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Scarifying conversation: Jim Kunstler and Stephanie Seneff

By now it may be possible that we can’t believe the picture can get any worse; but it can. Sixty-two minute conversation. Horrifying. The all-engulfing dishonesty and the almost total breakdown of any legal recourse being successful is difficult to process. The utter disaster that has been foisted on the world with the poison-stabs is scarcely comprehensible:


Just one thing wrong with both parties in this discussion. It seems they both accept without question, Covid-19 is a novel disease and implied is that it has a defined set of symptoms. Otherwise, as you said, “all-engulfing dishonesty and the almost total breakdown of any legal recourse being successful” is really depressing.

Yes, the underlying question remains - intractably: ‘Do viruses really exist at all?’ Or is all the current theorising about them really based on delusions? Is ‘virology’ just another major, drawn-out scientific error, destined for the same discard bin where other such gross errors of belief of the past now lie mouldering?

As long as this basic question remains unresolved, all theoretical conclusions about ‘what the viruses did’ remain highly questionable. Something that doesn’t exist can’t ‘do’ anything. Nor can it have any meaningful ‘detailed molecular structure’.

Interesting that they touched a little on the ‘terrain’ idea that a whole lot of ills seem to be caused - in the physically vulnerable at least - by the increasing load of toxic pollutants everywhere, particularly glyphosate. This approach is precisely what Dr. Zach Bush was publishing around the beginning of the scamdemic, showing global maps of local concentrations of certain particulate pollutants in the atmosphere, and how some of the very worst polluted places - Wuhan, Lombardy, Tehran and NYC for example - were also foci of local outbreaks of respiratory illnesses - hardly surprisingly: All pinnacles of air pollution at the time (though the really odd affliction of so many Iranian legislators certainly stinks of some kind of special bioweapon attack…)

The fact is that if ‘virology’ is delusion from end to end, then this major theoretical error is going to screw up our grasp of what’s really happening, and why. It’s annoying to hear otherwise knowledgeable - and intellectually-honest - people doing what may well amount to earnest discussions of modern versions of the ‘angels and pin-heads’ stuff and nonsense of earlier eras.

The question - heavily veiled right now - of what in exact nitty-gritty detail do scientists actually do in these labs becomes a key issue. Obviously they think they’re tampering with ‘viruses’, assisted by a lot of silicowaffle in their theoretical explanations. But the question bothers me a lot: are they actually just doing trial-and-error blundering about, and coming up with odd procedures that produce the lethal effects they want in their test-animal victims, but without really having any sound theoretical basis to organise the practical results?

Anyone with mucky-hands experience in practical engineering - of any kind - knows that there’s always a lot of such baffling accidental discovery in such circumstances: ‘When we do this, we get this… but we don’t really understand why. Or rather, we have a theoretical suggestion, but fact is it’s fatally leaky, beset with critical loose ends…’

I find myself wrestling with this complicated mess repeatedly now, as I listen to the many discussions of the covid scam.

It does remain feasible though, it seems to me, that the whole ‘pandemic’ may be nothing more than a propaganda-created delusion, merely riding on the back of a worse-than-usual flu. Did the bioweapon tinkerers just happen across some rule-of-thumb way, theoretically unexplained, but still practically functional, which allowed them to make flu just that bit worse, so that it can screw up an entire country’s economy, with fairly plausible deniability?

I’ve suspected for some time that a dominant faction in the Chinese ruling power structure came to that conclusion about ‘covid’: that it was a bio-attack on them by the US, and that they must therefore act vigorously and with extreme precaution.

And yet still, no-one seems to be disputing seriously that fraction-of-one-percent IFR of the covid-flu - whatever it really is. As perspicacious observers have pointed out, it only needs some technique which causes about that level of death, and which spreads easily, to really bugger up target economies - such as the widely-envied Chinese one.

The whole covid con seems to be full of unexplained mysteries, even though it surely is, ever more clearly, some sort of deliberate scam by a criminal conspiracy. The extraordinary global uniformity of - highly wrong-headed - responses to the WHO announcement of the ‘pandemic’ is an obvious marker of that: some crew of crooks somewhere conspired together to make it so. This has been one of that steady trickle of actually-real conspiracies - which we ALL believe in, btw; we all know perfectly well that some conspiracies are real, not hallucinated, and crooks get tried and convicted for them regularly. We all know that perfectly well. Fundamentally, we’re ALL conspiracy realists. Criminal conspiracies DO happen in the real world. And covid has been one such.