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Scott Ritter's thoughts on NATO vs Russia should way break or in Ukraine

TL;Dr bag for everyone. Terrible for NATO, existentially bad for Ukraine

I think the Ukronazis - and their Washington string-pullers - have just blinked. It got through finally to the boneheads in Kiev and the Swamp that all those Russian military movements - plus the steely-calm and polite strategic comments put out by the Putinistas - meant exactly what they implied: ‘Here’s our red line. Step over it and we will obliterate you; ALL of you, if need be. Do NOT try to attack Donbass or Krim. We are ready.’

The big cheese of the Ukronazi’s military, plus Ze himself, have suddenly switched to conciliatory noises about discussion and diplomacy…

I hope so. The planted news headlines still allude to Russian ‘build up’ and imply that this is provocative and dangerous, but the actual stories have a whiny tone that suggests capitulation. With big NATO ‘war games’ upcoming plenty of variables still in play.

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The US is moving war ships into the Black sea. It’s too early for a confrontation - it wasn’t expected until May anyway.

Fingers crossed that the Russians are able to convince folk to back down. The actual fight is likely to be over in a few days (unless NATO joins in) but the fall out will be horrible.