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SECRET RECORDING: Ontario Premier Doug Ford will announce tomorrow he’s 'pulling these passports'

The dramatic about-face from Ford comes as thousands of truckers across Canada have engaged in peaceful protests, including blocking the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor.

By Ezra Levant

February 10, 2022


Can’t spoil JoeBot’s triumphant State Of The Union address on 1st March by allowing this contagion to spread south

Doug Ford declares a state of emergency in the province of Ontario. The funny thing I found about this is the fear and nervousness in Ford’s voice; and also of course the total hypocrisy. Ford says that the Truckers are wrecking the economy, whilst over the last two years the provincial and national government of Canada have completely trashed the economy, on the back of the (easily provable) covid nonsense (as soon as Ford mentions Omicron you know it’s all bullshit).

Anyhows, if you want a laugh…

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