from TV Doctor Sara Kayat
‘After 12 days from the first vaccination of the AstraZeneca vaccine, you are 100% effective against hospitalisation and death’
from TV Doctor Sara Kayat
‘After 12 days from the first vaccination of the AstraZeneca vaccine, you are 100% effective against hospitalisation and death’
So - immortality has been realised! Astonishing!
Pity such a world-shaking achievement had to be announced by that squeaking simpleton, to two others. Couldn’t it have been done with a bit more ceremony? (Personally, I think I’ll stick with death and re-birth, as often as you fancy. And I still won’t be getting any vaccine.)
New Scientist is in on the act
No, they don’t. The WHO said this:
12/3/21 No reason not to keep using AstraZeneca vaccine, says WHO
World Health Organization tells countries to continue using jab while it looks into blood clot reports
The WHO have NOT issued a denial of the blood-clot possibility. They are expressing concern:
WHO expresses concern over adverse effects of vaccine
It would be a small point for tabloids, who headline-slip every day - but the New Scientist knows better!
The last link notes:
" Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Italy stopped using it, while Denmark, Thailand, Norway and Iceland suspended the immunization process with that vaccine.
These nations’ decision were made due to reports on the formation of blood clots in people who were administered the vaccine.
That same batch was distributed in 17 countries, including Spain, where no such cases have been reported so far, only minor side effects.
WHO underlined that it is studying the situation of the vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the Univeristy of Oxford, and the results will be published with their respective recommendations.
For its part, the pharmaceutical company insisted on the fact that the vaccine’s safety was extensively studied in clinical trials in humans, and it was generally well assimilated.
There are reports of 30 such cases among five million people who were vaccinated until March 10."
From what I understand of the rates of blood clot type events in the population, that rate of 30 per 5 million wouldn’t be alarming but under what was normally expected, if that was the totality.
However it’s well known that historically, the vast majority of adverse vaccine events aren’t reported.
That’s hilarious! And she’s a doctor?
No, she’s a twerp.[ ]
This takes the cake. I’ve never seen such gushing as this:
The BBC does a good gush, but this easily tops Andrew Marr (Blair’s a taller man after that statue fell in Baghdad) and Kirsty Wark’s ‘the shine of Shock and Awe’.
And what is it gushing about?
Hundreds of thousands of lives cost saved. Such a Churchilian occasion, not a time for awkward questions…
Like, how did the RECOVERY trial address the hydroxychloroquine EARLY treatment success, if the patients were critically ill? And why did they use 4 times the maximum NICE dose? Where was the zinc or azithromycin?
More generally, didn’t the key funder have a conflict of interest with his vaccine involvements?
But it’s not the absence of these questions that’s surprising, it’s the staging of the adoration ceremony. All the crap about the bus changing the future of medicine. Actually that part might have been kind of true, as this study led to the halting of HCQ, and boosted the impetus of the ‘There is no treatment’ narrative. It has likely been instrumental in hundreds of thousands of deaths of people who were given nothing for covid-19 until the hospital stage.
There’s a link to a radio programme that I dutifully listened do just in case there was any question asked during the celebration of why these misleaders are so wonderful. There was none, just pure gush. Drs from the trial were on saying how special it was, a patient that was very emotional about being ‘saved’ (has been on before).
If you listen to this, have paper hankies and spare false teeth at the ready!
Dead right. I can’t even imagine these two guys getting on a bus (that’s for the working class). On a bus? Really? And did they just happen to meet up there or was it planned, or … perhaps they weren’t there at all!
That was my first thought too @PatB. What an absolute pile of wank, to lapse into the vernacular. It’s the first Baa Baa Cee article I’ve (sort of) read for a very long time. The extreme impulse to throttle the writer is not an experience i want to repeat any time soon.
Baa Baa Cee
I’m going to plaugarise that one. Thanks
The Guardian has joined in on the BBC’s annual celebrations of the RECOVERY trial, which must mean covering up a massacre twice.
Still no mention that the research question that was being strongly suggested was EARLY treatment - whether with HCQ or other antiviral combinations.
Can’t wait for a Nuremberg trial (scowling face)