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Monkeypox following the familiar pattern: first 'tabletop', then launch the scam

Odd, isn’t it how there’s always a ‘tabletop simulation’ just a short while before the new panic is announced…?

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Here’s my question: in terms of marketing, is it better for sceptics, résistantes’ to

  1. completely ignore the new public heatlh scam

  2. don’t ignore it but don’t name it, because repeating the NAME (in this case the M word) makes the scam seem ‘real’

  3. don’t ignore it, but name it as only a pro slavery ‘marketing campaign’, and that ONLY.

  4. don’t ignore it, name it as a legit ‘disease’, but then argue that in fact it’s ‘not as dangerous as they say’, ‘you don’t need a vaxx for it’ etc

If we don’t name it does it mean we lose more than we win? Because we are not ‘stopping the propaganda before it spreads’?

Would be interested in your thoughts here.


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When the topic comes up amongst my neighbours, I just say baldly: “It’s all nonsense, just like the fake covid pandemic was. Ignore it!” That seems to reap a quite remarkable amount of agreement and approval. Are people waking up quietly to the fact that these are WHO-cons that are being tried against us…?


Like Rhis, I just say, “what a load of bollox” or some other polite epithet. A few seem to enter the debate but the real covidians, change the conversation or ignore what I’ve said and carry on talking about how contagious it is etc.

To answer your question @Everyman, my opinion is this.

We can’t ignore it as the BBC and the real covidians are scared as hell (again) so 1 is not a valid option.

Repeating the name seems to make it real and reinforce the idea that disease jumps from wild animals to humans (just like those bats in Wuhan) however, talking about it without using the name will be difficult, so that rules out choice 2.

As for choice 4, I’ve heard ‘it’s like smallpox’ and such other things. Do we even know if it is real? Amid the ‘re-emergence of AIDS’ and other such stuff due to weakened immune systems, giving it any credibility at all is helping the NWO agenda.

So, I am going to try your answer 3 (h/t) and see what results.

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Mockery: I am already deliberately misunderstanding the whole scam, not getting the name right, monkeyspots, mockneypox, etc. “We old farts find these new pandemics so confusing, like them new thrupenny bits.”

This is tactic 2. essentially


As for 4. here’s Malone:

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Thanks for this, KE.

Another take here - the Expose points out the countries reporting Monkeypox outbreaks are major vaccine (Pfizer, but likely applies to the other two vaccine principals) outlets. Essentially, ‘western’ countries. Interestingly, the Expose also ties it in with diseases/adverse effects that were noted as of concern in the now infamous Pfizer trial documents, which Pfizer is helpfully only spitting out as slowly as is legally allowed.


It’s all very reminiscent of the stuff in RFK Jr’s book on how AIDS is essentially an invented category for masses of other (undoubtedly horrible) conditions. But that narrative still seems strong…so there’s that.

Apologies for posting this twice. I put it in the wrong thread first time.

And now those nasty Russkies are blaming the US for their biolabs releasing the latest version of bullshitmonkeypox.

Hi folks, the latest expose with Dr Robert Malone clearly points to US manipulation of the original virus and release in dubious circumstances:


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Thanks CJ, I hadn’t picked that up yet. Will reread on his SubStack as the Daily Expose seems to think popups every 2 minutes will definitely make me give them cash for reading what I could read elsewhere anyway.

With that caveat it seems Malone thinks the thing is really real, if overblown.

The war game seems to imply that national variations in response would be a Bad Thing and that the rollout, um, sorry, the pandemic, will be horribly worse than it needs to be because of this.

And for why? Those bally African nations putting up a fuss.

The WHO were touting for the power to forcefully intervene in cases where nations won’t do as they’re told. By November that could be a done deal.

My log says that some recalcitrant African country will be bolshy and horrid and will be to blame for us all getting very very ill. As proved by PCR tests.

My log mutters that a coalition of responsible nations will be forced to intervene (not ‘invade’ silly billy).

My log whispers that this bolshy bad insane country might just happen to be a country that has loads of stuff that the West wants, for building all those batteries, for example.

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Hi @KarenEliot , the pop ups are annoying - I give monthly and they still pop up for me - I get over this by using a reader tool to smooth everything out.
Its true I’m sure that they pick up from others but it is definitely convenient to have the bones dropped into my inbox daily.
i quickly read Malone as saying between the lines - this stuff came from US labs in Nigeria was GOF’d into a more dangerous material and released via a Gay pride event probably deliberately.
