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Max Blumenthal and Fabio Vighi dissect why the scamdemic was needed urgently to prevent global financial catastrophe

Once again, that so-little-noticed near-meltdown in the interbank repo-trade in 2019 comes up as the terrifying trigger that stampeded the conspirators into launching their scamdemic, earlier than intended, and with loose ends trailing all over the place. The lineaments of what really happened, and why the scam was launched, grow clearer. Some fall guys - Fauci/Gates/Schwab/etc? - are going to cop serious consequences as this reality gets ever clearer, and spreads through human understanding ever more widely. As the scales fall, the vengeful popular rage is likely to be epic:


PS: Note in particular the cameo appearance of the phenomenally-foresightful Sybil, laying out, in 2019, the upcoming course of the scam; around the 18 minute mark. She would have done well in ancient Delphi! :slight_smile: