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Spike protein in covid vaccines is a dangerous ‘toxin’?

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We didn’t realise that injecting stuff into people’s shoulders would lead to the stuff circulating in the bloodstream. I paraphrase.

If this comes as a revelation to a researcher then, yes, that’s mildly terrifying.

Or did I miss something?

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I seem to recall a pro-jabber , “debunking” comments about the impact of spike proteins generated by jabs , saying that the jab spikes were designed to be stickier than the virus spikes and would stay in the shoulder muscle cell area not in the blood- perhaps it was Jabba the Nutt-


Nice find @Poster123


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Yeah and we didn’t realize what we were injecting might itself be a toxin. Apart from that and it moving around, we did everything right!
His honesty is doing us a favour, but it looks like all the vaccine research was little more than a narrow focus on one thing - a reckless rush to be first to the gold mine.

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You can take that to the bank, E. And yes, the fantastic tunnel-blindness of modern ‘experts’ outside their own tenth-of-a-millimeter wide speciality is gob-smacking. A drunk ditch-digger could have warned them of the likely consequences of sticking the poison-stabs into your arm. Of course it was going to spread, FFS!

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Can anyone explain this:

“We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin,” Bridle said on the show, which is not easily found in a Google search but went viral on the internet this weekend."

versus this:

““We have known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein. It is a toxin. It can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation,” Bridle said”

Maybe he needs to lie down :expressionless:

EDIT: I think the reason he comes across as uncertain can be found further down - he’s had vicious reactions and smears.
Apart from his contradictory excuses, it’s a very good article and I’m just glad there are researchers that have the guts :expressionless:

Hi @Evvy_dense`, listening to his speed delivery of his message on the clip it seems as though he was being pushed off the air fairly quickly after his safe pair of hands turned into something a bit scary for the host, at the end she was keen to stress Bridle was just one expert opinion. My feeling is that he started off describing the spike protein from the virus and stated that if it gets into the circulation system then that causes all the serious blood clotting and heart issues - and then he went on to talk of the vaccine produced spikes where he said they didn’t think the spike got into the circulation system so the vaccine seemed OK. Now he has peer reviewed proof that the vaccine spikes don’t just sit in the shoulder muscle but have been found in the blood circulating to all the main organs.
Apart from direct injury possibilities for the jabee there are dangers of contaminating blood transfusion supplies and one non-peer reviewed paper is pointing to spike proteins found in mother’s milk!
He commenced his 3 minutes with a health warning to listeners - this is going to be scary!


Hi CJ yeah it struck an odd chord for the host to say there are other opinions - when he said clearly that this was news!
It was refreshing to hear a host being noticeably surprised. Guess this is a podcast - it seems like the mainstream report from another planet, on which nobody has heard of any serious objection to the vaccines; in this world vaccines are just good - no brainers, really.