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NK rubs in its success at holding back US bullying attempts

Perish the thought of me ever being a war-porn nerd. But this latest military parade in Pyongyang strikes me as a simply astonishing endorsement of the NKorean way of organising society over the moribund USAmerican way: all these appalling this-generation weapons, plus those clean, stylish cities, and the steady increase in general NKorean economic prosperity too; impressive. As various commentators have noted: NK 15, USA nil - or decorously-bourgeois words to that effect.

An evidently more-than-usually-knowledgeable Westerner, ABAbrams, offers a vignette, via Saker:


And right next to the Abrams piece linked above, more from PepeE on the Russia-China bloc finally giving up on the gic-servitors currently running the EU - and Britain - ever growing up in time to see and understand the golden opportunity to be a prospering part of this new, rising geopolitical formation. Witlessly inflicting this on themselves by continuing to chase the - illusory at that - wild-goose of globalisation, whilst at the same time shackling themselves ridiculously to the obviously dying US empire.

NATOid boobies! What are they like! :laughing: