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The Deafening Silence About the Vax

Just look at all the people that have suffered serious injury and death in the lists provided by PCR below. These scenarios chime perfectly with my own experiences of what has befallen friends and acquaintances. I don’t think there’s anyone I know that doesn’t know at least one person who’s died. A friend just last Sunday told me her Dad had died aged 72. He just dropped dead. Another friend who’s already told me about her mum in Greece who’s completely lost it mentally after one of the jabs, told me today of her Aunt’s dreadful predicament with serious damage to many of her internal organs. Another friend’s mum suddenly developed leukaemia a month or so back. Someone else knows six people who’ve died and another knows or knows of twenty injured or dead including family members, neighbours, people at work people she used to know etc. The lady who runs the maintenance in my building told me her ex husband died from the jabs. He’d lied to his ex wife and their sons pretending he hadn’t had the jabs but afterwards it turned out he’d had three. This has all been going on for two and a half years I’ve just realised and it’s definitely accelerating. We’ve all got used to hearing these dreadful stories all the time. There’ve been so many I don’t even bat an eyelid anymore. That’s terrible isn’t it. I know and meet a lot of people in our SITP and I could go on with this for hours but I’ll leave it there. I’ve met many un-jabbed folks along the way and many also who know what’s going on. People are waking up for sure but it’s getting very late in the day. There are emergency ambulances with sirens blaring everywhere. The sound of the ambulance sirens gives me a chill in my guts every time I hear one. It’s only in the daytime - I don’t think they need the sirens at night when the traffic is quiet. A few weeks back between 7.30am and 5.15pm I watched and counted 14 ambulances going down the road from the hospital past my place. WTF are we going to do?

August 7, 2023

The Deafening Silence About the Vax

Paul Craig Roberts

Here is a small collection of reports from the last day or two documenting the extreme danger of the Covid “vaccine.” Independent medical scientists, which means medical scientists not on Big Pharma’s payroll, grant list, or subject to control or influence by Big Pharma-associated colleagues, administrators, employers, have proven conclusively that the Covid “vaccine” is far more dangerous than the Covid virus engineered by Tony Fauci’s NIH grants to the University of North Carolina and the Wuhan Laboratory in China.

There are various explanations available about who released the Covid virus and where. As best as I can conclude, it was released everywhere at the same time, because it simultaneously appeared worldwide before it had time to make the rounds.

This indicates that the “pandemic” was intended and orchestrated. A large number of professional bodies and governments cooperated. What does this tell us about the veracity of the explanations that we are given?

It tells us that everything a Western government and associated organizations and the Western media say is a lie. What we are told are official narratives that serve the agendas of the ruling elite in the West.

The people no longer count. Accountable government no longer exists in the West.

Western governments censor and imprison truth tellers and require acceptance to their official false narratives unless you want to be fired and be canceled. The media, including social media, enforces censorship. If you think you are hearing anything correct from CNN, NPR, NYT or any of the rest of the whore media, you are out of your mind. The media serves to brainwash and indoctrinate and make you useless in the fight for freedom, which is exactly how the ruling elite want you.

What you need to know about the Vax:

Worldwide Breakout of Sudden Retirements of Vaxxed Athletes

Remember: It is just a coincidence

The Entertainers Who Were Poster Children for the Covid Vax Are Having to Cancel Performances due to Illness and Death.


Is the Vax Wiping Out the Vax-promoting Presstitutes?


How an Extraordinarily Good Physician Lost Her License for Protecting Medically Vulnerable Children From Potentially Harmful Vaccines

More Victims Among Those Coerced to Take the Vax

And our corrupt medical authorities still don’t notice.


There Are a Vastly Larger Number of Scientific Studies that Conclude the Covid Vax is dangerous than there are studies that conclude it is safe

I have posted many of the studies. Here is another:

VAERS data is crystal clear: The COVID vaccines are killing an estimated 1 person per 1,000 doses (676,000 dead Americans, larger than the number of US soldiers killed in WWII)

The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” To Lock Down Society

Video: Dr. Kary B. Mullis. “No Infection or Illness Can be Accurately Diagnosed with the PCR Test”

Dr. Kary B. Mullis is the inventor of the PCR test.

The Plan: WHO’s Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030), Leading to World Tyranny

In the movie, “V for Vendetta,” a pandemic is used to institutionalize Tyranny in England. A number of powerful organizations are working to achieve the same in the real world.

Infant Vaccines Linked to Increase in All-Cause Mortality, New Research Shows


Anyone who still believes in ‘viruses’, and the consequent ‘infectious diseases’ will be ready to succumb (again) to news of the next one (which is in preparation and will be said to be so much more deadly than the last). By then all governments will have undertaken to implement the WHO’s prescriptions (which will be like the last lot on acid) and we will all be held hostage. . .

Let’s not believe, let’s keep talking, resisting.


Useful gathering of these human impacts, thanks Rich.
(PCR has it’s uses :smiley:)

Some data to go along with it in this from yesterday, updated today.
Insurance data shows clear indication of harms since 2021, and younger age groups more than older.

Steve Kirsch says you only need to look at this VAERS data for 30 seconds.
It shows vaccine reactions by vaccination/disease (/imaginary virus, for Alan :slightly_smiling_face:).
His point is about the timing/onset of reactions.
The brown graph that soars over all the others is the covid jab.

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Just remember Leukaemia and cancers might well be due to Glyphosate inspiration or ingestion too…but no I don’t doubt the lethality of the vaccines…has anyone figures yet? On a related issue can anyone say why we don’t routinely receive casualty figures from the Ukrainian conflict (from either side)?

Hi @GKH , just following Military summary on Rumble

there is usually a daily report from the Russian defence ministry on Ukrainian force losses but rarely if any on their own losses. Who knows how much of this is war propaganda - no side owns up to its own stupidities! Ukraine info is very scarce afaics.


Thanks for posting!

Here’s another resource, Mark Crispin Miller keeps up quite the running tally.