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The Dam Has Broken. UK’s Telegraph says COVID shots “may be to blame for increase in excess deaths”

This might be so hot off the press it’s not online yet - I couldn’t find it.
Came via Meryl Nass, who doesn’t seem to miss much.

It’s a little bit timid. But as Nass indicates, a breach of the dam is a breach.

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The Dam Has Broken. UK’s Telegraph says COVID shots “may be to blame for increase in excess deaths”


It’s probably because of the Japanese. If it isn’t them, they’ve certainly got things rolling. Here’s one from a few weeks ago

Pity I can’t upload video as I have a great clip from a Japanese tv debate and also an ex minister apologising profusely


Hello @LocalYokel No need to upload video. Assuming its on the web and Im not missing something else, just post a link to it

These are from telegram, and the links won’t share unless you have the app. Install directly from telegram, do not use the Google play version as it’s heavily censored already.

On that note lol…

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The UN is another institution that is planned to be used as a lever against the public.
All looks a bit familiar - author Shabnam Palesa Mohamed thinks the UN may have been a plan B or backup plan in case the WHO plan failed.
It’s not easy to see how the public can hold out against this barrage of backdoor political subterfuge.

(American date format presumably, but still relevant)

1/6/23 Can the WHO and the United Nations impose sanctions on your sovereign country?

UN Power Grab. Can it impose or influence sanctions?

Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

With far less public scrutiny currently than the controversial WHO, the United Nations is simultaneously seeking exponential new powers and stronger global governance mechanisms, including multilateralism, to deal with what they define as international emergencies.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ Common Agenda report arises from a UN declaration on the commemoration of its seventy-fifth anniversary. This report states “All proposed actions are designed to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Our Common Agenda is intended to advance the 12 themes of the declaration.”

In March 2023, UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres released a related policy brief: To Think and Act for Future Generations – OUR COMMON AGENDA – Policy Brief 2 – Strengthening the International Response to Complex Global Shocks – An Emergency Platform.

One of this policy brief’s 12 key themes is ‘Being Prepared’, which includes:

  1. Emergency Platform to be convened in response to complex global crises

  2. Strategic Foresight and Global Risk Report by the United Nations every five years

  3. On global public health:

a) Global vaccination plan
b) Empowered WHO
c) Stronger global health security and preparedness
d) Accelerate product development and access to health technologies in low- and middle-income countries
e) Universal health coverage and addressing determinants of health

Under the topic of addressing major risks , Guterres states:

98. An effort is warranted to better define and identify the extreme, catastrophic and existential risks that we face. We cannot, however, wait for an agreement on definitions before we act.

99. Learning lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, we can seize this opportunity to better anticipate and prepare to respond to large-scale global crises. This requires stronger legal frameworks, better tools for managing risks, better data, the identification and anticipation of future risks, and proper financing of prevention and preparedness. Importantly, however, any new preparedness and response measures should be agnostic as to the type of crisis for which they may be needed. We do not know which extreme risk event will come next. It might be another pandemic, a new war, a high-consequence biological attack, a cyberattack on critical infrastructure, a nuclear event, a rapidly moving environmental disaster, or something completely different such as technological or scientific developments gone awry and unconstrained by effective ethical and regulatory frameworks.

101. Secondly, I propose to work with Member States to establish an Emergency Platform to respond to complex global crises. The platform would not be a new permanent or standing body or institution. It would be triggered automatically in crises of sufficient scale and magnitude, regardless of the type or nature of the crisis involved. Once activated, it would bring together leaders from Member States, the United Nations system, key country groupings, international financial institutions, regional bodies, civil society, the private sector, subject-specific industries or research bodies and other experts. The terms of reference would set out the modalities and criteria for the activation of the platform, including the scale and scope of the crisis; funding and financing; the identification of relevant actors who would form part of it; the support that it would be expected to provide; and the criteria for its deactivation. The platform would allow the convening role of the Secretary-General to be maximized in the face of crises with global reach.

DIAGRAM: Policy Brief 2 – Strengthening the International Response to Complex Global Shocks – An Emergency Platform

The emergency platform would be activated during any event that is deemed to have a global impact, and would provide the UN the authority to actively promote and drive an international response. Antonio Guterres, UN secretary-general, declared: “I propose that the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene and operationalize automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach.”

The policy further argues that such authority would “Ensure that all participating actors make commitments that can contribute meaningfully to the response, and that they are held to account for delivery on those commitments.” While the policy states that the emergency authority would have limited duration, it also states that the UN would be able to extend its own powers if it decides to do so. These powers would effectively render public consensus unnecessary, democracies obsolete, and the role of politicians largely irrelevant.

These all encompassing areas of expanded emergency powers relate to:

  1. pandemics
  2. wars and nuclear events
  3. climate or environmental events, degradation or disaster;
  4. accidental or deliberate release of biological agents;
  5. disruptions in the flow of goods, people, or finance;
  6. disruptions in cyberspace or “global digital connectivity;”
  7. a cyberattack on critical infrastructure
  8. a major event in “outer space;”
  9. “unforeseen risks (‘black swan’ events)
  10. technological or scientific developments gone awry – and unconstrained by effective ethical and regulatory frameworks.

What does the UN have planned?

On September 20th, the UN intends to adopt a high level political declaration on pandemics. In my analysis, the UN pathway to the one health and one world government agenda is a back up plan to the WHO’s trajectory which is increasingly exposed and resisted.

The UN is planning to host its related ‘Summit of the Future’ in September 2024. Guterres stated “The Summit of the Future is an opportunity to agree on multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow, strengthening global governance for both present and future generations.” The UN website states “The General Assembly welcomed the submission of Our Common Agenda and passed a resolution to hold the Summit on 22-23 September 2024, preceded by a ministerial meeting in 2023. An action-oriented Pact for the Future is expected to be agreed by Member States through intergovernmental negotiations on issues they decide to take forward.”

Sanctions are action that is taken or an order that is given to force a country to obey international laws. There are several types of sanctions imposed through the United Nations:

It is plausible that the UN’s controllers realise that the world is pushing back against the WHO’s overreach, or find it irrelevant to real health. Given that sovereign nations will choose to exit the WHO, the UN decided to launch plan B and ascribe to itself even greater powers. Technically, there is no legislation to exit the United Nations within the UN Charter. Again, this is a critical issue of national sovereignty.

The United Nations Children’s Fund or UNICEF’s 2020 Annual Report highlights USD 717 million in donations from the private sector, which is 21 percent of income overall. Lucrative corporate partnerships include Unilever, Louis Vuitton, and Microsoft, while foundation partners include Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Mastercard Foundation. It also prides relationships with the World Economic Forum and the International Chamber of Commerce. National committees fundraise from individual donors and corporations at the national level, to support UNICEF globally. The UN’s programmes therefore are heavily dependant on private funding. Funding crowns influence.


Shabnam Palesa Mohamed is executive director and chapter coordinator for Children’s Health Defense Africa. She is an activist, journalist, lawyer and mediator, with over 20 years of experience in human rights work. To share information relevant to this article, Twitter: @ShabnamPalesaMo


Hmm I don’t think that was quite was agreed. Though it could well be a direction the New Order would like to go down, and could do if there was a foul wind behind them.

These ‘Daily Expose’ type stretches are typically hard to verify when you chase down the source. You chase up the other headlines saying the same thing, looking in vain for a document. You end up at what I suspect is the intended destination - watching an Expose or PeoplesVoiceTV video with a Tucker Carlson understudy explaining the worst with knowing looks rather than verifiable information.

Thanks for posting. I don’t doubt the sentiment! Also there might be a video somewhere of someone like Harare saying or implying exactly what was claimed. I just like things I can show to the unconverted with confidence. The Expose and its imitators pull you in with their claims, but don’t make it easy for you to use them outwith the fold.

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For what it’s worth, I passed out reading this last night.

I have a carpet burn down the side of my face.

Laugh it up, I would.

Hi folks,

I found this article worth a read:

Once again this is why I believe an anti-virus campaign needs to be put on steroids - no virus = no new “pandemic” !

AFAICS, the no-virus theory is now fully established and has not been debunked. If Big pharma can’t show they have ever isolated a pathogenic virus then virology’s 100 year scam must be considered as over.

Watch some of these short videos:


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