In this short film, tech entrepeneur Nick Smith explains the numerous ethical and infrastructure issues surrounding vaccination passports and their rollout (particularly from a UK perspective, but also more generally), that nothing implies they are short-term, plus how the govt are proposing the app will have a centralised backend queriable database, which will require an enormous amount of time and fiscal investment, also that they would need to build, test, deploy and debug and redeploy an app that links to that database, which would not be ready by June or July this year - unless they’ve been in development since ~Q3 last year.
Scanners would need to be bought and shipped to every retail outlet - unless another app was available to download to their own devices (at their own risk). Seeing as this app would be used by tens of millions of people, managing it, keeping it online, dealing with bugs, defects and downtime, as well as having a helpdesk team, would require the recruitment of a significant number of people, many of whom would need unique and quite technical expertise.
He says that if we allow this to go ahead, there will be no returning the genie to its bottle, that the citizens of Earth will have no control over what direction it takes next and would be completely powerless to stop it. There is also the danger of ever changing “input variables”, with the app being repackaged after the immediate Covid threat has passed, for instance, as a carbon footprint tracker.
The Track & Trace QR scanners in use now are designed to modify our behaviours; quickly getting us used having our entry determined by our tech. So we should be very wary of any moves to propose a standardised global app [I believe China and the WTO are already in talks over the former organising such tech].
The database which holds all your personal identifiable identification will be owned, managed and operated by a supra-national body over whom you will hold no control, if you do not like how they are managing your day-to-day life.