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No children under three killed by Hamas . . ? Brief thoughts re Nasrallah speech

We are now up to about 5,000 children slaughtered (no doubt much more).

Perhaps those with domestic issues should understand that the kind of psychos who would do this will be coming for you next.

How was your own three month domestic break Rob

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Yes! Israelis shower the trapped and bombed Gazans with leaflets telling them that the area they are in is about to be bombed - causing blind panic for people with families but no means of fleeing quickly - that too is terrorism. Yet Israelis boast about it - they chalk it up as another attribute of their ‘most moral army’ - and monstrous western commentators point to it and say, ‘but look, Israel is doing all it can to minimise the loss of life’. It’s sickening.


Guilt tripping folk here is bad form, Rob.


What the fuck!?

My mother has dementia, Dad’s been dead since I was a teen and I’m an only child. Just what the fuck do you suggest I do???

She drives me fucking potty at times but she’s my mum and I’ll be there for her. The only family support is her sister and she’s got plenty of her own crap too (sick husband etc)

I’d still be doing this if I was stuck in Gaza (although I doubt I’d be decorating).

Unbelievably annoyed over your comment…

Edit. Have you any idea how difficult it is without support? Here’s two examples. 1) She has gone through a stage of thinking I dont like my dad. I do. But she keeps dragging it up. Fuck you dementia! 2) My wife and I, alone, are trying to decorate her (bed)room as her house. Without he noticing things are disappearing from her place to ours.


Hey LY. As someone who is a primary care person for my elderly mother (who, thankfully, doesn’t have dementia) I have deep sympathy for your situation.

Sending love through the interweb.


Second that @LocalYokel - care and comfort for our loved ones in need should be fully supported by all but particularly by the State in terms of resources, real caring assistance not just daily but also providing carers with recouperative breaks for a few days each month.



This struck me as the wise response @Evvy_dense, thank you. Or saying nothing. I accept though that Rob is correct to some extent in the latter part of his contribution what he says. I choose to (try to) live in the moment and do what I have to do in that moment. Just as Aly, Loke, and others do/are doing. And I wish them well in that effort and hope they will be kind to themselves, too.

Letting our emotions run away from us is so wholly human, but so ultimately self-defeating. And that doesn’t leave enough energy for when we really need it; i.e. when the psychos do come for us. Sorry if that seems sanctimonious.

As I write, IDF are specifically targeting the Al Shifa hospital, which is under siege. Snipers, tanks, and no doubt much more. Things are so bad that casualties are not being released to their next-of-kin but are being buried in one or more mass graves inside the hospital compound. This is the only comparatively safe way to prevent the further spread of disease. The hospital has no electricity.

At MoA B described the current Israeli policy, which could change any minute*, as 20 hours per day of genocide with 4 hours of ethnic cleansing (the so-called humanitarian pauses during which people walk to the less dangerous Northern Gaza sector).

  • Nasrallah emphasised in his 1111 speech that Netanyahu seemingly has no strategy at all, it’s merely manic vengeance. Keeping him frantically running around is a deliberate response, maintaining the capacity to gradually escalate. Not so different from the approach Russia has been taking and continues to take.

Although that may be correct, up to a point, it’s fairly clear that Bibi is the fall-guy here and that darker forces are operating behind him. Britain is very prominent in that cadre, even if dupes like Sunak protest otherwise. British Gas currently has exploration rights to gas found beneath the territorial waters off Gaza but those rights only have about a year to run now. Gazprom expressed an interest, should the agreement lapse, and would no doubt offer better terms.

Ah… but… look… US battalions of ships just happen to be sailing nearby. So too one of Britain’s aircraft carriers, presumably with propeller/s working at the moment, shortly to take delivery of a batch of Lockheed fighter jets. Whichever of these gets struck first will prolly be the causus belli for blitzing Iran.

Unfortunately I have no futile gestures to make that will change any of this, but hope sanity and not far greed will somehow prevail.


Do you people really think that I don’t have problems dealing with sick/elderly relatives?

I’ll just say again that more than 5,000 children have been slaughtered in Gaza.

Are you ok with that? It sounds like you are.

Don’t you just love the Hasbara. From Israel with love…

I can’t be bothered giving links. Just a few headlines amongst what’s been one of the biggest demos in human history (London, Paris and Barcelona were amongst the biggest):

Infants at Gaza’s Al Quds hospital are facing dehydration due to a shortage of breast milk alternatives, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society announced on Saturday.

Only 7 out of the 18 ambulances belonging to the Palestinian Red Cross Society are functioning in Gaza and the northern regions

Dr. Mohammed Obeid, a surgeon at Al Shifa hospital, shared his testimony with MÊdecins Sans Frontières today, saying:

“There is no electricty… There is no water. There is no food. Our team is exhausted. We had two neonatal patients die actually beause the incubator is not working because there is no electricity…

We are nearly sure that we are alone now. No one hears us…

The problem is to be sure that we can’t evacuate the neonatal patients because we have about 37 to 40 premature babies.”

MÊdecins Sans Frontières reports that medical staff in Gaza have become so overwhelmed by the amount of incoming patients that the surgical board used to keep track of upcoming surgeries has been erased and replaced with the following words:

“Whoever stays until the end will tell the story. We did what we could. Remember us.”

Hey @LocalYokel . My sister in law has dementia and it came to a head with an ambulance, two paramedics, three policemen, and three social workers arriving to take her into care. Now in a permanent care facility.

As the homeboys say, “I feel you brother”.


@KarenEliot . Great considered response. I feel physically sick every time I open my PC, get on my phone or switch the telievison on. But I can’t stop watching Aljazeera, Press TV and others making me sicker every day. The best I can do is write unemotional considered complaints to the BBC (the British Bullsh_t Corporation for any uninitiated), Talk Radio (watch Julia Harley Brewer shilling for Israhell if you don’t understand why), and what used to be my MP in England.


We can only do what we can. Being awake to the egregore’s manouevres counts for a lot and I really think more and more people are in this camp.

Some kind of ‘uniting’ false flag is almost certainly on the cards and one of those USS hell machines hulking around the Med seems an odds-on bet. But I wouldn’t rule out something in France, I’m sorry to say, because Macron now seems to be arguing for cease-fire and that is seriously off-message. A two-pronged attack on (1) ‘uncontrolled immigration’ declaring open season on non-Aryans, and (2) the starting flag for retaliation against Iran.

I very much hope I am wrong but speculating ‘aloud’ may mean that the NSA picks up chatter that some of us are guessing a move or two ahead. It ain’t much, sure.

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There was also a significant protest in Cape Town. There’s a large prosperous Jewish community, it’s the San Francisco of ZA in many ways.

re media reports on Jewish opposition to the genocide:

I don’t half get fed up with ‘Jews’ being wheeled out to decry Israel’s crimes. What the fuck is wrong with anyone and everyone objecting to mass murder and not wanting to be complicit? What makes ‘Jewish opinion’ special? Why do ‘they’ have to be credited with exceptional status in this affair? Its the same old divide and rule shite as its been for ever. Are we supposed to derive some extra-important hope for the world because some people originating from Eastern Europe, with or without funny hairstyles and clothing, are making pronouncements? Lots of them just want Israel not to be quite so obviously nasty. Great.

(It reminds me of all the good medics being wheeled out to oppose the ‘Covid’ ‘vaccinations’ while still subscribing to germ theory and the allopathic model which are, between them, undermining the physical and mental health of most, unsuspecting, people all over. But that one has been relegated to the back burner along with Ukraine for the time being only.)


Here’s a good one (which is being very quickly scrubbed from the internet)…

Herzog: Copy of ‘Mein Kampf’ found in children’s bedroom in north Gaza

And here’s the preamble:

“Israeli troops found an Arabic translation of Hitler’s Mein Kampf on the body of a terrorist in a children’s living room in a private home in northern Gaza turned into a military base, President Isaac Herzog revealed in an interview with the BBC Sunday”

One of the Bills that looney Charlie passed with the recent closing of Parliament was the building of a massive Holocaust museum right next to the HOP.

Like, there’s never been any other massacres in history (try the Crusades, for starters).

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Karen, I’ve been surprised by the amount of pro-Palestine demos, and the size of them.

If you want me to be cynical I would venture that this support ties into a slew of other things. Ie. most people’s lives in the West are now crap, and perhaps, even on a sub-conscious level, many people realise that they are going to be next.

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And I forgot to add that America is now bombing Syria and Lebanon.

Meanwhile, there’s not a road bridge in America that doesn’t have homeless people living under it.

Keep taking the drugs, folks.

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You’re absolutely right of course. Wasn’t there some category invented for this, called Self-Hating Jews?