The key insight for lay people to grasp onto strongly is that the HCQ cocktail is indeed highly effective, both as prophylactic and as treatment - early! - of the active disease. Though even HCQ+ is probably not quite as potent as a regular 2 - 3 grams per day of vitamin C as prophylactic, and something in the range of 30 - 50 grams - sic! - per day, preferably intravenously, for actual treatment of visible sickness. That - and the appropriate daily practical shamanic work - is what’s allowed me to sail serenely through this whole idiotic panic untroubled by either TDS* or covid. Don’t be sheep-herded by the Permanent Bullshit Blizzard; take charge of your own fate, FFS!
This other excellent approach - the big C - has been deliberately memory-holed even more completely than HCQ+, entirely, we’re forced to conclude, for political/commercial reasons. A major crime by the powers that shouldn’t be, in its own right, probably responsible for multiple avoidable deaths.
This whole ‘pandemic’ schtick has been marked by a near complete rubbishing of the traditional main vector of medical work for - well, forever, really: the sympathetic, face-to-face consultation of patients with competent, time-served medics, who try to suss out, using BOTH scientific, evidence-based reason AND the traditional, essentially shamanic faculty of intuition, a picture of what’s happening to the patient, and what might work if given a try; followed, of course, by carefully-watched trial and error to see what works. This old, old approach has already produced a conclusive demonstration in multiple clinical settings of the huge efficacy of both HCQ+ and of big-C. These are - excuse my forthrightness here - already well-established facts!
This main track of traditional medical practice - as used since time out of mind at the actual sharp end - has been virtually dumped in the current WHO-pushed, shyster-manipulated shitshow in favour of ersatz ‘scientific’ - read scientismic - frauds which better grind the axes of the disorderly mob (certainly no tightly-organised grand conspiracy here!) of disparate criminal shysters who have leapt opportunistically aboard the bandwaggon to make amoral capital out of the mess: the Bellender Gatesoids, as you might characterise them, if you want an adequately-ribald name-tag.
As Vernon Coleman fulminates in his latest vid - at ‘Brand New Tube’! - a whole lot of pols, hacks, fancy-career-medics and fancy-career tenured-ivories should be prosecuted and jailed for all this wilful, corruption-driven deceit. I’m with Vernon there, though not with his assertion that this thoroughly-deserved retribution is about to happen. No, V, not a chance! Maybe after a big revolution, but quite possibly lost in the chaos even then.
- Terror Derangement Syndrome.
** Including self-deceit, of course: “…difficult to get a man to see something when his salary [and fancy career] depends on him not seeing…”