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Suella Braverman is considering upgrading cannabis to class A #LegaliseCannabis

Not at all…I’m just clarifying my position…the “War on Drugs” has always been political as far as I can see…after all wasn’t Afghanistan a “War for Drugs” until they discovered Fentanyl?

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Thanks Rhis…one alcoholic infusion I’m familiar with requires coca leaf and psilocybe semilanceata…Have you ever done any propagation of mushrooms at home? I’m considering a kit (the effects of climate change being what they are esp. in the South): https://www.shroomery.org/

P.S I’ve just reported this to the Ageas Bowl Golf Course (lovely people that they are), it may be a Death Cap…

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I can’t remember where I first came across the phrase but have always preferred The War On Some Drugs. And bang-on re the Afghanistan withdrawal.

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“Withdrawl” being the operative word!