Keep trying to post the comment copied here below to a current thread on vaccinations for covid, and I can’t seem to get it posted. Neither the post nor the preview buttons are switched on, even when I do everything carefully right. Mystified. I’ll keep trying. I’ve seen reports that b is censoring comments on covid and vaccines that he doesn’t like. Don’t know if this is true. Still watching. This is the text of my attempted comment:
I’m 80 this year, and I had an attack of covid in the early Summer (I never bought into the panic, took NO precautions against covid, and still don’t). As I’ve done for the past quarter century whenever I get early signs of a cold or flu trying to take hold, I blasted it with high-dose vitamin C; usually something in the 20-50 grams (sic! GRAMS) per day range, taken as ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate (less sharp taste than the acid form and easier on the stomach) dissolved in a jug of water, and stirred and sipped every half hour or so, round the clock. Previously, this has seen off the attempted cold/flu attacks overnight - literally! In this year’s bout with covid, it took three days of the big-C stream, during which time I felt just mildly under the weather - nothing more. Then it too was gone, with no after effects. I also supplement daily with multivitamins, including plenty of extra D and B-complex, and 2 grams of slow-release C tabs, all taken long-term, as a matter of prophylactic course. And I’ve followed a prudent-diet-exercise-and-sunlight regimen all my life; ergo: strong immune system, even now at 80. (Ultimately, the only thing that ever actually defeats any disease.)
I have never taken the flu vaccines, nor will I be taking the covid vaccines, since I know enough layman’s vaccine history and theory to know that vaccine hesitancy (not blanket condemnation, just common-sense caution) is the only intelligent thing to do with vaccines - especially those which have had insufficient testing and user-generated experience to be trusted. Some vaccines have proven moderately useful, many haven’t, and some are downright dangerous, and should be banned. That’s the real, honest picture with vaccination. This precautionary principle - of course - applies in Spades to any vaccines which will be offered to us for covid, because of the unseemly haste of the Big Pharma criminal gangsters to profit off this wholly over-inflated new pathogen - whatever it is; nothing much more than an unusually nasty flu season, it’s beginning to seem, from the overall death rates.
I come to Moon regularly because of b’s unusually penetrating, no-nonsense grasp of the world’s politics. But I also operate a rule of thumb: that no-one - no-one at all - is ever entirely free of personal blind-spots and ultra-hot buttons, which tend to drive us right off our trollies when our personal touchy subjects come up. b clearly has a blind-spot/hot-button issue round vaccines and covid; so, regretfully, I have to discount substantially anything he says about these matters.
And BTW, the same issue surrounds homoeopathy. I KNOW from personal experience and that of others that it works, at least as well as allopathic medicine. Those who think they ‘know’ - from basic theoretical considerations - that it ‘can’t possibly’ work are simply in the same bind that currently-orthodox physics theory has been in for a century now over the ‘impossible’ - but repeatedly confirmed by heavily-replicated experiment - results of Quantum Mechanics; particularly the horrifying-to-current-orthodoxy double-slit experiment. The bind is that when you come at the matter from a fundamentally-erroneous theoretical base - hyper-reductive, mechanistic materialism in the case of QM - you run up eventually against these impossible-to-explain, awkward experimental facts. b appears to be in just such a bind in his response to the covid thing: unable to think straight about it, because of a personal hot-button/blind-spot problem. TDS, perhaps? Terror Derangement Syndrome…
All we can say in such an unfortunate situation is: get well soon, b! You’re still one of the best when it comes to realpolitikal analysis!
“… nonsense from the anti-vaccine crowd” indeed! Wise precaution from the sensibly-sceptical people, you should say!