated, and respiratory diseases are caused among the population due to the inhalation of the lead dioxide and other toxic compounds. These aircraft are taking off from San Javier military airport in Murcia.

Can the Commission confirm that it has received a report from Spanish meteorologists asking it to adopt a position on this matter?

What is the Commission’s view of this situation?

Does the Commission think that there are commercial reasons for these actions by governments, in particular, relating to the interests of food sector corporations, energy companies and the pharmaceutical and medical industries?(2)|" https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2015-007937_EN.html

Also: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/rss/podcast/eprs-stoa-podcast/mp3/2021/20210303-engineering-the-planet.mp3

"No longer the preserve of science fiction, climate-hacking technologies may need international oversight, say backers of draft resolution. EURACTIV’s media partner Climate Home News reports.

Switzerland wants the world to talk about if and how to use untested technology that tampers with nature to slow climate change – and will ask the UN’s environment arm to take the lead.

Geoengineering techniques that reflect away sun rays and suck carbon from the atmosphere have long been talked about as last-resort solutions to stem the worst effects of climate change.

But as greenhouse gas emissions remain stubbornly high and geoengineering research gets underway, there is growing concern these technologies could be deployed without protections against their serious risks – and that the prospect of a technofix will be taken as a licence to keep on polluting.

To kickstart the conversation, Switzerland will introduce a resolution at the UN Environment Assembly in Kenya in mid-March, calling for an assessment of the potential methods and governance frameworks for each one by August 2020. It would be an early step towards an international system for regulating the suite of technologies.

“There is a risk that geoengineering could be applied by someone without any international control, and we are very concerned about that,” Franz Perrez, head of the international affairs division at Switzerland’s Federal Office for the Environment, told Climate Home News. “Some are already testing solar radiation management, scientific research is already going on. We cannot close our eyes anymore and say ‘This is only science fiction’.”

The resolution is backed by Burkina Faso, Micronesia, Georgia, Lichtenstein, Mali, Mexico, Montenegro, Niger, South Korea and Senegal, according to the latest version dated 25 February.

CO2 removals ‘increasingly necessary’ to avoid climate disaster, scientists warn

The failure to reverse growth in greenhouse gas emissions means the world is now increasingly dependent on unproven technologies to remove CO2 from the atmosphere in order to avert dangerous climate change, scientists warned on Tuesday (19 February).

Geoengineering refers to a wide range of techniques for modifying the climate system, from planting trees to fiddling with clouds.

Untested technologies to manage solar radiation – essentially, dim the sun – pose the biggest concerns. Ideas include releasing aerosol particles from airplanes to reflect sunlight away (mimicking the effects of volcanic eruptions) and spraying seawater drops into clouds to make them more reflective. But they could also change weather patterns, disrupting agriculture and exacerbating geopolitical tensions.

And if this is not accompanied by emissions reductions, more will be needed to sustain the temperature effect – “practically forever”, Douglas MacMartin, a leading geoengineering scientist working at Cornell University and Caltech, told a Chatham House conference in London last week.

Yet with government oversight, it may be preferable to runaway global warming. “You would not take chemotherapy drugs just for fun, you would not sit in your car and set off your airbags just for fun,” MacMartin said. “There are clearly serious challenges to solar geoengineering, but they only make sense to face in context with the challenges of climate change itself.”

Dangerous global warming unstoppable without geo-engineering, says study

The international community has already missed its chance to limit global warming to between 1.5 and 2 degrees Celsius, according to a new study by Switzerland-based researchers. But a solution to the problem could lie in geo-engineering technologies.

Better-known options, which remove CO2 from the air, include afforestation and combining biomass power plants with technology to catch and store their emissions (known as BECCS). But even simple interventions like tree-planting may call for international rules to ensure that emissions cuts in one place aren’t cancelled out somewhere else.

Attention to geoengineering is growing as the global temperature remains on course to rise by at least 3C compared to pre-industrial levels. The UN’s panel of climate scientists suggested last October it would be difficult to meet the Paris Agreement’s stretch limit of 1.5C without some of these more radical techniques.*

“The reality is that [carbon dioxide removal] is no longer a question of whether or not [according to the UN science report]. It’s which one, which technology, how much, when do you start, who pays for it,” said Janos Pasztor, executive director of the Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative and the former UN assistant secretary-general on climate change.

“But there has been very little debate [about solar radiation management] in the circles beyond scientists… it’s still looked at as esoteric, science fiction, crazy, difficult, challenging – and all of those things apply,” he told CHN at the Chatham House conference.

Scientists dismiss ‘geo-engineering’ to stop climate change

“None” of the negative emission technologies currently available – including forest carbon sinks and other geo-engineering techniques – have the potential to deliver CO2 removals at the scale and rate needed to keep global warming below 2°C, European scientists have warned in a new report out today (1 February).

For some, however, geoengineering is so dangerous that it should be banned altogether.

It could worsen the climate, be weaponised and exacerbate geopolitical imbalances, said Silvia Ribeiro, Latin America director at ETC Group, an organisation that looks at socioeconomic and ecological issues around new technologies. “Investments in geoengineering are already providing justifications for high greenhouse gas emitters to continue emitting and postpone real reductions.”*

The UN has so far taken a cautious, piecemeal approach. Th 190-plus parties to its Convention on Biological Diversity extended a moratorium on all climate-related technologies in 2016, while a 2013 convention on marine pollution prohibited geoengineering of the oceans. The UN’s climate change secretariat regulates global emissions accounting, including from forestry and bioenergy.

ETC Group worries the Swiss resolution implicitly assumes that geoengineering is acceptable and just needs international governance.

Perrez countered that the country wants the UN Environment Programme to assess the state of the science and the research gaps, the risks, benefits and uncertainties, the actors working on research and deployment, and how it could all be governed. Then, he said, countries can start talking about what to allow and how.

But the way emissions are going now, “it’s hard to say that it will not be needed”, Pasztor said, referring to CO2 removal. “The reality is that emissions reductions alone are no longer enough, because we have already put so much carbon into the atmosphere that even if we stop today we’re still going to keep this climate change for hundreds of years.”

*Italics mine.

‘Natural solutions’ in focus as EU hosts climate summit with China, Canada

The Nature4Climate Initiative is officially being launched in Brussels on Wednesday (20 June) by a coalition of conservation organisations, business groups, the UNDP and other major environmental NGOs." https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/news/switzerland-puts-geoengineering-governance-on-un-agenda/

S. Rayner, C. Heyward, T. Kruger, N. Pidgeon, C. Redgwell, J. Savulescu


Climate change geoengineering, defined by the United Kingdom’s Royal Society as “the deliberate
large‐scale manipulation of the planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic climate change 1
(Shepherd et al 2009:1) is receiving growing attention in the climate policy discourse. As well as the
Royal Society, calls for increased research into geoengineering have come from, among others: the
Institute of Mechanical Engineers (2009) and the House of Commons (2010) in the UK, the
Government Accountability Office (2010), the Congressional Research Services (Bracmort et al.
2011), the Bi‐Partisan Center (2011) and Novim (Blackstock et al. 2009) in the USA, and, in Germany,
the Ministry for Education and Research (Riekels et al 2011). Scientists and climate activists seem
sharply divided over the wisdom and practicality of geoengineering (O’Connor & Green 2009,
Bodansky 2011) with the Canada‐based NGO, ETC Group being among most critical (ETC 2009). The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will also include a review of geoengineering in its
forthcoming Fifth Assessment Report.

It has been widely acknowledged that geoengineering raises challenges which require research
across all disciplines, from climate science, to engineering, to law, economics, politics and ethics.
The Royal Society report concluded that, “The acceptability of geoengineering will be determined as
much by social, legal and political issues as by scientific and technical factors. There are serious and
complex governance issues which need to be resolved”. The report went on to recommend “The
development and implementation of governance frameworks to guide both the research and
development…and possible deployment” (Shepherd et al 2009: 57). In this spirit, we propose some
high level principles for the governance of the field of geoengineering and a possible structure for
the development of specific guidelines or “protocols” for different kinds of technology that might be
developed. In order to do so, it is necessary to review briefly the reasons why geoengineering might
be considered and the governance challenges it raises." Go to: https://atmos.uw.edu/~robwood/Geoengineering/Workshop_April2012/Rayner_GeoEng_Workshop_2012.pdf for full workshop.

A number of Twitter acc.s wanting to debunk any possible conspiracy theory regarding unofficial and covert geoengineering also seem to be under the impression that the, so far, paucity of exposure of geoengineering projects and techniques represents both informing and consulting with the public, a worrying delusion.

“It is not “openly debated”! For it to be openly debated the issue would require television coverage. Has Attenborough mentioned it, has any channel’s environment correspondent covered it? No… @BBCJustinR
Pls. see prev. #Geoengineering #chemtrails @Channel4Newshttps://twitter.com/Williamtheb/status/1537381853493174274

“If people are concerned a good (and caring), politician allays such…the more people are kept in the dark the more they suspect (I also think the #Chinese timed their statement deliberately but as you are clearly not a political animal that won’t carry any weight with you)!” https://twitter.com/Williamtheb/status/1537381853493174274"

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Once again, contemplating the farago of hubristic human lunacy that shows in this selection of material, G, I find myself thanking the gods for The Limits To Growth, and for the Long Descent on which the Limits are now insisting.

They, more than any maundering human ‘fixes’, are going to alleviate the situation over the next few decades. Once our hitech industrialism and our population-overshoot both start to come down together, in the second half of this century, I expect to see (in my next incarnation :slight_smile: ) a lot of this crisis getting eased by Gaian feedback mechanisms, operating without our permission, or inputs.

This twist of the kaleidoscope will give us a changed world, as it always does. But no less life-clad than it has been before, I suspect. Just different…

Meanwhile, to hell with the meddlesome ape’s idiot manipulation schemes! Back to bleedin’ reverence-school, Dr. Faustus!

Today… (doesn’t say where)

“Completely normal right? #chemtrails”…doesn’t say where either, this one is really nasty:

“FB memory 26.6.2017 lunchtime over north London. #chemtrails


Well, here’s one more article that adds to the whole geoengineering and chemtrail argument. Spain authourised “aerial spraying” of their citizens in 2020.

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“Quite a heat wave we’re having I wonder if it was foreseen by the climate modelling of the Deep State which is why we had the huge number of “chemtrail” reports in the previous months” https://www.arafel.co.uk/2022/02/the-coming-storm-from-forbidden-america.html

Quote; "Chemtrails: What’s the truth behind the conspiracy theory?

By Alistair Coleman
BBC Monitoring, Disinformation specialist

  • Published

  • 1 day ago

Related Topics

Image source, AFP

Image caption,

Aircraft vapour trails - there’s nothing sinister about them

The word “chemtrails” has trended on sunny mornings this summer - but what’s the truth behind the conspiracy theory?

Look up at a clear blue sky and you might see puffy white trails behind aeroplanes.

They are made up mostly of water and are called contrails or vapour trails, but a growing number of people falsely believe they are evidence of something sinister going on.

Some think malign forces are spraying the population with dangerous chemicals - so-called chemtrails - for purposes that are neither entirely clear nor consistent.

A surge in conspiratorial thinking following the Covid pandemic along with the summer travel season and clear skies mean the once obscure chemtrails theory is now being promoted by major influencers.

What are contrails?

Contrails are formed when water vapour and fine soot particulates from burning jet fuel freeze into ice crystals. In low air humidity, the crystals just dissipate. In higher humidity, they persist, and end up creating visible vapour trails over large areas of sky.

Those humidity differences explain why some aircraft are seen producing vapour trails while others do not.

High humidity means that vapour trails can last for long periods and become thin layers of cirrus clouds, Met Office meteorologist Aidan McGivern told the BBC. Cirrus clouds are short, detached and hair-like and are found at high altitudes. It is unlikely that any of these purported chemicals in the clouds would even reach ground level because they are at such high altitudes, he said.

One persistent belief among followers of the theory is that early morning chemtrails encourage greater cloud cover later in the day - but this can be explained by the natural process of convection. This is the result of the sun warming the ground, causing warm air to rise and condense into clouds later in the day, the Met Office says.

How did the conspiracy theory begin?

The idea that governments or shadowy forces are routinely spraying the planet with chemicals from scheduled passenger flights took hold in the late 1990s.

Initially, believers claimed sprays containing a toxic metal, barium, were being used to either pacify or reduce populations.

But the idea evolved along the way, meaning today there are several strands of the chemtrail theory.

Image source, Getty Images

Image caption,

A scheduled passenger aircraft, showing vapour trails from its jet engines

In recent years, followers have expanded their accusations, claiming the contrails are being used to spread Covid-19, distribute vaccines, initiate “mind control”, reduce the population or vaguely promote a “new world order”.

False allegations have trended so frequently this year that fact-checking charity Full Fact has posted 10 debunks since April.

Image caption,

Bowls of vinegar are left out by some followers of the theory

Chemtrail influencers are highly active on platforms such as Facebook and Telegram, where they discuss the day’s alleged “spraying” and track aircraft. Some suggest putting a bowl of white vinegar outside, saying that this clears “chemtrailed” skies.

Chemtrail social media groups also often contain anti-vaccine posts and promote climate change denialism, feeding off of an uptick in conspiracy thinking during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the rise of the QAnon conspiracy theory during the Trump presidency.

The phenomenon is international, with followers across UK, Europe, Australia and the Americas - in fact, anywhere under which commercial or military aircraft fly. And it is backed by a few celebrities and popular social media influencers.

Image caption,

Vapour trails on a summer morning over Caversham Park in Reading, caused by ice crystals condensing

What’s the truth?

Like many persistent conspiracies, the chemtrails idea comes with a kernel of truth.

In the 1950s and 1960s, decades before the conspiracy theories were born, much of Britain was sprayed with airborne chemicals in a series of secret germ warfare tests. And in 1950, San Francisco was sprayed with a chemical agent from a ship to gauge the effects of a bioweapon attack on a populated area.

Chemtrails conspiracy theorists point to such secret experiments to bolster their cause. But their claims blow the historical record out of all proportion, as they claim we are constantly - and very visibly - being deliberately sprayed with tonnes of dangerous chemicals, for an ever-shifting variety of reasons.

Like other conspiracy theorists, chemtrail enthusiasts also latch on to news events to push their agenda, for instance in messages like this posted during the recent UK heatwave:

There is no evidence the claim in the tweet is true, nor does it explain the record temperatures across Europe at the same time.

The British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) told the BBC it is aware of these chemtrail theories with “no evidential basis”.

“The distraction of these false theories detracts from what really matters and from areas that we believe should be further studied,” it added.

There is concern that high altitude jets contribute to long-term climate change - not through any deliberate release of secret chemicals, but instead through contrails in a mechanism known as “radiative forcing”.

BALPA told the BBC it is campaigning for a comprehensive research trial into the effect aviation has on pollution, not CO2, as well as the impact contrails are having on a changing climate.

" https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-62240071

Apparently Mr.Coleman is a “disinformation specialist”! Really? I’d never have guessed (rivals Washington Post’s “Democracy Dies in Darkness”). A sponsored BBC troll? Check his resume… “Former internet celebrity, a bit 🇬🇧 and a bit 🇮🇪. Disinfo & North Korea at BBC Monitoring. Arsenal. Writes a bit. alistair.coleman@bbc.co.uk


“Others (and there are parallels with the “flying saucers flown by aliens” theory here), see clandestine or “unofficial” geoengineering as evidential of a global Deep State conspiracy to worsen our climate for political purposes, I don’t, the alternative narrative of geoengineering being carried out to ameliorate the effects of man-made climate change that the Deep State knows to be more serious than it allows the public to be aware paints (with apologies to Mr.Icke), a much, much more likely scenario.” #Arafel

“I’m not joking…if you were to do the market research here in the U.K and ask people what it is, if they knew it was being done & by whom you’ll find that the VAST majority haven’t a clue…no major channel has covered it on Freeview in the U.K not; the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 or Sky”: https://twitter.com/Williamtheb/status/1552975208973303808 Pls. see thread…

Worth a self-reply to get you all to see this…

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I spotted a few myself this morning, but dissipated now.


“This is Norfolk in the UK. I’ve tried asking Caroline Lucas of the green party on twitter about what they are spraying from these planes She won’t reply” Nb. If she isn’t going to campaign against incineration (not as controversial re: the science), then she ain’t touching this:



In the South of France the sky was perfect cloudless blue this morning, the chemtrails began in the late morning, now the sky has that ‘post chemtrail look’, weird wispy clouds whitening the intense blue sky, still a jet or two can be seen with the non vapor cloud chemtrail coming out and dispersing…

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