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Never a Pandemic Denis Rancourt paper, plus today's Off-Guardian, any comments?

I agree. With all those government expert statisticians about, I haven’t seen a reasonable attempt to suggest a simple additive model that takes account of the obvious factors that might combine to explain the deaths.
Lockdown effects must have caused deaths but the costs of that option only seem to be viewed in terms of politics and economics. Covid deaths themselves open up a can of worms when you take into account government preventing early treatment options, a policy we might be discussing in a couple of years time in another thread called vaccine deaths :frowning_face:.
Then of course there’s the uncertainty over the definition of covid deaths and how they are counted.
I can maybe understand why Rancourt might want to get a marker down before government experts flood the field with blancmange… :wink:

Here we have a summary of the evidence that the NHS through policy increased the death count of the elderly. I accept that Covid is quite dangerous for the elderly.


Thanks for that EM, pretty shocking.

The way the UK gov handled this whole episode is criminal and the ministers involved should go to jail. Too many people died unnecessarily in this country.


And here perhaps, albeit anecdotal, is more evidence of the clear policy to murder. Midazolam and abnormally high hospice deaths from a man who’s father was killed by letha doses of Midazolam.

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What a damning report. All these damning measures to limit infection, on whch he notes

" This was supposed to “limit infections,” although every other decision they made appeared to increase them."

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I’m a bit late to this discussion, but only want to focus on questions over Catte Black’s polemic. (I’m inclined to go with Rancourt’s analysis, though not totally, and excess mortality analysis is fraught with dangers, like figuring out post vaxing deaths!)
If there had’n’t been 500 comments I’d probably have made one, as I was quite shocked by what Catte said, despite being in general agreement that the “pandemic” was augmented or totally fabricated. What I couldn’t stomach, or possibly agree with, was this rather aggressively stated para:

Especially true as the ones selling this scam are very good at providing new stories that superficially appear to help our side but on closer analysis just promote virus fear porn by a back door.
Be wary of any mainstream, or even ‘alternative’, news story that ends up promoting a deadly virus – by any route.
I include in that all stories about the Wuhan “lab leak”, any alleged “gain of function” research, ‘spike protein’ shedding, ‘breakthrough infections’, vax-created super-virus, and even the claims that Ivermectin and HCQ can ‘cure Covid’.

As Evvy says, this radical position will ensure that anyone with some grasp on the actual science but some ability to think outside the prison bars will toss out the rest of the story and the rest of the OffGuardian’s content, including the two excellent and hightly significant seminars OffG just posted.
The idea that anyone would ridicule claims that HCQ or Ivermectin can “cure COVID” is music to the ears of the Covidians, who have been claiming this ever since they bought shares in GILEAD and Pfizer. It is the most central crime of the whole COVID scam, as had these drugs been used the need for vaccines would never have justified their dangers. Also the idea that the GE origin of the virus is somehow irrelevant is nonsense, and nothing to do with the ‘supervirus’ claim. THe fact is that it IS an unusual virus, and some of the effects of the antibodies produced against it are a result of that - which is why Dr Robert Malone took Ivermectin against it as well as getting vaxed.
In fact the post even made me wonder if Catte is an agent for the enemy, ensuring that OffGuardian content remains Off the radar and lumped in with all QAnon CTs, safely quarantined…
It shouldn’t really have surprised me, as ages ago I submitted my article about the “American Genie” or something similar, and was asked first to modify it so as to put less emphasis on the lab question and then finally declined as “not the angle we want to take”.


Thanks for the response Dimac, that’s why I signed up for five filters and that’s why I posted the article, I want to hear different viewpoints, what people really think.

I question the off guardian dismissal of ivermectin angle also, and other repurposed drugs, at the minimum it exposes the official narrative as false. For example for me that is the fact that ‘woke me up’. I was going along with the narrative in February or March 2020, I posted on facebook, before Macron did anything, that the schools needed to be closed, because I was folllowing closely Italy and Spain. I wonder now if that wasn’t the plan, like in the Clinton bombing of former Yugoslavia, they had lots on the left screaming for intervention. Anyway, my point, what woke me up was the French media treatment of Didier Raoult, the doctor researcher in Marseilles who was promoting repurposed drugs like hydroxychlorquine. The media trashed him night after night, but never INTERVIEWED him! And he’s got a list of scientific publications longer than an anaconda, he’s a top scientist. So from that point on I was a sceptic, and quickly I think justified in my scepticism.

so, thanks for the response, that’s what the board is for!



Darren Allen, who I trust completely, has commented similarly.

I get that resisting the enemy’s framing is important, but Catte is too rigid on this, and as @RhisiartGwilym has wisely commented on many occasions, and I paraphrase, all “knowledge” is provisional and very little is ever proven.

As I commented a few moments ago at OffG that is a fantastic piece by Iain.

<<Two quick observations, both of which I fervently hope are proved wrong in the course of time.

1: mandatory vaxxx for care home staff, which looks like it will kick in in October 2021. There has to be some risk that this will lead to staff shortages as some care workers refuse to comply. If there is a winter uptick in respiratory illness, as there will be, this will very probably lead to another ‘wave’ of discharges from hospitals into care homes, with fewer staff on hand to monitor/support them. History can then duly repeat itself, this time with the “ignorant antivaxxxer care workers” readily scapegoated.

2: if ‘population triage’ is practised you can rest assured that the people who have refused their medicinal compound despite the best entreaties of Elton John, Dolly Parton and the legions of other shills will be a long way towards the back of the queue. Which’ll learn 'em.

There will no doubt be plenty more variants, in psyop strategy that is.

Do Not Collaborate.>>

If I lived in Montpellier I’d have paid a personal visit to Prof Raoult a year ago -as my experience mirrors yours barring the initial belief in the dangers. I’d already read about Chinese studies in January on anti-viral treatments, picking out HCQ as the most effective, but then I read Pepe Escobar’s astonishing story about Buzyn and the removal of HCQ from shelves and then from hospital pharmacies. After that I picked through the science of Raoult’s first trial and then it was “Vive les Barbe’s” ! I still follow his frequent interviews and pronouncements, as well as those of colleagues at the Mediterranee Institut, and find them alway proven accurate. I also tried to get people to look at Raoult’s appearance at the French Senate assembly in June 2020 and to consider the truth about the sponsoring of Remdesevir by the US-Fauci conglomerate and the WHO.
Funnily too, in the early days there was an interview with him on BLM TV, and I asked someone from Gites de France Gard about it. We had booked accomodation there for June, so I had a few exchanges, and was really keen to know what local French thought about Raoult. She said “here we call it BFMerde”… That part of France has long been alternative, ever since '68, and a bit like Byron Bay and Nimbin here still has the original native hippies, albeit generations on! I hope that resistance still remains to this new threat, which has taken so many of the once alternative into its dingy dirty folds.
I also tried to get people to translate some of Raoult’s ‘emissions’ for me, as it was sometimes hard to get the finer points. He still seems to have a bit of a cult following…

It’s odd to think that around April 9th 2020, Macron paid Raoult a visit, at the same time Sanofi announced it would deliver 100 million doses of HCQ for public use. Did I imagine this? I wrote about it in an early article… cheers David.

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Keep in mind that Raoult recently endorsed vaccines for health workers, who are now required to have one or be fired without unemployment benefits.

Prior to January 2020 hydroxychlorquine was over the counter, you could buy it like aspirin without a prescription. People filled their suitcase with the stuff before a trip to Africa.