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MPs vote to extend the Coronavirus Act by another six months

At the HOC debate on this earlier today, apparently only four Labour MPs were present. The extension to the Act later went through, uncontested, and without a formal vote in Parliament.

This now allows Bojo to rule by decree for another six months; ie, nothing that Bojo does can now be overturned until next Spring. This is against the backdrop of young children now being injected with an experimental gene therapy (that’s never been tried on humans before), a vaccine passport being forced on people (otherwise they won’t be allowed to take part in society) and more lockdowns which will further crash the economy and destroy people’s lives.

It’s all just breathtaking, and perhaps one can wonder about the timing of the terrible murder of the MP David Amees last Friday (the murder of Jo Cox also had suspicious timing).


That’s bad. Despite the watering down of some of it. That there was not even a vote is chilling, actually and this has been Johnson’s tactic since very early on when he had the Commons prorogued to stifle debate about Brexit. Just bulldoze people along, with the undercurrent of threat never far away.

Evil is not in any way an exaggeration.


Right after the six month extension of the Coronavirus Act (which was not widely reported on) we get this…

It’s all so predictable it’s boring.


for those grauniad avoiders:

Get ready for the big NHS reform: full privatisation to secure our broken healthcare system :
“ fee at the point of use under our new National Wealth Service”

courtesy of Bojit and Sunkit ably abetted by Starmpit and Sturgid.



That looks more and more likely, especially now the spade work has been done re. creating a very pronounced ideology of shunning the class that won’t listen to reason and run around unvaxxxed eating burgers etc. Deplorable. Uninsurable. Definitely not profitable.

It’s so utterly cynical.


Two years to flatten the curs…


For those interested, UK Column today (Wednesday) started with a good piece about this (and no graphs! until later in the programme):


Also quite jaw dropping is Max Egan’s latest podcast, in which he relates how he has just fled Australia, in fear of his life and liberty. If this isn’t dystopia I don’t know what is (skip to 25 minutes in to get to the story)…

Also worth a mention is Eva Bartlett, who appeared on the latest James Delingpole podcast. Eva fled to Russia earlier this year in order to escape the increasing tyranny in Canada (now you can no longer travel anywhere in Canada unless you have a vaccine passport). The first part of the interview concentrates on Middle East stuff. The second part gets into the covid tyranny. Eva says that a lot of Canadians are now fleeing their country, and are going to live in places like Mexico or Russia, where there is still some semblance of normality…

Thanks Rob. I watched most of Max, rivetting stuff - what a leap he’s taken, like a war flight escape story from 1939. He’s left everything behind - food, dogs etc.

But he’s hit the ground in Acapulco running, still broadcasting (though he doesn’t know where he will be able to stay after Friday).

(i) A guy with a story, about this link:
FDA in their virtual meeting: “we were falsely mislead by (Pfizer) about the safety of the vaccine…Heart attacks are 71x higher than other vaccines…the vaccines are killing two people for every one life saved”.

(ii) A girl with CIRS (link Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome CIRS), which is an extreme sensitivity to toxins. She says she reacts to vaccinated people, but not her unvaxed friends, and her doctors agree with her. And that she can tell from breath.
Can’t verify - take or leave.

(iii) (Distressing, around 15m if you want to skip) A child died within seconds of a vaccination in the big sports arena mass jab-in.

But the real story is Max’s leap itself (haven’t watched Eva Bartlett yet). Thanks for posting.

Forgot this also from the Max Egan video, not sure where: Egan talks about quarantine prisons, shows Dan Andrews talking about them, smilingly. In the btl there’s a link to a petition, seems to be true enough?
Petition Reason
We are opposed to the Biosecurity Amendment (Enhanced Risk Management) Bill 2021, specifically in relation to broadening the scope of the current Biosecurity Act 2015 to include biosecurity enforcement orders upon “classes of individuals”, specifically requiring them to wear specified clothing or equipment (108M), to be relocated and detained (108L), for an indefinite time (108 (2) ) and to provide body samples to the World Health Organization (108P). While we understand that these changes are meant to be imposed upon groups arriving into the country by plane or vessels, it does not expressly exclude the possibility of it also being applied to other “classes” of people such as the unvaccinated, or to certain ethnic, religious or politicosocial groups residing within Australia.

It’s supposed to apply just to arrivals. There’s no reason it couldn’t be extended it to the population, as the petition notes. Especially if they have already accepted it for incomers!

Egan says all this is the reason the police were militarized.

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Evvy, here’s the theme song to the movie The Exorcist. If Karen’s tuning in, Mike Oldfield was part of the ‘Canterbury mob’, which included Kevin Ayers and a host of weird and wonderful characters.

Mike Oldfield was still in his teens when Tubular Bells went mega, including the bit used in The Exorcist movie.

As a result of all the fame and fortune, Oldfield had a complete nervous breakdown and ran off to live in the Welsh hills, where I believe he’s been ever since.

How very jolly it was for the couple of dozen that deigned to show up.

The spokescreature for “Labour” made such great show about their virtuous advocacy of three extra days’ worth of SSP. At 2021/2 rates that’s £41.29.

Not £41.29 per week. £41.29 in total.

As principles go that’s effing good value for money.



The building of these huge ‘quarantine camps’ is now happening in many countries around the world; particularly Australia, which is now a police state on steroids…

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The furniture in the first set of photos looks designed for very, um, meek prison riots.
I’ve stayed in starker Travelodges.