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So, WAS It Fraud?

" Un-sourced back to the original, so I can’t verify it – and it might well be bullshit. In general my rule as anyone who’s followed my reporting over the last close to 15 years knows is that without sourcing I won’t run it no matter where it came from. But there are times exceptions are called for and this is one of them. Among the reasons for my decision in this instance are that at least one instance of serious fraud in the trials on teens has been documented by the victim herself attempting to take said message public – in a wheelchair – and having it spiked by the media.

That standing alone might have been enough but in this case its even more-compelling because the claim can be verified as the reports are it was across multiple locations*.***

The claim thus must be run to the ground one way or the other: That the people conducting the original trials on the vaccines knew damn well they were dangerous and someone – likely the FDA – was intentionally deleting reports of adverse events.

This is either true or it is not. If its true then every party who was involved and did nothing to blow the whistle is responsible for injecting somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 million Americans (and God knows how many worldwide) with a drug that was known to be very dangerous – and those dangers were intentionally concealed.

That’s all discoverable, by the way, should someone sue. If its true then Moderna knew it too. Pfizer and J&J, from the field data I have discussed, likely knew had similar experiences and knew as well because the odds are extremely high their formulations and tests produced the same results."


Unsourced and therefore to be read with the usual caveats to “wait and see”! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Particularly liked that reminder that the lying scumbag Bourla said anyone spreading the truth - he called it “misinformation” - about their damned poisons is “a criminal”.

No sunshine, you’re the damned criminal, and you need urgently to be in the dock for it, and then to be sentenced to a long stint of public service work, starting with getting stripped of ALL your wealth, down to social-security recipient levels. Pour encourager les autres. (Still managing to restrain my counter-productive impulse to recommend that someone just stalks and shoots the impudent bastard dead; or perhaps into a permanent wheelchair! No - no use in being vindictive. But they should be forced to make long, substantial amends.)

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Karma holds many attractions for me, not the least of which is that “long substantial amends” WILL be meted out to match the amount of the evil done.

(It would please me greatly if I get to watch, though!) :wink:

May I live in kindness, and hope to escape such a fate for myself! :crossed_fingers:

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