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Nobody does a maelstrom like the Heil

Can’t improve on the heil’s headline, at least as an example of fixing readers minds before they read the story, or even - especially, probably - if they don’t read it.

Anti-vaxxer nurse who injected up to 8,600 elderly patients with saltwater instead of Covid vaccine walks FREE from court in Germany

For the Heil, the most important word is capitalized. Imagine someone walking FREE from court for…anything. Musta dun something.

Anti-vaxxer nurse. Well the opposing lawyer said she shared conspiracy theories on the internet. That could be anything, from “All vaccines are a depopulation plot” to “Studies show that antivirals work for early covid”.
The Heil of course, does nothing to resolve the uncertainty. She’s an antivaxxer, it’s a fair cop.

I’ve no other info on the story, just wanted to admire the reporting.

They show the same willingness to mislead regarding the alleged crime.

“Nurse…who injected up to 8,600 elderly patients with saltwater instead of Covid vaccine”

It could have been 8,600, or 7947 or 1234.
Or it could have been only six. She said it was because she broke a vial and was afraid to own up.
Only six were established beyond the (presumed) threshold of reasonable doubt, as she obviously misled those patients. And there was something about may have been more but couldn’t prove it.
But such irrelevant detail doesn’t trouble the Mail when there’s a mob needing baying.

If the nurse was ‘assaulting’ people by not giving them the covid jab, It could have got very interesting had she stood her ground and declared that on the contrary, it would have been an assault to give the covid jab as proper informed consent was not obtained, or that she was protecting them from (…) and (…).
But that’s a path to a long stretch and she likely played it astutely.
Alternative headline - Lawyer EARNS his corn!

The next interesting thing is the comments. Readers were quick to jump in and follow the Heil’s lead - whatever her views, the nurse should not have imposed them on unsuspecting patients who expected something else. True (though as I say a defiant public interest defence would have been interesting), but what happens if you apply that logic to the vaccinators - who haven’t much of a clue what they are putting into people either, let alone the patients themselves. Indeed many medics have raised the potentially criminal aspect of the misleading of patients with misleading vaccine blurb.

Hat tip to Itchy Bootmore ‘over there’ - spotting that while the comments of people in response to the Heil’s egging on were predictable, the view of the main readership - as reflected by the overwhelming numbers of dislikes of these comments - was not.

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No different than any other paper.

Am happy to wager money I don’t have that comments were not from the public. I remember catching the guardian out about ten years ago. Poster named Stratagem. Always first. Except one day they didn’t switch accounts for the all important reply to that first post.

A prolific (first) poster disappeared overnight…

As for the nurse. She played it masterfully. Kudos.

I reckon the Guardian (“comment is disappeared”) view the comments more as a resource for themselves than the Heil, where comment is more free.
What do you think is happening with the comments. Maybe they multiply them by a factor of ten or so, pour encourager les autres.
But why so few likes/dislikes agreeing with the Heil.

I don’t really socialise that much, but I do try to talk to as many folks as I cross paths with. I’d say the mail is more representative of your stereotype average Brit. The reason I saw this is because I’ve spoken to a variety of folks of various education and IQ and many of them are on to “something”.

The mechanic who built my front struts last week was quoting David Icke and whilst (IMO) his reasoning for recent events was slightly off, he knew the vax was to be avoided and that we’re being lied to about Ukraine.

The checkout lady who is a bit dozy, isn’t when it comes to why we’re in trouble as a country.

The lies are failing. Im not entirely sure why though, as it’s worked well enough in the past. Maybe it’s the pressure we are being put under? Maybe it’s the emperor’s new clothes? Whatever the reason, people just aren’t buying it anymore.

The peculiar thing is, almost all the awake ones are right wing. I don’t buy into the left right thing as my eyes tell me it’s top down, but those who identify as left wing are blind to it. Because of their beliefs on government support etc?


The Mirror’s take; not quite so bad as the Heil. At least they call it by the familiar, unthreatening word ‘saline’.

And note that the nurse did get convicted and sentenced, in fact, didn’t ‘walk FREE’ at all. But she just got a short probation. Probably because too many people, in both the medical and the court apparatuses, as well as amongst the general public, understand that the poison-stabs are a criminal imposition, and that the good nurse did exactly the right thing: let people say they’d had the injections and got the right-to-work pass, whilst actually dodging the poisons:


There seem to be one or two changes at the start but after that the same story/words, probably cribbed from German media.

The Mirror’s byline adds: “Red Cross nurse Antje T. jabbed up to 8,600 elderly patients with what she told them was the life-saving Pfizer vaccine at the Schortens jab centre in Friesland, Germany”

The ‘what she told them’ bit seems highly unlikely! Especially as they don’t know how many got the saline, within eight thousand!

I think the Heil is less on board the narrative, playing to both its audiences, but often can’t help just being its true self, which is dire indeed.

Both pixelated her face (probably done by the source) but not beyond recognition if you know her, and “Antje T” is hardly anonimized. Imagine Craig Murray had done that!

I suspect bias - I do :slight_smile:

Sending up to 8600 ‘Likes’

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Glad to see the headline writer was paying attention to the part of Maths class where they were taught to round up to the nearest thousand…