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Reiner Fuellmich gives a succinct - and devastating - summary of the legal investigations and prospects so far

The tide of this war against the covid-scam criminals continues to roil, as it gets ready to set into its turn. I continue to get more optimistic that they’re not going to make it all work as they intended, and get away with their crimes against humanity. (Be nice if they could sweep B’Liar up in the process! Got away with his crimes against Iraq, but got nailed for his part in the covid scam. Ironic - like Al Capone eventually going down for tax evasion!):

Thanks RG, that was a wonderful summary of the situation. Fuellmich really is a very cogent and informative speaker.

There is just one thing bothering me regarding vaccines. I know lots of people who have had the jab, but not one with a serious adverse reaction, although we are told that vax´d peope are dropping all over the place. This corresponds to the covid situation, when we were told it was spreading like wildfire, yet I knew not a single person who had contracted it.

Hi @Sanjeev . I too know lots of people who (stupidly) have had the jab without serious reaction.

However, I suggest that rather than anecdotal evidence, there are three things you should consider.

1 Go to the UK Column “Yellow card” database (all figures are official UK figures)

2 Look up a 10 year old Harvard Medical School study that shows less than 10% of serious vaccine reactions are reported

3 Finally, look up anti-body dependant enhancement

As a last resort, wait for the winter and see how many of your friends get ill and categorise them by jabbed and un-jabbed

The - alleged - adverse effects are already numbering in the millions, at least according to official information-gathering agencies. And no, we can’t put any more trust in them about this than we can about any of their other recent pronouncements about - for example - ‘cases’, PCR-style. We know that there, the ‘test’ isn’t a test, and the numbers are being fiddled anyway.

We can assume, though, that the adverse effects are so against the purpose of the official narrative that they are going to be played down and de-publicised as much as possible. Hence the reports are coming mainly from reporters who are opposed to the official story and who are working to uncover its mendacity. These reports are accompanied by an ever-increasing tally of personal-witness statements published online and elsewhere of people who have themselves been injured, or whose close people have suffered. Considering that none of these sources have any motive to lie about their stories, I’d say that they have considerably greater credibility than the official story-line.

Remember too that infection and death by covid is as rare as with any seasonal flu. Luckily, the adverse effects of the stabs seem to be equally sparse. Many millions of people have been suckered into taking the poisons stabs, but - fortunately - the percentage of people who’ve had bad results is pretty low. So far. There’s still the grim possibility of a flood of ADE events next flu season. And there are other worries about some of the odd stuff that seems to be in the stabs, and what their long-term effects might be on - for example - human fertility.

So - just as we seldom actually witness personally a death from any flu - because the ratio of fatalities is usually below one percent of total infections in any season, as with the covid-flu itself, it’s rather unlikely to know anyone personally who has suffered bad adverse effects from the stabs.

Even so, I can contribute my own - admittedly very-low-sample size - account of two family members who succumbed to the social/propaganda/threats pressure and got the first stabs, even though they already knew better; but in both cases feeling that their permission to earn their incomes was under threat if they refused. Both promptly got stinking flus - at Midsummer! - one of which was actually identified as covid. I don’t know, though, whether it was through the PCR ‘test’, which of course tells us nothing useful. But anyway, both got the stabs, and both then got weird out-of-season flus.

The story about the adverse effects is still trickling out. Once again, we’re going to have to wait-and-see in patience. I’d give good odds though that the final verdict will be: huge total numbers of bad adverse effects, which should have stopped the poison-stab push dead in its tracks if this whole thing were being dealt with honestly by the powers that shouldn’t be. The fact that that hasn’t happened is glaring evidence on its own of a huge scam in course of perpetration.

Satisfactory explanation, thanks RG.