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Rape gangs and Gordon Brown

Footage has surfaced of a former cop explaining about how Gordon Brown and Jackie Smith told Plod to ignore what was going on

What’s Musk’s beef with Starmer?

The Despicable British Government Gave Immigrant-invaders the Right to Rape Underage British Girls

January 6, 2025

Paul Craig Roberts

Elon Musk Holds UK Prime Minister Starmer Accountable:

“Gangs across the UK, involving men of predominantly Pakistani origin, rape-tortured vulnerable girls on an industrial scale over the last thirty years, with multiple independent inquiries indicating systemic failures to investigate the crimes. According to three separate reports published in 2013, 2014, and 2015, local politicians and police alike opted to cover up the rapes partly out of fear that bringing the perpetrators to justice would be seen as ‘racist.’”

“Musk launched an attack on Starmer earlier this week, accusing him of failing to tackle the grooming-gangs issue or to properly investigate numerous assaults on underage girls at the time when the incumbent Prime Minister led the UK’s Crown Prosecution Service, from 2008 to 2013. Among other things, the billionaire called the grooming gangs a “state-sponsored evil,” stating Starmer was “complicit in the RAPE OF BRITAIN” and should not only resign but also face criminal charges.”

Musk added the despicable British media to the list of those who protected the rape gangs: “This is the same media that hid the fact that a quarter million little girls were – still are – being systematically raped by migrant gangs in Britain. They are beneath contempt. Despicable human beings.”


The UK and all of Europe are already experiencing The Camp of the Saints, and they are too indoctrinated to realize it.

If truth be known, Britain and all of Europe are dead men walking. The countries exist only as ruins. The European countries are unable to produce leaders. The people are so brainwashed and indoctrinated that they prefer their children being raped to being called racists for putting a stop to it. European peoples have proved to be totally incapable of protecting themselves from immigrant invasion. They prefer to fight for Washington against Russia to fighting for their own existence as ethnic nations.

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All seems true except I take exception to the last paragraph. When I have more time I’ll address this. However, is it the full story?

Not according to the UK Column. The story presented as an issue of race is perhaps somewhat disingenuous. I haven’t yet listened to UK Column news from Monday 6th, but it seems social services and many local politicians (mostly not Asian), are, or were actively involved.

I’ll post a link and time stamps as soon as I can.


Watch from about 21 minutes



Apologies to GTA5


Doesn’t using Musk as the vector for attack simply means that a vast swathe of people switch off completely, or nod as their prejudices are confirmed?

The underlying problem that girls are being groomed and exploited is airbrushed out of consciousness by the folks on the nice side of town. It tends not to be their daughters, maybe?

The last paragraph is incendiary. Look forward to seeing you take it apart @PatB

I think the Muskovites have over-stirred the pot. In my reading a few days back, the government did use such words, but in the context of adults/sex workers.
It’s still shocking, as many of them didn’t consent either.
Everything else seems to be genuine. The reluctance to intervene, coming from higher up in the police (which means with government acquiescence) partly due to low value of white working class girls. It’s not completely that though as there were some grooming victims not in that category too.
Trails that point upwards will usually be closed off; I doubt Musk’s hijacking of the issue helps; as @Kieran_Telo says this will tend to polarise the views on the issue, making it more resistant to general acceptance.

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There are many curiosities about this. Zero mention of Nazir Afzal. He did prosecute. Probably because he’s Muslim. Then there’s the fact that Yaxley-Lennon is inside for contempt of court, not what is claimed on social media about his documentary.

Fo me, the biggest takeaway from this is exposure of endemic corruption and worse. The cop in charge of counter terrorism has been appointed as investigator. He was in charge up north when it was going on…

@Rich’s question perhaps leads on to a much wider question. Who is Musk and what is he being ‘groomed’ for? It seems to me that he is being set up for political office, because he is a ‘stakeholder’; a term that makes me really mad. Aren’t we all stakeholders, in the NHS, civil society, and government, and yet our elected officials and their mandates mean nothing, while the super rich ‘stakeholders’ get to set policy and pull all the strings. Rant over. Now to Paul Craig Roberts.

This to me, is more like a deranged attack on Britain than writing by someone who was once considered to be an informed commentator on political affairs. There is so much one can say about this final paragraph which seems to me to destroy any relevance the rest of the piece might have had. Take the very first sentence.

“If truth be known, Britain and all of Europe are dead men walking.” This coming from an American, living in a country of 350 odd million, where 100 million are not even counted in the unemployment figures because they have allegedly ‘left the work force’. Where the national debt is so large (36.17 trillion, or better expressed as $36,166,393,613,679), that it is 120% of the GDP. Where military spending is over 15% of the annual budget and they still have yet to win a war in the last century (Hollywood excepted). Where over 2,000 children go missing every day. Where the controlled media dare not show the ‘tent cities’ in every major US city.

For an American, once respected, to call Britain and Europe “dead men walking” without ever putting it into context of world events (apart from ‘racist’ grooming) was really a bit too much for my blood. Second rant over.


Does he need to explain? Let’s start with Europe. They’re slitting their own throats for the US. Euro at dollar parity and still tumbling. Manufacturing moving to the US or going under.

Bit more complicated here, but the writings on the wall. We nearly ran out of electricity this week. Paid huge sums per MwH. Gas is supposedly close behind. They bet the farm on Ukraine and have lost. Rachael from accounts has done far more damage than Kamikwasi ever did (which makes me suspect all the more that the bankers made us all pay for Tories choosing the wrong leader). Most disliked government (judged from their first day in) I’ve ever seen. We’re so done that it’s possible to taste it, never mind smell it.

I sincerely hope it doesn’t happen, but I fully expect the beginnings of the storm in 2025.

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We used to think Musk attacking Starmer was all about getting Farridge into power (Musk being promoted as kingmaker du jour). Now we’ve heard Musk has slagged off Farridge. Don’t want to worry anyone unduly but. . . that leaves us wondering along the lines of Graham Hryce, writing on RT about the prospect of a triumphant return for one B. Johnson. (Sorry, link not allowed but it’s still featured there)

I know some thoughts are too ghastly to think and this is one of them but Johnson, far from being a clown (as the Garjan recently helpfully pretended, again), has always been a deep state asset and is still bloody dangerous. We were trying to warn people about him 20 years ago but the clown image won out every time - no wonder its been resurrected.

My favourite dystopian prediction since even before it became obvious what was going to ‘happen’ to Corbyn was for a government of national unity led by Sturmer. That’s essentially what we’ve got thanks to 17.6% of UK adults (ah, yes, us stakeholders) and a brilliant system of representative democracy. He’s now soiled goods; let’s think, who could we get to take over?

Btw. we’ve come to the conclusion that PCR is just another silly twat.


I should have said that I don’t disagree with PCR’s “… dead men walking …” . I only take exception to it coming from an American where the dead men have already walked!!