A funny look at racism and privilege in today’s Britain. Nabil nails a few things here. A couple of quotes
If the wife of a Prince can suffer racism in Britain today, imagine what life is like for a black boy in Peckham
It takes a big man to walk away from a situation like that… With only 36 million
A savvy guy with a very humane take on things. Have to say also that in the odd clips that were shown of the Hewitts speaking, they too seemed to be talking good sense. Not being a Windsor-circus follower, I had no idea that either Henry Hewitt or his wife had such good common sense. But then, I haven’t heard their pronouncements at length. Maybe it goes a bit more wonky when you hear more? After all, there was that period when Henry soldiered as a Western war-criminal in Afghanistan. Did he ever actually murder anyone himself? He certainly enabled others to do so with his input…
I really can’t be arsed to find out. They should be left to get on with their lives - still endowed with 36 million, and growing; how much palm-grease did Oprah Winfrey slip them, I wonder?
- without all this witchell-smarm bollocks spewing out about ‘a royal crisis’ - FFS!
Still, such idiot-shows help to distract public attention away from the steady falling apart of the fake-pandemic scam. That, presumably, is one of the considerations causing the desperate ‘news’ manipulators to give the ‘crisis’ such prominence. How convenient that it came just when it did…
Indeed. But this Sunday the news cycle has moved on and a new star is born, Patsy Stevenson, already being compared to the Pankhursts.
Apparently the photographer was Jack Hill but I only wondered about this being a homophone for Jackal because I have a very sick mind
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Looks like Julianne Moore! The heavy handed removal of our right to protest in the wake of Covid is a truly disturbing outcome of 2020…