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Putin is *fully* onboard with the depraved covid agenda apparently

Even Putin is fully onboard with this sh!t.

What does that say about the world and where we (can possibly) go from here?

It seems Serbia might have, as policy, some degree of opposition to the covid-agenda. And I’ve heard of a few poor countries who are being awkward/defiant. But I was hoping that there might be at least one state of substance and power in the world that would offer a degree of opposition.

Maybe nation states really are irrelevant and, ultimately, all regimes of all stripes are in the pockets of the Davos set.


I had an idea Russia might be more sensible or less zealous than the compromised/bought western governments.
Thanks for the eye-opener.

"I didn’t check the regime in every of Russia’s 85 regions… " Er - no, you didn’t did you Marko…

Can I just point out that, whilst Bojo Churchillette has said in the Commons that all the restrictions are being dropped pronto, some schools are still insisting that children wear muzzles; and so on. That’s to say, we have confusion and counter-currents, stemming from lack of coherent central control. The scam has been notable for creating this fog of war. It seems to have affected even Russia. And god knows what’s going on in China (not that our media would give us any clear idea). But I suspect that the steady falling apart of the scam in the West, and the growing flood of shocking information that’s causing the collapse, will be apparent in Russia, and maybe even in China. In fact I have a hunch that there are opposed factions over the ‘pandemic’ in the Chinese ruling establishment: In both states, the fear-hypnotised mass-formation cultists versus the awake dissidents; plus appalling outcomes from buying into the scam becoming unmistakable. Lots of confusion, but a tidal-flow change becoming apparent nevertheless. Watch and see…

Sorry to be boring Rippon but…

“The Kennedy assassination has demonstrated that most of the major events of world significance are masterfully planned and orchestrated by an elite coterie of enormously powerful people who are not of one nation, one ethnic grouping, or one overridingly important business group. They are a power unto themselves for whom those others work. Neither is this power elite of recent origin. Its roots go deep into the past.”
Fletcher Prouty (1992)


Exactly. And they have their chapters in Russia and China too; billionaire entrepreneurs tolerated in both places (though nowhere near as in control as they are in USAmerica). Nowhere is entirely free of their influence.

Seems to me that there will be both a formal conspiracy to run the global scamdemic, made up of just some of these footloose predators, but with the rest going in the same direction simply under the compulsion of the realities of class war: pursue the inevitable, structurally-intrinsic goals of your class, or get pulled down by the other classes.

Essentially, no-one is fully in charge, anywhere.

Eh? Don’t get you. That’s not boring at all.

That seems to me exactly the sort of conclusion one is forced to - when both ‘capitalists’ and ‘communists’ are behaving the same.


It’s just that I’ve posted that quote so many times over the years I thought people would be sick to death of it by now - obviously I haven’t posted it enough! :wink:

It’s well worth looking Fletcher Prouty up - he has many interesting tales to tell from the inside - JFK murder, U2 scam etc. There are some really good interviews with him online by Len Osanic (of Black Op Radio) and especially David Ratcliffe. They’re harder to find now as Shitube have mixed them up with irrelevant other crap. The Collected Works CD-ROM is well worth the the money if you want to get really into it.

Here’s a well known clip about the JFK conspiracy:

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Over the last 2 years, in the UK, they have completely trashed the NHS, intentionally…

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Did you know that Woody Harrelson, the actor, is the son of a “wet work” expert who claimed to have been in the JFK conspiracy? Small world eh.

It’s believed by some people that Charles Harrelson is the one described as the 1st tramp in the photos. The guy hiding at the back is thought to be E.Howard Hunt.

I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner, or would have risen to the defence of VVP and got on the attack against Marjanovic… He was the editor for Russia Insider when I was writing for it in 2014-15, and seemed to have a habit of writing very similar things to me while missing my own posts! He had certain political prejudices that were hard to define, but reading this now I can see he has a huge problem - even though I don’t understand why. Anyone trying to pick fault with Putin and with those in the West who support him is pushing an agenda I don’t like and for reasons that are suspect. Does he support Navalny? Who would he like to see in power in Russia instead of Putin? Zhirinovsky? Zelensky? And what about his right hand man Lavrov?

Of course there are splits in the position on COVID in Russia, and vested interests in selling Sputnik V, and thousands of doctors and health experts who are on board with the idiot “science”. But I like to think there are less of them, and more natural common sense about treating the infection. I don’t like the Moscow mayor or the federal health minister, but believe Putin’s well-expressed opinion that this thing is a personal choice.
There was a great commentary from a writer in Al Jazeera last week - of all places! - which contradicts Marko-M’s claims, and it seems more plausible to me.

And of course if you are going to attack Russia for its failure to resist the vile Empire’s latest attack, then what about China, or the “CCP” as the anti-COVIDs like to call it, while they talk about social credit and communism as the world’s greatest peril.
Just one last point though - that Sputnik V is NOT Pfizer-Moderna, nor even AZ, so even if it’s not that vital the benefit may be greater than the risk.