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Simply gobsmacking conversation between RFK jun. and Denis Rancourt at CHD

Published February 9, '23. Possibly one of the strongest indications yet that: There was NO pandemic - at all; there is NO novel pathogen; the great wave of excess deaths were due entirely to the deluded/wilfully-malevolent ‘protective’ measures taken; and the poison-stabs are mass killers/maimers/injurers (quite apart from being bloody useless except as loot-generators), another mass-killer being the criminal banning of known, safe, rapidly-proven treatments such as ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc.

Also, Denis testifies at the end that the famous Upton Sinclair aphorism “It’s difficult to get a man to understand something…” is absolutely across the board with professional scientists/medics/technocrats respecting the covid scam. and you get MUCH more intelligent, open-minded and properly informed responses from those lay people who are thinking for themselves and delving rationally into the evidence (hint, hint!). He can’t get any of the ‘professionals’ (hah!) even amongst his own circle of acquaintance to look and listen open-mindedly; or even at all: