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My Addiction: A Playlist in Three Acts

I found this piece by Ritter quite moving. The million ways that our society breaks us is tragic.

H/T Sashimi on TLN

And some music I was listening to while reading that somehow felt appropriate.

Peace to all


A lot of insights there. And not what you’d expect.
Sounds like the addiction which Ritter relates is of the French Connection kind - straight in with it (the trauma) at the outset, as a matter of policy. What a grim institution.Thanks for posting.

I liked the ‘antidote’ too.


I think so too. Ritter was brutalised with a heady mixture of physical violence and cultural brainwashing.

Even though he sees it, he isn’t free from it.

Many members of our society are brutalised in similar ways and end up voting for their captives and a system that is killing a good part of the life on this planet and destroying the lives of those who vote for it.

Trauma response is such an obvious part of our collective behaviour… Unlike Ritter, though, most people just don’t see it…



Thanks for posting this Aly. I found it a tough read, but very honest, which ought not to be an admirable trait but is rare enough nowadays to really count for something.

Let me recommend Benefits, shouty, righteous, brilliant.

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