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Scientists are testing mRNA vaccines to protect cows and people against bird flu

Protect the cows from…bird flu…then they can’t give it to people!
Sounds good…mRNA will be destroyed by cooking, (Rare steak, anyone?)
What can go wrong?

Not sure what happens if all the cows in the world start dying at the same time.

It’s incredible that it is simply assumed they will be safe to eat.
And what about animals with vaccine-induced health problems.
Fibrous blot clots might be tasty! And all the rest.

Scientists are testing mRNA vaccines to protect cows and people against bird flu

Just under a month earlier, the flak-chucker Dem pet site Politico flatly denied this story and accused Peter McCullough of spreading misinformation.

After all, with the US govt as a source, anyone who contradicts it must obviously be lying.

"…The agency added that there are no mRNA vaccines approved or under trial for cattle. "


Next month, the U.S. Agriculture Department is to begin testing a vaccine developed by University of Pennsylvania researchers by giving it to calves. The idea: If vaccinating cows protects dairy workers, that could mean fewer chances for the virus to jump into people and mutate in ways that could spur human-to-human spread.

Meanwhile. the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been talking to manufacturers about possible mRNA flu vaccines for people that, if needed, could supplement millions of bird flu vaccine doses already in government hands.

Not sure if this abomination can come over here.
With billions of injected mrna, these cattle will be - presumably - GM products.

Is this even sincere? A money-making bonanza? An attempt to wreck the food supply?
But the reckless folly, and the likely scale of this does add to the general impression that we are all, one way or the other,…screwed :grimacing: :grimacing:.



I guess, for 3D printed steaks, their time has almost come. Distinct William Gibson vibes.

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I had to look this up, thereby expanding my mind, but don’t feel bad about it :slightly_smiling_face:

More birds flying this way - excellently strung together by Meryl Nass.
This has been cooking in the pot for years.

At least we’ve now seen the prequel - ending with “We need to shut this entire project down, worldwide, and fast.”

And how nice that the series is to keep the Bond villain throughout.
Farrar. Jeremy Farrar.

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More on the looming bird flu disaster. Lots of good new info, especially on how they avoid regulation of pandemic vaccines

Our old friend Jeremy Farrar helped create and stoke the narrative for 20 years and now he is marketing the vaccines. He knows a lot we don’t.

You may not be surprised that our old friend, Sir Dr. Jeremy Farrar, 007, OBE who was licensed to Overdose 2600 hospitalized patients on HCQ in the RECOVERY and SOLIDARITY trials, has been on the bird flu beat for 20 years. No wonder he got his Order of the British Empire. He’s been stoking these flames a very long time.

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And his fellow criminal, Dr. Peter Horby, Principal Investigator of the RECOVERY trial, who is only responsible for overdosing 1600 hospitalized patients of whom 400 died, was with Farrar in Vietnam 20 years ago to start up bird flu fear porn. He was made a Knight Bachelor for his services to eugenics in the UK in 2021.

Peter Horby, Director of the Pandemic Sciences Centre, and Professor of Emerging and Infectious Diseases and Global Health, becomes a Knight Bachelor for services to Medical Research. He co-leads the UK Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19 therapy (RECOVERY) trial, the largest randomised controlled trial of COVID-19 treatments in the world. He is also the lead investigator of the EDCTP-funded epidemic-preparedness network – African coaLition for Epidemic Research, Response and Training (ALERRT). https://www.edctp.org/news/edctp-principal-investigators-receive-queens-birthday-honours/

Don’t forget the USA! The Council on Foreign Relations did their bit to stir the pot of chicken flu. They sent journalist and Senior Fellow Laurie Garrett on a national tour dressed as Henny Penny, to tell us that birds were falling out of the sky from flu, but not till they migrated to the US, and that millions of humans could die. Especially young, healthy people according to Garrett. (I’ve previously reported I attended one of her lectures at the MDI Biolab around 2005.)

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Simultaneously, this scam used to develop another really dangerous scam: the faked regulation of pandemic vaccines. This scheme centrally involved the WHO, EMA, FDA and Canada’s drugs regulator. This scheme is the MOCK-UP vaccine, which makes a mockery of regulation and mocks the people inveigled into taking these vaccines.


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Here’s how the scheme works.

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Someday we expect a bird flu pandemic. We will absolutely definitely have to have a vaccine. Forget about drugs, we need vaccines! But it takes 10-15 years to develop a vaccine. Is this an insurmountable conundrum?

Of course not!

We invent a fake vaccine. Let’s pick a number; no, let’s pick 2 numbers! H1N1. H5N1. H9N2. H5N8. Whatever.

We design some vaccines with different Hemaglutinins and Neuraminidases. We throw in a potentially dangerous novel adjuvant, say MF59 or ASO3 to supercharge the immune response, because the next pandemic could be an existential threat, you never know. And our motto is “Be Prepared.”

Then we take our new design and inject 1,000 or more people with it, preferably in some far-off country where they have no idea what they are getting. (Although right now that far-off country happens to be Finland, where they have started injecting people with an H5N8 vaccine for a virus that does not currently exist, except in freezers.)

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A huge Pharma company creates the “package” of data required for this MOCK-UP vaccine as if it is a real product, but of course they could care less about its safety and efficacy because it is only a model and is not intended for use. The mock-up vaccine is like the cups and plates in a child’s tea party service, compared to the bone china used when Mommy serves tea.

The regulatory agencies then “approve” or “authorize” the mock-up vaccine, while they don’t care either about safety or efficacy because they don’t expect it to be used. Just like this:

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When a real pandemic appears, the manufacturers suddenly swap out the new virus’ hemaglutinin and/or neuraminidase, possibly make other changes, and the regulators say, “Go for it!” They license the new vaccine based on the license for the mock-up vaccine. They grandfather it in, just like they do in the US for each year’s new seasonal flu vaccines.

Isn’t this a clever idea? Now we can get vaccine to our populations (who are desperately thirsting for them) in no time.

It took 5 days (FIVE DAYS ) for the regulators to approve the Pandemrix swine flu vaccine with ASO3 in 2009, using this approach. This was the vaccine that caused severe narcolepsy in over 1300 adolescents.

But like I said, the whole idea is a scam and they know it. Tom Jefferson pointed out wht the agencies really believed about this process:

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Oh, and by the way, this process had a life of its own. You couldn’t stop it.

You see, the WHO orchestrated sleeper contracts around 2004 based on these mock-up vaccines. The contracts were signed and sealed. When WHO D-G Margaret Chan breathed the words “Level 6 pandemic” in 2009 the contracts were triggered and

  • the manufacturers delivered the product at warp speed;
  • countries had to pay for the vaccines per their contracts;
  • regulators had to approve them based on the mock-ups;
  • and governments had to use them.

The term “Level 6 pandemic” was struck down pretty fast after this, since its definition had been changed only weeks before D-G Chan spoke, enabling any old (new) virus to meet the bill. That alone was such a scandal that the term pandemic never got redefined by WHO, for over 10 years.

I don’t know what the magic words are to trigger the next set of sleeper contracts, or if they still exist. I don’t know what the process is going forward. The IHR amendments and pandemic treaty were being used, in part, to globalize the acceptance of the “100 Day vaccine” but those efforts just failed, at least for the time being. But you can bet your bottom dollar there is a plan to get untested vaccines out to the population tout suite. Pharma, the WHO and their army of lawyers must have something cooked up and simmering on the back burner for ird flu.

Jeremy Farrar’s CEPI still planned to use those mock-up/prototype vaccines as their way in as recently as 2023:

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Or will they just roll out some worthless old bird flu vaccine that has already been approved? Maybe a real killer, like this one, for which 5 times as many people who got the vaccine as got the placebo died?

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Or will the FDA instruct manufacturers to start making vaccines that maybe were never approved?

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Remember, this is a disease that is milder than a cold in humans. No American has ever died from bird flu, and only three have ever been said to have the disease, per CDC: one case of 4 days of fatigue, one case of pink eye, one case of pink eye with cough. All resolved.

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It used to be a deadly disease but it only affected under 900 people worldwide, and killed about half of them. WHO has desperately looking for someone killed by bird flu, but has not found any.

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Will the powers that be roll out a lethal disease for us too? They probably have a few in the fridge.

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We need to shut this entire project down, worldwide, and fast.


Bird flu vaccines are fast approaching - Meryl Nass

Seems every time you turn your back, a few things happen.
Now the US just tore up another rule - as well as the rule that says There Has To Be Rules.

Just for that disease that’s not dangerous, and doesn’t pass between humans yet.

Nass concludes ominously:

“And the only justification to vaccinate humans en masse would be a release of a new bird flu strain that has gained two functions simultaneously: virulence for humans, and transmissibility.
Gaining both functions at once only happens in labs”


Bird flu vaccines are fast approaching

Yesterday the Federal Register published a required declaration by HHS Sec Becerra (a lawyer who proved clueless about medicine during COVID) which allows the FDA to issue BIRD FLU EUAs

Meryl Nass

Jul 25, 2024

This is what happened yesterday. A PREP Act declaration, which allows the FDA Commissioner to simply decide (with or without data ) that the benefit of a bird flu vaccine, drug, test or medical device is likely greater than the risk, and thereby issue an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the product. Without a license, without standard testing (and possibly with no human testing) an EUA can be issued. It gives the manufacturer, the government, the doctor, the clinic, the shipper—everyone—a waiver of liability for the product.

And the American Medical Association issued a set of CPT codes for doctors to use when administering a CSL Sequirus bird flu shot, last Friday.

CSL Sequirus made the H5N8 bird flu vaccine being used in Finland right now, where the first humans are receiving an MF59-containing bird flu vaccine grown in chicken eggs (and not made in the US). Fifteen EU countries have together ordered 665,000 doses with an option for 40 million total. There is no bird flu in chickens, cows or humans in Finland now. In fact, Finland has only identified one wild bird all this year that tested positive for bird flu.

The US government has ordered 4.8 million doses of bird flu vaccine from CSL Sequirus, grown in MDCK dog kidney cells in a factory in Holly Springs, North Carolina with a troubled past. And it contains the same harmful adjuvant, MF59, that is added to the Sequirus vaccine going to the EU.

This factory was supposed to be a big deal. $500 million dollars from the USG and $500-700 million from Novartis were used to create a more rapid way of making vaccines for pandemics. The strategy was discussed during the GWB administration, but ground was broken for the factory in 2009 , and Obama’s DHHS Sec Sibelius attended.

Using MDCK cells to make vaccines was a new idea. But something happened. It did not work out well. FDA wouldn’t approve the plant.

Finally they got an FDA approval in 2014 , and then the plant was immediately sold for $275 million to Sequirus—around a quarter of what it was supposed to be worth. Perhaps a reader can tell me what the problem(s) were.

Subsequently there were yet additional delays , but in 2022 Sequirus announced they were approved to produce 150 million doses of seasonal or pandemic flu vaccines for the US government. What took so long?

And why is this troubled plant the one that will be making bird flu vaccines for the American people? Low bid?

Summit, NJ, USA 02 Jun 2022

Seqirus, a global leader in influenza prevention and a business of CSL Limited (ASX:CSL), today announced that the company’s manufacturing facility in Holly Springs, North Carolina, has successfully achieved all criteria required to establish domestic manufacturing capability for cell-based seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccines as outlined by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a division of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).1 With this recognition, the U.S. government confirms that Seqirus has established and will maintain the required pandemic readiness to deliver 150 million doses of cell-based pandemic influenza vaccine within six months of an influenza pandemic declaration in the U.S.

That could be the declaration published in the Federal Register yesterday—Nass

Seqirus has taken numerous steps toward achieving this status , further proving itself capable of delivering innovative pandemic solutions at industrial scale and speed. Seqirus developed the first and only adjuvanted , cell-based influenza A(H5N1) monovalent pandemic vaccine, which was originally approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2020 in a single dose, prefilled syringe and subsequently approved in 2021 in a multi-dose vial formulation.

That was the Sequirus vaccine whose brand name is Audenz, for which the mortality rate in its clinical trial was 0.5% in the vaccinated group and 0.1% in the placebo group. Newsguard fact-checked me on this—but I was quoting from the label:

As if that isn’t bad enough, Sequirus is experimenting with a self-amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) vaccine for bird flu or seasonal flu in Holly Springs, in addition to its canine kidney bird flu vaccine:

Here are a list of the vaccines I know about for bird flu, but it is not a complete list. Pfizer is making an mRNA vaccine too, and presumably lots of companies want to cash in. Moderna’s stock price soared 40% after it was announced that bird flu was infecting cows. Moderna has already enrolled 1504 subjects who received different bird flu candidate vaccines in a trial due to end tomorrow.

All 3 vaccines that received FDA licenses for bird flu had very concerning safety profiles in clinical trials. I discussed the clinical trials in a CHD-TV show with Brian Hooker that should be out tomorrow or Saturday.

Watch out! The Bird Flu vaccines are coming!

And the only justification to vaccinate humans en masse would be a release of a new bird flu strain that has gained two functions simultaneously: virulence for humans, and transmissibility. Gaining both functions at once only happens in labs.

Will they do it again?

EU has announced five pilot countries for mandatory vaccination ID. Latvia and Germany are two (can’t remember the other three, sorry)


Greece Belgium and Portugal

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