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Ten trillion dollars. Was this the reason for convid?

This is Alex Krainer from January 1st so if posted elsewhere, apologies. It’s a 30 minute video, about the British economy and it’s forthcoming (or already here) economic collapse. You may decide to only watch the 1st 20 minutes and ignore the financial forecasting ending. However half way through, he deals with the western economic situation in 2019. At this point, he says that Convid (arriving just at the perfect time) brought about a miraculous saving of the ‘global’ economy by spending of 10 trillion dollars on preventing the “global pandemic” and preventing a global financial collapse.

There is a lot of explanation of Sneer Starmer’s “black hole”. Well worth the time IMHO>

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Thanks for this @PatB

It’s always about money. Unless it’s personal. We know they were planning this for a long time, patents go back years for something that didn’t exist at that time. Then there’s the exercises etc.

The one thing I cannot decide is the release at Fort Dettrick. Accident or deliberate? The vaping deaths of 2019 look exactly like the coof lung images. And the military games team (held in Wuhan 2019) trained just up the road (90 miles, they’ll do more than for ice cream). See also the 40 something lady cyclist in the team. Patient zero?