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SAfrican Jerm and Denis Rancourt in NEW conversation, including WHY the covid scam is being run now

The ‘why’ is laid out most clearly in the last ten-twelve minutes. Before that Denis clarifies further yet why we have to conclude that there is no new, deadly pathogen rampaging around, even though there have been - and continue to be - massive excess deaths, entirely due to the allegedly ‘anti-pandemic’ responses (for a ‘covid pandemic’ which isn’t real!); which are themselves all measures being imposed on us for the global realpolitikal reasons that Denis outlines at the end.

I hear all this with my usual bucket of (sea :slight_smile: )salt at the ready. But I have to say that this hour of explication seems to me the most convincing overall outline of what’s really going on, and why, that I’ve yet seen. And this despite the fact that it leaves aside, for the purpose of getting Denis’ central theses across, the related but superfluous question of the existence - or not - of viruses. Whether or not they exist at all, this line of detective work holds up robustly in either case! The goco* belief that viruses are real does the required job anyway, even if it’s false:

*Guardians of current orthodoxy


I watched the last 15 mins. A compelling summary!
His claim of no excess deaths in 2020 is interesting if true. Certainly in the US and the UK there were odd DIRECT measures taken with the sick and elderly that could only increase deaths. As a population reduction measure, this would be unlikely to wash for very long. But as a means of bumping up the deaths to create or initiate the appearance of a crisis, only temporary efficacy would be needed. Indirect methods, like opposing effective early treatment, which were taken all over the west, have created the perception of a permanent emergency.
In terms of making sense of it all, Rancourt seems to go up and down the gears with ease.