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More 'No AGW' dynamite from Denis Rancourt: 'Debunking Climate Hysteria'

A very recent refinement of a line of research which he’s been pursuing for years. Just as the more I look into the ‘no such thing as viruses’ contention, the more I lean towards it (within my constant rule of open-minded scepticism), so the more I look into Denis’ work, the more I lean towards the - highly-relieving! - conclusion that there’s no such thing as Anthropogenic Global Warming.

Note that his interviewer here - Michael Thiessen - is a likeable and credible - it seems to me - seeker after honesty and truth, like Denis, who nevertheless is a devotee of the Creationist-Christian ‘Young Earth’ hypothesis: created by god six thousand years ago. There’s a droll moment when Denis’ quoting of paleontological science bumps up against Michael’s faith. I love the cheerful, good-humoured way they agree to set that topic aside, and stick to the stuff which Michael can handle. Open-minded scepticism in action! :slight_smile:

Note too that Denis is a committed environmental activist, promoting the curing of hom-sap’s very real trashing of the living world, not through AGW and fossil-hydrocarbon use, but by the devastating of living systems by big biz and big finance crooks’ attacks on them, for profit and power; his proposed cure being a whole lot more grassroots democracy, together with a serious counter-attack on the globo-cap crooks. Carbon trading is one of their rackets, of course, which will do nothing at all to alleviate the trashing, simply help to keep it going. It has nothing whatever to do with the supposed ‘damage’ being done by ‘too much carbon’ - FFS!

Vid is 71 minutes. Very well worth the time. Denis is a joy of calm, courteous effectiveness. A real scientist, at a time when - like real journalists - the uncorrupted article is thin on the ground:



And as a bonus, transcript of an interview on the same matter in 2007. The same admirable calm, un-nettleable lucidity on display. Note how in these interviews Denis underlines how the slow rise of atmospheric CO2 was not wobbled at all by the drastic drops in fossil-hydrocarbon burning during the covid-swindle lockdowns, nor by the '08 financial crash, indicating graphically how the rise isn’t related to increasing FH use. Tallies with the suggestion by Valentina Zharkova that climatic temperature upticks precede upticks in atmospheric CO2, suggesting that it’s caused by the warming, rather than causing it. OMG, the heresy! the heresy! Sin against the Holy AGW! :scream: :rofl: :


PPS: On Denis’ website there’s an item where he proposes that the modern gic-pushed obsession with AGW is taking the place of the largely abandoned - in the West - Christian religion as the big-machine-religion which gic power-wielders have always used to augment their hold on, and power over we plebs. The website is worth a good look around:



I haven’t had a chance to listen to all the interviews yet.

Maybe Rancourt addressed this, when it comes to dear little Greta & Co being completely silent about recent environmental events in America, and being completely silent about the Americans blowing-up the Nordstream pipelines (which put more methane into the atmosphere than all the cows on planet Earth over the last hundred years), and of course all the wars, wars being ever so slightly environmentally damaging (don’t worry about the depleted uranium).