Charles Malet via Telegram;
In 2006, this Statutory Instrument came into effect, ‘The Avian Influenza (Vaccination) (England) Regulations’. Section 5 prohibits the use of vaccination against avian influenza in birds.
Section 6 grants emergency powers to vaccinate birds The Avian Influenza (Vaccination) (England) Regulations 2006
The i ‘newspaper’ reports Prof Ian Brown of APHA as saying Govt to look at vaccinating birds UK considered mass vaccinating chickens to prevent bird flu spreading between humans
Prof Ian Brown is also a Director of OIE/FAO World Organisation for Animal Health Ian Brown – APHA Science Blog
World Organisation for Animal Health receives regular donations from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Committed Grants
Zoetis, a former subsidiary of Pfizer, has had a conditional licence for an avian influenza vaccine since 2016 Zoetis
I wonder which way this will go.