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More evidence of the inefficacy of the poison-stabs - for their declared purpose, that is

The three words that describe the stabs for anyone whose ear you can bend are: ‘Unnecessary, Ineffectual, DANGEROUS!’ The link below speaks to the ‘ineffectual’ category.

Unnecessary, because immunisation-by-infection - natural immunisation - is all anyone needs, with a bit of help from the already-proven treatments for those who suffer illness symptoms whilst the useful air-plankton message is being delivered. Most of us already have this balanced, long-term immunity now, since the covid-flu appears to have passed from epidemic to endemic status - in reality, behind the Permanent Bullshit Blizzard.

Dangerous, as the avalanche of fatal, maiming or otherwise adverse effects of the stabs continues to spew out; also still unacknowledged by the PBB.

When will the delusion-dam break…? :

Harvey Risch was the professor leading a lone furrow during the hydroxychloroquine whitewashing. The context of his remarks seem to be that vaccinated people want to be freer than the unvaxed.
If the vaccine reduces transmission by 60% then how can more than half of covid cases seen by Doctors be in the vaccinated? This would seem to imply that Doctors are seeing serious cases in higher proportions than they appear in the population (where they are supposed to be be fewer due to the vaccine) - ie covid cases that follow vaccination are more likely to require a doctor.
Could it be that people developing symptoms after vaccination become more infectious.
Or do they just flout all restrictions thinking themselves immune.

Well I flout all restrictions, and consider myself immune, because of having the proper immunisation - last year. :slight_smile: BTW, E emailed you a few days ago. Did it get to you?

Don’t think so Rhis, just checked. Have just emailed you back.