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Monkey Pox

It be the monkey pox, it be. Old John has the long covid, and has a bit of a limp. Now old John is swinging from the branches. He be 'aving the monkey pox, he be.

we slip from under the monkey poop and come abreast,
stressed, blood-thirsty cries, the occasional sob,
a cutless-swinging, pistol-firing mob
swarming over the side like a raging flood tide,
their numbers are greater, this’ll be no pleasure
but we’ll lose a limb or an eye
in pursuit of monkey treasure;
clash of steel, pop of gunpowder, moans of pain,
a brief and bloody battle,
the prisoners walk the plank, again
sharks circle, vultures hover, monkeys venture
the chains rattle
down deep to Davy Jones’ locker;
we share out the booty, to the victor
the spoils are great,
fabulous cargoes of gold, silver, pieces of eight,
jewels worth more than a king’s ransom
and a fair measure of rum
roistering around the foc’sle
With the waft from a simian’s bum.


As an aside, a lot of French radio stations have been playing this song almost non-stop over recent weeks, despite the fact that it’s English language. Make of it what you will…

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Do the symptoms just happen to closely resemble vaccine damageadverse effects?

Miss Karen, the monkey pox doeth ill. Those that die, they be the lucky ones. The monkey pox will fill the pits with corpses, to rot for all eternity. The monkey’s paw will stroke the tortured victims for ever.

I was going to get into religion with this, but fear of death is probably not a good idea right now.

Where I am we’ve had a sweltering week (with no sign of any monkeys) and we’re now in for a couple of days of big thunderstorms. This will probably mean that power and phone lines will be out again.

I used to drink in the same pub as Mick and Keith, in Bexley Village…

Hi folks, the social background seems to be the same myth that kicked of HIV-AIDS, subsequently the cause found to be more likely drug use, legal and illegal. As you say @KarenEliot vax side effects full of this :


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Oh those old farts aren’t even in the same league as these lads

People might find my post here a bit flippant.

Thing is, the best way to deal with psychopaths is to laugh at them and not take them seriously. Psychopaths can’t handle that and will melt down like the wicked witch in The Wizard of Oz.

Dave Cullen has just posted a very good video about monkey pox, a video that is fully referenced and shows what a total scam it all is. If you have the time it’s worth a look…

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Yes. Ten minutes well spent.

If they can take the trouble to invent a fictional epicenter for the scenario (“Brinia”) why not make up a fictional biohazard? Oh. Hang on.

Love how the tabletop simulation is based on bioterrorists releasing the pox in the first place. Didn’t old school terrorism always used to be based on spectacles? Car bombs. Mass shootings at rock concerts. Planes flying into the Pentagon. Breathless live coverage from the scene.

But now you just drop a hanky in a shopping mall, or whatever, and sneak off like a big wuss to get your hashtags ready for the meeja onslaught.

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Wonder why I get this sense that far too many people are going to give the clunkypox scam the big eff-off for it to have any chance of flying…?

Especially with so many now being able to say forthrightly: “Will it be worse than the covid, which everyone now agrees leaves above 99% of infectees recovered, and with enhanced natural immunity? Just killing a small few of the very old and ill, like any other scarcely regarded seasonal ill? That bad, will it be…? If so, then yes: please do eff-off!”

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I’m hopeful. Turns out one of these “gamed” scenarios did take the trouble to make up a name for the biohazard: Leopardpox.

As in “they never change their spots”…?

I do wonder sometimes, as the Coronacircus website alleges, if we are being goaded with deliberately stupid decisions by deliberately daft “leaders” who secretly want to be relieved of their responsibilities.
