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Mass Vaccination, Lockdowns and Permanent War, with Denis Rancourt and Dan Cohen

Two intelligent and well-informed commentator/researchers in conversation. Nearly two hours, but very well worth the time: very enlightenment-dense!

I have to say: listening to Denis Rancourt, I really don’t get the slightest whiff of a “charlatan”. That seems to me to be a deeply misguided label. On the contrary, a very straight, maverick non-coerceable, it seems to me, who deserves extended attention.

This on the principle that - clearly - there’s something extremely rum going on around all the hugely-enhanced manipulations to which we - the plebs - have been subjected lately. And determined dissidents like Denis have something truly vital to say about what’s really intended behind the intensified Permanent Bullshit Blizzard which we’ve all copped this past thirty months.

Moreover, I think I see a pattern, whereby the upheavals of this time have broken open again several items of official consensus which formerly have been supposedly-settled fact: viruses, disease by contagion, climate-emergency, vaccination, all getting hauled back into question at the same time, so that it now becomes credible to start re-thinking the whole climate-emergency story, as well as the - by now obviously spurious -‘mass-killing global pandemic’ canard.

Denis’s thesis is that it’s all about ‘Mr.Globalist’, strongholded in the Anglozionist empire, setting up permanent emergency war-powers to control we plebs, using deliberately-generated panics, as an essential preliminary to engaging in an existential war against China, for the position of dominant global power. That seems to me a credible hypothesis, at least worth exploring:



I haven’t had time to watch it yet. From what you’ve said maybe it says these things:

Covid pandemic: easily provable bullshit.

The ‘climate crisis’: easily provable bullshit (and note how the covid bullshit is morphing into the ‘climate crisis’ bullshit)

‘The cost of living crisis’: easily provable bullshit (see above)

The war in Ukraine: not so easily provable bullshit, but you’ll notice how the timing of it seams in effortlessly with all the above bullshit.

I could go on and on, but I’m sure you’ve had enough of bullshit…


With the cost of living and the SMO, Denis doesn’t actually call bs. But both phenomena fit easily into his general thesis of one of the big powers-that-shouldn’t-be - ‘the empire of lies’ - preparing its plebs for draconian control - war-powers control, Denis calls it - the better to clear its decks for existential struggle with China, to establish a final world dominance (which the Anglozionists are going to fail to do, I fancy).

I doubt that Denis would go for the thesis that Catte and Kit and friends push so passionately: that ‘they’re all in it together’, and strife between the Swamp, Russia and China is all WWF-style pretend conflict: ‘kabuki’, as people like to call it, covering over a complete cahoots of hidden purpose between the three powers.

Sure, there’s plenty of kabuki about, but that particular struggle - Oceania versus Eurasia and Eastasia - is viciously real.

I suspect that history will prove Catte, Kit, and friends to be well up the creek with that mis-apprehension. The vicious, genuinely mutually-murderous rivalry between rival famiglie of capi, as illustrated by ‘The Godfather’, is much more the reality, I believe.

With the cost of living and the SMO, Denis doesn’t actually call bs. But both phenomena fit easily into his general thesis of one of the big powers-that-shouldn’t-be - ‘the empire of lies’ - preparing its plebs for draconian control - war-powers control, Denis calls it - the better to clear its decks for existential struggle

I read quite a few Republican-leaning blogs these days, which would have been an astounding admission only six or so years ago. There’s a fairly widespread sentiment aired in these texts that supports exactly that view. They also tend to argue that provocations, to goad lumpenprole USA into riots, so that some brutal suppression can be unleashed, is just a matter of time. If they can’t get the riots then they’ll simulate them, c.f. 6/1/22 “insurrection”.

I can see similar energies building in lots of other places right now.

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