The key feature of policy responses to covid has been the absolute plucking bare of the magic money tree. (But, thankfully, John McDonnell never got his hands on it)
What if the spending like there’s no tomorrow is motivated by a certainty that jubilee is imminent and that all those uncomfortable numbers with a minus were going to be magicked away?
Really interesting article, @Kieran_Telo - thanks. The following is an almost perfect description of the techno-fascism that those who worry about the Great Reset are talking about:
Yet, arguably the most troubling part of the report is its call to unite the national security apparatus and the finance industry first, and then use that as a model to do the same with other sectors of the economy. It states that “protecting the international financial system can be a model for other sectors,” adding that “focusing on the financial sector provides a starting point and could pave the way to better protect other sectors in the future.”
Were all the sectors of the economy to also fuse with the national security state, it would inevitably create a reality where there is no part of daily human life that is not ultimately controlled by these two already very powerful entities. This is a clear recipe for techno-fascism on a global scale. As this WEF-Carnegie report makes clear, the roadmap regarding how to cook up such a nightmare has already been charted out in coordination with the very institutions, banks and governments that currently control the global financial system.
Not only that, but – as pointed out in Unlimited Hangout‘s article on Cyber Polygon – the World Economic Forum and many of its partners have a vested interest in the systemic collapse of the current financial system. In addition, many central banks have recently backed new digital currency systems that can only achieve rapid, mass adoption if the existing system collapses.
Given that these systems are set to be integrated with biometric IDs and so-called “vaccine passports” through the WEF and Big Tech-backed Vaccine Credential initiative, it is worth considering the timing of the expected launch of such systems in determining when this predicted and allegedly inevitable event is likely to occur.
It’s not really a question of whether you or I believe in such things or not, but whether the central bankers and the WEFers believe in them. And they believe a lot of weird crap. The shift to digital currencies is real, and already happening. One of the things that I found disappointing in the Covid documentary you posted the other day was the way the presenter glossed over the microchip parties that are currently all the rage in Sweden. Great Barrington Sweden is leading the way in microchipping and digital payments in Europe. I wish she had spent a little more time looking at that. Not her primary focus, I guess.
We are already being softened up in the media. Remember this story?
Apparently one of the biggest hacking events ever - wall to wall coverage for ages, loads of companies infiltrated etc. etc. etc. Blamed on those pesky Russkies of course. We can expect loads more of these stories as we get nudged into accepting the techno-fascist agenda.
Missed this interesting mini-thread. I did wonder about these sums being shipped to protect little old Ukraine. $4bn, no it’s ten, then it was sixty. That’s just the US. Pandemic sums dished out without auditing of purpose. Bill Gates and Blackrock too buying up real estate at inflated prices. All definitely suggestive of a different tomorrow, one with no reckoning.
So boys and girls, we need digital currency - that’s not to be questioned - and then, because it’s really so fragile, and to make it safe against alarming attacks we need a (fourth industrial) revolution to protect it. Simples.
Ah well, it will be grimly interesting to watch the bad dream unfold frame by frame.
Every Nectar card holder will realise how supermarkets use that data and uncannily zero in on you with special offers tailored to your tastes. But the card is not a requirement and the data doesn’t go to the State.
Looks to me like a beta test for some aspect of a Social Credit programme.