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The 2006 Avian Influenza (Vaccination) (England) Regulations

Charles Malet via Telegram;

In 2006, this Statutory Instrument came into effect, ‘The Avian Influenza (Vaccination) (England) Regulations’. Section 5 prohibits the use of vaccination against avian influenza in birds.

Section 6 grants emergency powers to vaccinate birds :point_right:t3: The Avian Influenza (Vaccination) (England) Regulations 2006

The i ‘newspaper’ reports Prof Ian Brown of APHA as saying Govt to look at vaccinating birds :point_right:t3: UK considered mass vaccinating chickens to prevent bird flu spreading between humans

Prof Ian Brown is also a Director of OIE/FAO World Organisation for Animal Health :point_right:t3: Ian Brown – APHA Science Blog

World Organisation for Animal Health receives regular donations from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation :point_right:t3: Committed Grants

Zoetis, a former subsidiary of Pfizer, has had a conditional licence for an avian influenza vaccine since 2016 :point_right:t3: Zoetis

I wonder which way this will go.

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The key to population reduction is control over food and “medical” interventions - these eugenic politicians and globalists need to be exposed and prosecuted.
