To get things started, quote; "…all revolutions throw babies out with the bathwater and such has been the case for much of the lore which preceded the appropriation of religion by the martial states. Technology has fostered the illusion that man may impose his own order on the natural world as opposed to learning from nature in order to harmonise with it, that we are currently experiencing a denouement that parallels those suffered by other, “revolutionary” societies which had come to believe their own propaganda should be clear to even the previously most blinkered by now.
Many who proselytise for permaculture, biodynamics and, “lunar planting” in Britain do so whilst labouring under the misapprehension that one can indulge in such practices here whilst still using both the Gregorian calendar and a Mediterranean/Middle Eastern astrological system. Astrological systems are specific to their vernacular, this should be obvious, remember that such systems are rooted in agricultural practice and just as the plants grown in different regions of the world differ so do the planets and cosmic systems which have influence over them and with which they correspond. Maize grown in South America does not vibrate on the same harmonic as do grains grown in Western Europe, yes there have been huge numbers of species introduced from different regions to different regions all over the planet but these should be integrated into the pre-existing practices of the regions in which they are intended to be introduced based on an understanding of the energies which govern those regions; in order that integration can take place it is, therefore, essential to understand the cosmic and planetary forces which influence the region in which one is working and that is the problem here in Britain for a, “true accounting” of our Brythonic astrology has not been properly undertaken, sacred sites aligned to stars systems not recognised by the Mediterranean or Middle Eastern astronomers are ignored by even, so-called, “serious” researchers and, “hit-it-with-a-hammer” type astrological, “bodges” abound."
Such attitudes have profound effects, quote; "…we are caught up in an imperialist delusion? How capitalism has perverted discourse? It’s no use hmmmming and harrring, there are fundamental problems with the economics of the Industrial Revolution (there wasn’t any), and the philosophy of the Enlightenment (ditto), both were apparently efficacious but the seeds of their destruction were also apparent for, contrary to the memes and tropes of neoliberal enviromental-ism*, there were those who recognised how the exploitation of natural resources (incl. people), was creating a world that would become unfit for habitation even then (and such had happened -on a regional basis- many, many times before).
Language is at the root, use it correctly and you can cast the scales from not only your own eyes but those of everyone else as well.
Want to see the “growth” of economy? Conserve and by so doing use all one’s resources correctly #Biodiversityistheengineofsustainability!"
It is essential that the Brythonic Ephemeris be rediscovered: &