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Neil Oliver: ‘…unforgivable!’

Dunno quite what to think of this. Some seriously weird shit going on here…


No wonder Oliver is struggling to find words. The two obvious possible explanations are hard to believe, and both are alarming.
Good point about Orwell’s eternal war with the enemy changing, and history being rewritten accordingly. It would seem like a blunder to expect to get away with that here, though.
A mystery.


This has been going on longer than Mr. Oliver has noticed.

Ignoring operation paperclip etc for one moment, cast your minds back to when Shrub (Dubya) was president. You’re either with us or against us. Since then, little by little they have become more brazen. The media has been spewing shite for two decades now. The Russians describe the yanks as agreement incapable.

Then there’s the silence. Where’s all the usual suspects? ADL is one that springs to mind. Crickets… Surely someone must be outraged? Livingston got shafted for telling the truth about a coin. Nothing.

Never mind weird, something stinks. Badly!


History already has been rewritten. The good guys always win. What’s the chances of that? Take Hitler. The daddy nazi. There’s some proper fishy smells about his origins. Would you be surprised to find out his brother was married in British aristocracy. Just about everything is a lie. Oh and his stuff goes much, much deeper. The evidence is out there (for now).

The PDF by Mathis is well researched.

More polysyllables in quotation below than Neil Oliver, or George Orwell, but rewriting history is exactly what this is about. What might be the aftermath of a blatant attempt that is rumbled? If the long-term consequences are minimal, and so far that looks to be the way things are heading, you can bet your bottom Canadian dollar that plenty more of this revisionism will happen, is happening. Canada is a beta test site for so many experiments in manipulation of facts, disenfranchisement of protest, seizure of assets, etc.

A research centre asks, of Goldstein’s war on Ukraine:

Historians also have a responsibility to address an emerging epistemological paradigm shift in historical studies that has been set in motion by this war. Going forward, how should we conceive the past?


The same institute returned an endowment last week that was gifted to them by the family of Herr Hunka, donated four years ago, and amounting to $30,000.

Guess what they are called…


But don’t worry. They fully respect First Nation culture and no doubt have a series of colourful flags flying from their masts depending on which Month is being celebrated by the Alberta Uni Diversity squads.


Here’s the news story re the endowment, with some uncomfortable questions for the university’s fundraisers

Absolutely right - just follow Hollywood and the “war films” they spewed out after the war, no-one mentioned Russians were the reason we won the war it was always the Americans with the help of plucky Brits. Were Russians even mentioned except in films that perpetuated Cold War.

Just as a memory-hole exercise, recall the last time the Russians were invited to a WW2 commemoration - Putin was last invited almost 10 years ago - nothing since, 75th anniversary - nada!

We have had Nudge and Push in charge all our lives!


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Great piece here from Neil Oliver:

Neil Oliver asks: Who are we and what is it we truly care about?


Strong stuff.

“Trudeau said it was a mistake, for which he bore no responsibility. Apparently a big boy did it and ran away.”

Wonder what Andrew Bridgen thinks of the feting by Trudeau and Zelensky of the ultimate antisemites.