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Shocking presentation by Sasha Latypova: 'Covid countermeasures' - Evidence of INTENT to harm, 4

I don’t know anything about the credibility of this woman, but her presentation, if accurate, is virtually a casus belli justifying international peoples’ uprisings of liberation forces to nail the state/bigbiz (that is: classically fascistic) criminals behind this breathtaking act of war against the global public.

I would never argue in favour for execution of criminals, on any grounds; but you can see that a whole lot of people will be so arguing, if this turns out to be true:


I’ve heard her speaking once before. I can’t remember if it was Reiner Fullmich or some other forum, but it seems clear that she has identified a long-term plan and as you said, a casus belli, and I’m on the side of execution for crimes against humanity! :wink:

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Not why we’re here, Pat, in my estimation. You’ll have picked up that I follow the insights and worldview offered by Tom Campbell’s Big TOE (amongst other wisdom-caches that resonate with me), and I operate on the assumption that we immortal souls incarnate here - in this virtual reality (sic!) called physical material reality - which is really a deliberately-created holodeck on which we play out our repeated incarnations - in order to help Big Mind pursue its over-riding Great Purpose.

This I take to be the endless struggle against all-encroaching high entropy, which strives to dissolve everything into the white noise of total chaos. Not that entropy is some sort of devil figure, but simply a logically-inherent tendency in the basic nature of things, which has to be opposed if any structured reality at all is to be created by evolution.

To this end, Big Mind creates individual souls, as never-disconnected outgrowths of itself, to act rather as the special-purpose organs in our bodies act: We assist in this struggle. And Big Mind creates our holodeck, on which we run our repeating bouts of incarnation, life-after-life, for this basic purpose.

Rum-sounding ideas, I know. But I think they stand up to critical inspection. Our adventures here on the holodeck, where free-will is a logically-essential condition for the existence and useful functioning of each soul, are a sort of accelerated contribution to the struggle against entropy; a struggle also quite realistically described as growing towards love, in the broadest interpretation of that many-facetted word.

On this thesis, any kind of vengeance-driven punishment is definitely a step in the backwards direction. Growing towards love - including compassion and forbearance - is a prime imperative. If we don’t do that always, we’re actually detracting from, rather than contributing to, the Great Purpose.

Believe me, I feel the temptation towards punitive vengeance myself, constantly. It requires continual self-discipline not to succumb to it. But in the end, I think that it can never be right.

My prescription for the appalling criminals loose in the world is less indulgent of the vengeful impulse. They’ve been using their free-will most unadvisedly, since every time they die and go back for another sojourn in the bardo state between incarnations, as the Tibetan buddhists call it, they’re going to be confronted with a kindly, compassionate, gentle, but nonetheless withers-wringing life-review of what they did in their latest incarnation. Their negative karma will be reckoned, and then in their next incarnation they’ll be offered yet another chance to re-balance it; to their own benefit, and to that of the Great Purpose, if they choose. It’s all a matter of choosing freely to be more loving and compassionate oneself, voluntarily. We’re here to lead the good life, as best we can.

So, as I’ve recommended before, those convicted in our tribunals of dreadful crimes need to be put to substantial stints of public service work, for fixed terms, without the option to decline, whilst they think about what they’ve done, and where it’s lead them. Justice, but always with compassionate mercy. A sort of restrained preliminary to what they’ll have to face when they next visit the bardo state.

I’d say that our will to vengeance needs to be confined to that level of response, simply so that we ourselves don’t fall into the error of actually contributing to, rather than working against, entropy.

In the long run, I think that souls who indulge in acts of negative karma persistently will simply be reabsorbed back into Big Mind, as being defective, non-functioning units. No more incarnation adventures for them!

But then, the buddhists say that getting off the Wheel of Rebirth is precisely the point of their idea of nirvana… :slight_smile: I dunno…!

Thank you for your video, Rhys, she’s a very impressive woman.

Pfizer’s ‘defence’, of the legal action brought against it, is stunning: “We did not defraud the government, we delivered the fraud that the government ordered”.

But, again, when such truths do get revealed, we will find that the MSM will be silent, and keep most of us blind, dumb and ignorant.


Hi @PatB , was it this video :

  • a lot more detail, quite amazing stuff!


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Yes when I heard that before I only thought of it in terms of Pfizer’s duplicity; in the light of Latypova’s revelations this can be seen as a genuine ‘chain of command’ defence. This could make it hard to land a legal blow, the law being an ass n’all.

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This sixteen minute vid obviously comes with a hefty caveat emptor warning, and pound or so of salt. But that said, can free thinkers - the sort whom Denis Rancourt points out are much more open to rational, evidence-buttressed thinking than brain-washed technocrat ‘professionals’ - afford to just grab the ‘cospithirry!!!’ thought-stopper, just for the sake of cowardly emotional comfort? Or is this precisely the sort of desperate scam ‘the crazies in the basement’ might try to pull in today’s situation?

Don’t forget, it isn’t just marginal eccentrics who understand the fact of general global ecological overshoot; so do the craftier gics, and their savvier useful non-idiots amongst their technocrat plankton.

Sceptical - but open - minds rool, OK?

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Oh dear. It’s that bad is it?

“This sixteen minute vid obviously comes with a hefty caveat emptor warning, and pound or so of salt.”

Did you nearly say it comes with a public health warning :smiley:

Trouble is, there aren’t many facts that refute it :slightly_frowning_face: These power moves have happened, only the purpose is not completely clear.
There’s just the idea that it can’t be happening…

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For more on Agenda 30 see :
this 3 parter interview on UK column

and Iain Davis and Whitney Webb 3parts so far:

  • I can’t recall now to what extent they touch on the role State Defence departments have played in the Agenda 2030 scam and covid rollout as outlined by Sasha Latypova and the legal elements researched by the paralegal Katherine Watt :
    Orientation for new readers. - by Katherine Watt

There are so many “moves” being made these days by power centres all seemingly walking in lockstep it’s difficult to keep track. But the key policies flow from :

  • eugenics
  • covid and associated jabs
  • global climate scams
  • energy scams
  • food scams
  • CBDCs
  • and the usual geopolitical moves to control the world

none of which seem to make the headlines in the MSM!

And of course these are the “moves” that are actually hidden in plain sight, so we have to suspect the existence of a whole host of other operations like the mafia/spooks material covered by Whitney Webb in her “one Nation under blackmail”!
