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Sign of the decline?

Is the covid panic-scam finally on the wane? Are the manipulators throwing in the towel on it? This morning’s consolidated token ‘news’ bulletin on beeb radio managed a whole three minutes - the entire ‘news’ - without a single mention of covid or ‘vaccines’. Instead, urgent, earth-shaking ‘news’ about The Beano featured quite extensively; even a genuine news item about Uber slaves getting a better deal got a mention.

Looks more and more as if - after the BPh gangsters have made their now-customary killing - covid will be going the same damp-squib way that SARS 1, MERS, H1N1 and all the previous scams went. People are too determined to have a normal Spring and Summer for it to be gainsaid by ‘our protectors’. This time, though, we are lumbered with the enormous disaster that the chiselling politicised response to this particular flu has caused - deliberately…?

And doubtless all the censorship, surveillance, extra (illusory-paper/pixel) billions to the parasites, and all the (real) enhanced peremptory power which the gics and their obedient captured states have grabbed under the covid excuse will be retained. ‘When will we ever learn?’

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Is the covid panic-scam finally on the wane? Are the manipulators throwing in the towel on it?

If only… would like to think so, but isnt it so reminiscent of Good Cop/Bad Cop game playing? After a year of varying degrees of torture a summer respite followed by double-down next flu season seems all too likely, and liable to succeed (from the perspective of the Flu World Order, that is).

I hope I’m wrong.

Holding out on the hypodermic ‘solution’ until then, at the very least, seems like a least risk option to me. … But judging by work colleagues saying “Here’s my arm, bring it on!” this could result in premature retirement though (I’m 58).