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Scarifying interview by Del Bigtree of three health-care professional women savaged by the injections - and then

given no meaningful help, initially. Absolutely horrifying. Approach with girded loins:

Once again h/t to a btl commenter at Off-G for this link.

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For those unfamiliar, UK Column have also been very good at reporting the vaccine stuff…



For K: Here again, one of the women brings up that 'ninety-nine-point-nine-something percent survival rate for covid. But I don’t think she offers a precise source. Around 54 minutes.

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Thanks, the bar chart looks familiar and seemed to be based on ONS data. 99.5 % she said (ie 0.5% IFR)

Yes, I remember hearing/seeing variations of the final decimal place from various commentators. But a figure above 99 percent always figures, with a just slightly lower estimate for over-75s. Now that you’ve asked, I’ll keep noting them as I see them, but mentions of this idea are widespread; with what reliability I don’t know. But it’s getting mentioned a lot because - if accurate, and who knows about that in these lying times - it makes a total mockery of the whole ‘lethal pandemic global health emergency’ bollocks. And bollocks it certainly seems to be, ever more clearly, ‘Indian-variant “crisis”’ notwithstanding!

I’m inclined to trust the figure but the parameters are so vague it seems open to fact checking. Not all that long ago my Twitter self was being attacked for cruel granny-murdering rhetoric by shills citing a 10% fatality rate. Where that came from I wouldn’t know, most likely the 13th Signals Message Of The Day whiteboard.

Jesus! How fucking awful! Poor women.

Thanks for posting - I watched the whole thing and will send it to a whole bunch of people. Everyone should see it.

Why would anyone agree to have an experimental “vaccine” injected into them which is currently approved for emergency use only and that will not officially be given vaccine status until around December 2020 at the earliest? Whether these products ever become actual vaccines will depend on the success or failure of this gigantic and illegal global experiment on human beings.

Who would agree to have a “vaccine”, or any other product, created by an industry which has an appalling long term track record of being prosecuted and found guilty of illegal and improper marketing, poorly run clinical trials, marketing of products which cause death and injury, knowingly marketing dangerous and untested drugs, huge scale bribery, international fraud, medical fraud, cover-ups, lies, and various other civil and criminal offences? An industry that’s been ordered by courts around the world on countless occasions to pay out billions in compensation again and again to ordinary folk who’s lives have been destroyed by the products of these criminals.

Why would anybody want to be injected by this industry’s latest product, A Covid Injection, without having any idea of what is actually in it and which has so far killed of tens of thousands of people and injured hundreds of thousands more? These figures cover only the casualties reported voluntarily. There may be up to as many as 100 times more unreported deaths and injuries. The victims won’t be able to take legal action for damages because drug companies, governments and doctors are all protected from litigation even if people are paralysed for life. If such legal indemnification had not been granted, vaccine manufacturers would never have agreed to market these products – isn’t that fact alone enough to put anyone off having anything to do with it?

Are people unaware of all this? Are they ignoring it? It can’t happen to me? It can’t happen here? Why didn’t people do any research into “vaccines” that surely we all knew had been developed far too quickly to be safe and/or effective? Why are people being coerced and bribed to have the vaccine? Why are these three women being ignored? Why isn’t their story news? Why run from something that’s truth and needs to be heard? (Shawn in the vid). Why aren’t their medical bills being met? Why aren’t they receiving benefits? Why can’t they sue? What will happen to them?

Interesting that their “adverse effects” are still not reported even to VAERS. Why isn’t there a proper reporting system for deaths and other “adverse effects”? And why isn’t it news that there isn’t one?

Most of the above is being obscured from public view and many people seem to be dancing to the tune of: “The vaccine will set you free”.

He who pays the piper calls the tune. So who’s paying the piper? Why? What for?

A first answer to all your questions, R, is that there’s either a huge criminal scam going on, or a vast episode of utter madness amongst humankind. And - as George Carlin said - “Nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care!” I can’t see any other answer that even seems to make sense. It’s one of the most flummoxing things I’ve seen, in a long lifetime of witnessing human lunacy. Utter suicidal craziness. Perhaps things have got so daunting for lots of us, deep down, that we’re afflicted with a lemming-like mass death wish…? I’m stumped by the blind, wilful stupidity of it - especially amongst the people who are savvy enough to know better easily. Yet so few do!

“Utter suicidal craziness. … I’m stumped by the blind, wilful stupidity of it -”

Indeed, it’s unbelievable. A few days ago I asked a friend and his wife (healthy 40-year olds) to come to visit next week (when the government is generously allowing us). The response: no, we’re being careful and won’t get near public transport before getting the jab! This couple hasn’t seen any visitors for over a year and now await the “Indian variant” with trepidation.

How to respond to such lunacy without losing your friends?

My response to anyone who brings up the poison-stabs now is a three-word mantra: ‘Unnecessary, ineffectual, dangerous’.

If anyone rises to that bait, I point out that - according to official USuk figures, put out by government bodies (as UKColumn News puts it repeatedly) - several thousand - sic! - people have already died in these two countries alone just after getting the stabs, not all frail and ill elderly either; and some tens of thousands are already known to have suffered other adverse reactions, some seriously maiming; with these figures being known to be gross under-estimates. But you absolutely won’t hear any of this repeatedly headlined by the pocket pols and the mediawhores, of course. You’ll have to go looking for yourself. And yes, the people whom you’re accustomed to trust as honest purveyors of news are in fact corrupt whores, wilfully misleading themselves first about the flu non-pandemic, and then misleading you.

If they’re still willing to discuss it after that, I move on to the Big Pharma gangsters’ own admission that the stabs are useless for preventing infection with covid-flu, or for preventing infectiousness to others, being only useful for lessening severity of symptoms, for which there are already tried and tested comforter-treatments, as used for flu, which are known to be harmless. And the longer-term bad consequences of such injections - which adverse reactions are already known to exist from previous ‘vaccine’-damage episodes - are simply untested and unknown. Yet it’s already known that these current stabs are killing and maiming people.

And lastly, I move on to the old idea of getting a full, balanced, long-term immunity by the time-honoured process of meeting the wild messenger normally, and acquiring the immunity which it’s offering, often without even noticing that you’ve been infected.

That is, if people are still willing to discuss it. But I observe that lots of people seem to be in cult-victim status now, and are simply unwilling to hear such heresy against their TDS.

The only thing to do, it seems, is to shrug philosophically, and wait. Hope that those who’ve already been suckered into taking the stabs don’t cop any of the bad effects; hope that they get over their cult-suckered insanity ASAP; and leave the dice to fall where they will. Difficult to do when it’s your own nearest people suffering the delusions. But there it is.

Like most, who have not been taken in by the lunatics-in-charge, I’m at a loss to account for those who now fear everyone that doesn’t comply with the ‘orders’.
E.G: I’m exempt from wearing a mask, (I, and you!, can exempt yourself for whatever reason you wish to utilise) and I’m very aware of those that look upon me with their staring eyes when I’m out shopping - mostly the younger 30 to 40 year-olds in my experience.
My (much!) older friends now have, as an opening greeting: “Have you had your second vaccine, yet?”
“Not even the first” is my reply, which has a visible effect on them! :wink:

They have been taken over, I fear, by the constant prattling of the mad scientists on their ‘news shows’.

So, as a hypotheses to try to give some reason for these people’s behaviour…

"Hypnotherapists have been noticing blatant hypnosis and NLP techniques (for example, the Milton Model: Hypnotic Language Patterns) being used by the government and state-controlled media during the pandemic. (1)

:point_right:Fractionation: You get them to do something not once, but again and again, increasing the level of intensity each time. Usually you do this 3 times (note: we’ve have 3 lockdowns). This increases compliance - you’re much more likely to get them to do whatever you want (2)

:point_right: A ‘Yes’ set: Get them to say ‘Yes’ to something small at first (2 weeks to “flatten the curve”) then gradually increase (months of lockdown, Christmas cancelled, socially/economically coerced into vaccines). In this way they’re much more likely to keep saying yes (3)

:point_right: Confusion: Keep them in a constant state of uncertainty. The conscious mind responds by ‘going offline’ as it searches for the appropriate response for something it has no precedent for. Then it’s much easier for the manipulator to gain access to the unconscious mind… (4)

… and change belief systems. For example, lockdown rules are changing on practically a day-to-day basis; we’re living in a world we’ve never lived in before, everyone’s stumbling about with no idea how to behave. We’ve no energy left to fight our oppressors (5)

:point_right: Repetition: Repeat the same information over and over (see any newspaper / TV news for evidence of this!) (6)

:point_right: Illusion of Choice: Make them believe they’re in control by giving them 2 choices, both of which lead to the same result. For example, ‘Do you want the Pfeizer or the Oxford?’ or ‘You can choose to be good or bad. Bad = more lockdown. Good = more lockdown.’ (7)

:point_right: “Social Proof”: Images and videos of film and TV stars, musicians and sportsmen and women receiving their jab. “Look, all these great celebrities are backing it!" (8)

“Scarcity”: “You’ll have to wait your turn for the vaccine… we might be running out!", to create a surge in people booking in for their jab, thus increasing uptake (9)."


You can download a “badge” from the govt. website (no proof is required online), to wear proclaiming your exemption.


Great find Rhis. There are so many issues springing from this it’s not feasible to have just one discussion! So I’ll just add my jumbled thoughts.

Themes - vaccine risks, Industry (including health service and Drs) behavior: denial, suppression.

Public: scepticism, disrespect and flak, often cruel and ferocious. And they are vaccine-committed, frontline health professionals!

Workplaces: dumped them.

The vaccine support fabric (science blogs, social media fact-checkers): try to discredit the person, cast doubt - on no factual basis! Eg imply the symptoms must be made up - requiring incredible acting, probably impossible to simulate such lack of control of the body - because the symptoms are not ‘recognized’ on some list. This shows deep cynicism or ignorance, or two thirds of both.
Or when a Dr said it might be a reaction to metals in the vaccine, the fact-checker says triumphantly “There are no metals in the vaccine!”. Er, that’s ‘fact-checking’ the remark of a Doctor who clearly doesn’t know much about those vaccines. But past vaccines usually did have aluminium or mercury. The Dr might not even have known for sure which vaccine she had. But hey what does that matter to a chack-fecker, whose job is clearly revealed here - to cast doubt!

Since people are being paid to attack whistleblowers, there is no reason why some of the publiic flak can not be orchestrated too.

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The Fact Checkers are real scum. I liked the phrase Faux Checkers that I heard on UKColumn recently, so am stealing it.

In trying to build a case, of whatever sort, a very common tactic is to ‘throw everything and hope something sticks’. In my trade union role I saw this time and again with grievances: people would stay silent, seethe, and then eventually this splurge of stuff comes out and is used to build a case.

Unfortunately the opposing side only needs to undermine one or two of those points to end up giving the complained-about party a get-out, which is the same approach the Faux Checkers use. As long as they can headline the response with ‘X claim proved not true’, with a degree of accuracy (because they’ve nit-picked some single word or clause, or demonstrated a slightly ‘wrong’ statistic) the myth they have busted potentially stays busted and all the other citations are based on that.

Scientism works the same way.

Ultimately it’s power that wins the argument: who controls the media platform gets to decide what is a Fact and what is not.

The atrocious uptick in censorship is frightening, but it’s also a sign that the edifice is crumbling.

Personally I think well-focused and terse rebuttals, are probably the better tactic. If one of these founders it’s a learning point… now try another. Keep them coming because the key is to be relentless. As the weaponizers of anti-semitism (for example) have clearly demonstrated.

As for the metals in the jab liquid: some really quite weird videos of people with magnets sticking to their arms are circulating. They look like disinfo to me: “just look what the crazed anti-vacks mob are claiming now”.