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Raplh Nader 5th March 2024 : "at least 200,000 Palestinians must have perished by now and the toll is accelerating by the hour"

Hi folks I picked this up from a link embedded in Catilin Johnstone’s latest piece ( " Genocidal Psychopaths Celebrate International Day To Combat Islamophobia" :


I had not appreciated the sheer enormity of the bombardment of Gaza:

“Since…October 7th…2.3 million utterly defenseless Palestinians in the tiny crowded Gaza enclave have been on the receiving end of over 65,000 bombs/missiles plus non-stop tank shelling and snipers
… From accounts of people on the ground, videos and photographs of deadly episode after episode, plus the resultant mortalities from blocking or smashing the crucial necessities of life, a more likely estimate, in my appraisal, is that at least 200,000 Palestinians must have perished by now and the toll is accelerating by the hour.”

I have been wondering why the 30,000 number has been fixed at this level for so long.


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I presumed it was a minimum that had been confirmed, with the reality much higher - but not that much higher. 100,000 would have been readily believable.

Not that I doubt it especially, having looked at the estimates in the links - actually the numbers are so high they can hardly be rationally processed. Whether 100,000 or 200,000 people have been obliterated, buried under rubble or starved to death (while the west looks on and fetches more arms to continue the slaughter while suppressing the outrage) it has the same mind-numbing effect.

Obviously the western governments involved don’t care about the reality, as long as they can contain any political fallout.
It’s almost too grim to comprehend though. And we’ll be voting in more f***ists again soon :grimacing:

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