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Neil Oliver: Evil is now here in Scotland, but it’s coming your way SOON!

Some seriously crackpot legislation passed in Scotland:


I don’t think I’d quibble with any of that.

I toyed with the idea of moving to Scotland a few years back, before that ridiculous midget became the SNP leader. Wee Nicola I mean. Beautiful country, and largely civilized welcoming people, but the Professional Managerial Class (administration as Neil calls them) are stark raving mad.

For a while, a very short while, I followed the Northern Independence Party on one of the social media platformx. It rapidly became apparent that they - or at any rate their pet tweeterx - are as obsessed with multicoloured flags as all the rest. At least 75% of the tweetx were in praise of pretend women, International Day of Thix and That, etc etc.

Nothing whatsoever about regional politics, why deprived communities ought to be prioritised, nor even local culture: just flags, pronouns, and “we all support… [insert mad idea here]”. Plus Russophobia, because clearly it’s Putin’s fault that Margaret Thatcher decimated the regional economy 40 years ago and her successors have put the boot in, unfailingly, ever since.

Needless to say I was blocked for online hate (I assume) very quickly, thus ensuring the monoculture was uncontaminated by any hint of realism about actual issues.

With Green politicians at the absolute apex of the war-mongers pyramid (i.e. 360 Baerbock) I am utterly politically homeless and deplorable. Happily I am in good company.