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RIP Helen Reddy

Just when we thought 2020 couldn’t get any worse - the loss of yet another amazing woman. This song gives me goose bumps every time I hear it (and today it is also bringing tears).

And she still had it in 2017 singing the first two verses, without music, at one of the much maligned women’s marches… What an incredible voice.

RIP Helen Reddy

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Too many good people left us this year… :frowning:

Not left, just gone before. And their souls will be back - if they aren’t already, in some vitally-sparking new infant. That conviction - one of the most widely spread in all the cultures and ancient-wisdom-traditions of the Earth - offers some consolation for our dastardly losses this year. As the notion of the Akashic Records insists, once someone is born and lives, they never disappear into total oblivion, even after death. The whole person, minus only their free-will, which has passed on to the next incarnation(s), is preserved indefinitely; a persisting thread woven for ever into the great tapestry of being.

Once you’ve seen a dead loved-one appear, to visit those who have loved them, at a materialising-medium session, your ‘certainties’ about these things tend to shift… :green_heart:

Bit like the effect of getting your first DMT trip, I surmise… :slightly_smiling_face:

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