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The Defeat Of The West (and some digressions)

Cited with approval in Alistair Cooke’s recent (very telling) article at 0Hedge

The site also has an interesting leak from the White House claiming that any members of the Bribem staff deemed to be a risk to the project of propping him up is threatened with having “the shit beat out of them” (paraphrase).

Anyway, once translated (unless you are fluent in French) this sounds like an excellent read:

More immediately, and after a long delay, Annihilation by Michel Houellebecq is published in English on 10 August. Not everyone’s cup of tea, I’m sure, and I’ve seen some scathing reviews, but mediocre Houllebecq is still better than most other novels published IMHO :slight_smile:


Is that the cuddly old propagandist’s latest letter from America? :smiling_imp:

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But seriously, great piece from Crooke. We reckon the ‘handing over the podium to President Putin’ and ‘Vice-President Trump’ were scripted - autocued - as part of the seeing off Biden spectacle which has so much more mileage in it yet.

As for Welbeck, never read 'im. If I live long enough who knows?

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