"I also recommend you use the 5filters search facility to look (in all categories), for my work on Viktor Schauberger and Hans Kammler et.al (the work would appear as a Twitter “Moment” -as would work on genetically modified organisms, “GMOs”-, above but since Twitter changed the formatting -typical-, I have been loathe to post any-more Moments -and now there are other problems too, apparently, see above Ed.-), quote; "**“are you saying that you think these early flying saucers were experimental vehicles created by us?” Oh yes…I’m afraid so, also, unlike rocketry, the technology would seem to have gone to all the Allies…it now informs all of the Deep State and included, I deeply suspect, what remained of the NAZI eugenics programme (mainly in S.America). The Operation Highjump, New Swabia, Admiral Richard E Byrd story is ridiculous, it’s urban legend**, yet it would appear to have happened (and just before Roswell).*
*New Swabia in the Antarctic was real, it is in the German archives.
**The truly weird thing about NAZI “urban legends” (incl. the S.America - bio-weapons/eugenics connection), is that they would appear to be true. I mean check out …

"Frank Döbert and Rainer Karlsch
August 2019
Immediately after the end of World War II, the victorious powers began to interrogate the functional elites of the National Socialist state. When the question came to the German V-weapons programs, jet fighters and underground armament factories, the name of Hans Kammler was mentioned again and again. In the final phase of the war, the SS Obergruppenfuehrer and head of the Office of Unit C of the Economic Administration Main Office of the SS had been given far-reaching competences for the production and use of the latest weapons. The Allies were aware of Kammler, even though they knew far from everything about his “underground shadow realm,” his role in the Holocaust and the mass use of concentration camp inmates in construction projects. They searched intensively for him, but, according to the standard narrative until only a few years ago, came too late. Kammler had allegedly evaded his culpability and committed suicide in Bohemia on 9 May 1945. Doubts about this account, however, were never completely silenced, especially since his body was never located and all personal documents remained missing. Gerald Fleming, a leading Holocaust researcher, wanted certainty but could not find sufficient evidence to prove that the suicide narrative was not true. Fleming urged us not to let the story rest but to continue the research. [1]
In the article „Ein inszenierter Selbstmord. Überlebte Hitlers „letzter Hoffnungsträger“, SS Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler den Krieg? [A staged suicide. Did Hitler’s “Last Hopeful,” SS Obergruppenfuehrer Hans Kammler, Survive the War?], published in the Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft in 2014, for the first time declassified documents and statements were presented which suggest that Hans Kammler was captured by the Counterintelligence Corps, an American military intelligence service." Hans Kammler, Hitler’s Last Hope, in American Hands | Wilson Center
"The Western Group of ships reached the Marquesas Islands on December 12, 1946, whereupon the Henderson and Cacapon set up weather monitoring stations. By December 24, the Currituck had begun launching aircraft on reconnaissance missions.
The Eastern Group of ships reached Peter I Island in late December 1946.
On December 30, 1946 the Martin PBM-5 George 1 crashed on Thurston Island killing Ensign Maxwell A. Lopez, ARM1 Wendell K. Henderson, and ARM1 Frederick W. Williams. The other 6 crew members were rescued 13 days later. These and Vance N. Woodall, who died on January 21, 1947, were the only fatalities during Operation Highjump.
On January 1, 1947, Lieutenant Commander Thompson and Chief Petty Officer Dixon utilized “Jack Browne” masks and DESCO Oxygen rebreathers to log the first dive by Americans under the Antarctic.[4] Paul Allman Siple, Ph.D. was the senior U.S. War Department representative on the expedition. Dr. Siple was the same Eagle Scout who accompanied Admiral Byrd on the previous Byrd Antarctic expeditions.[5][6]
The Central Group of ships reached the Bay of Whales on January 15, 1947, where they began construction of Little America IV.[7]
Naval ships and personnel were withdrawn back to the United States in late February 1947, and the expedition was terminated." Operation Highjump - Wikipedia
“The Roswell UFO incident in popular lore refers to the rumors and speculation regarding a July 1947 United States Army Air Forces balloon crash at a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico.[1][2] Following local press interest in debris gathered from the crash site, and rumors that the debris came from a “flying disc”, the US military stated that the crashed object was merely a conventional weather balloon.[3]” Roswell incident - Wikipedia
“Aliens” became the cover story…this lead to the Majestic Twelve, Eisenhower’s famous “warning” speech and (a recent publication speculates), the assassination of JFK… (did Blair know that Smith had been assassinated?), …
"Admiral Byrd revealed in a press interview that Task Force 68 had encountered a new enemy that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.
Admiral Byrd’s statements were published in the Chilean Press but never publicly confirmed by US authorities. Indeed Byrd did not speak again to the Press about Operation Highjump, leaving it for researchers to speculate for decades over what really happened, and why Byrd was silenced. After the Soviet collapse in 1991, the KGB released previously classified files that cast light on the mysterious Byrd led Naval expedition to Antarctica. A 2006 Russian documentary, recently translated, made public for the first time a 1947 secret Soviet intelligence report commissioned by Joseph Stalin of Task 68’s mission to Antarctica. The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. On the way, they encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered many casualties as stated in initial press reports from Chile" https://galnet.fandom.com/wiki/Did_US_Navy_battle_UFOs_protecting_Nazi_Antarctic_sanctuary_in_1947%3F #TruthisStrangerthanFiction"
Also, quote; "**"Viktor Shauberger was born in Holzschlag (Austria) on June 30 1885. His family’s traditional way of life was closely related to forestry for generations, spanning well over 400 years. According to some sources, his family tree can be traced back to 1,230 AD to one of the distinguished German aristocratic dynasties of land owners of that time.
It seemed Viktor had nature in his genes, including the insatiable fascination with forest and water phenomena. After WW1, his own work as a forester, included having responsibility for over ten thousand hectares of forest land. We can say that this area served as a living laboratory for Viktor and at the same time as an endless source of inspiration for his scientific ideas. During this period his way of thinking and practical approaches in his scientific work were shaped by the phenomena he observed in nature. His leading principle of work and innovation was “kapieren und kopeiren” which means to comprehend and copy nature and was derived from his unrivalled ability as an observer of nature’s secrets. His study of the spiralling forms and vortexes in water and other natural phenomena was the catalyst to many of his inventions and implosion technologies whose spiralling movements fully harmonized with those found throughout the cosmos, and became the dominant principle seen in his work. They also had no harmful polluting emissions.
One of his more esoteric projects occurred In the middle of the WWII when he was working under the close surveillance and control of SS troops in Nazi Germany, on a project which saw him designing an anti-gravity motor for a prototype “flying saucer” know as the Vril. Viktor was forced to work for the Nazis in the Mauthausen concentration camp, with the threat of death an ever present reality. The Nazis focused only on the possible military application of his ideas. The unscrupulous actions of first, Nazi Germany then Soviet Russia and eventually Cold War America to use his inventions for their own selfish purposes, completely ruined and finally destroyed his life.
“Implosion is no invention in the conventional sense, but rather the renaissance of ancient knowledge” - Viktor Schauberger
Later, Russian forces laid waste to his apartment in a desperate attempt to gain the secrets of his inventive mind. Even liberation did not bring the long anticipated improvement to Viktor’s position. He was held as a prisoner for over a year by the American occupation troops. Eventually he was forced to “sell” all his patents for one single ticket which was to allow him to get back home to Austria, but only five days after his arrival in Linz (Austria), he died on September 25, 1958 at the age of 73, a broken man.*
Along with his amazing inventions, Viktor’s legacy includes books showcasing his brilliant insights into the workings of nature. These were translated into English by researcher Callum Coats and named ‘The Eco-Technology series’. These include: ‘Nature as Teacher’, ‘The Energy Evolution’, ‘The Fertile Earth’ and his magnum opus, ‘Living Energies’, which could best be described as the bible for Shauberger students.They contain many of Schauberger’s original drawings and patents. The number of new editions produced by Coates and other authors is the best testament to Viktor Schauberger’s popularity and his visionary work inspires the imagination to this day."…
"His theory about the vortex is based on water’s
regeneration through the implosion or inward movement, where the water is being oxygenated in a coherent and logical crystal pattern."* https://www.cosmicpolymath.com/viktor-schauberger.html*
*Italics mine. So it seems that his freedom was held ransom, he had been in the SS so the Americans could use leverage on him, leverage they (more or less), assiduously eschewed using on von Braun. Assassination? Well those with pre-existing (or “subsequent”), health conditions can always quietly “shuffle-off” to no one’s alarm (like John Smith MP for instance #Bliar).
**Italics mine. Held to be pseudo-science by the particle-worshippers and gene-fiddlers.
Viktor Schauberger - Lust-for-Life.org Nb. Download would not upload here.
Quote; “Viktor Schauberger was a genius whose ideas were far ahead of his time. He worked as a “forest-master” in the Austrian Alps when they were still a true wilderness. This experience was to influence his entire life’s work. Schauberger prophesied the environmental crises we are seeing today, predicting that unless we start to cherish rather than exploit our world, we would surely destroy ourselves. He demonstrated how deforestation would deplete the world of water, causing deserts and climatic chaos. Asked about our technology, “How else should it be done?” His answer was “exactly in the opposite way that it is done today!” His maxim: “Comprehend and Copy Nature!” From his precise observations of the processes of Nature, Schauberger pioneered a completely new understanding of the nature of water as the most important life-giving and energy-empowered substance on the planet. This led him to develop a radical new science which flew in the face of conventional scientific thinking but which, today, is being increasingly recognized for its highly-relevant implications for civilization. Viktor Schauberger might have made a career as a brilliant inventor. Forced, for a time, to develop radical new forms of propulsion for the Third Reich” https://pdfcoffee.com/viktor-schauberger-the-water-wizard-pdf-free.html
Nb. Caveat emptor…just remember the “Men in Black/Majestic Twelve” (et.al in the “Allied Powers” -incl. U.K-), have been deliberately; obfuscating, obscuring and occulting since before 1947. They have played the “conspiracy theory” card in order to survive, releasing just enough info to keep the “Alien Astronaut Theorists” going but never enough to convince the majority that the belief that our governments have researched and developed Schaubergian technology is anything more than fantastical wish-fulfilment. Quote; “The FBI treated the subject with such (apparent), contempt that they went so far as to scrawl “bogus” over the files: https://vault.fbi.gov/Majestic%2012/Majestic%2012%20Part%201%20of%201/view” Go to: Mathew Crawford - World War E - #8 by GKH
Also see this recent publication (Nb. not a testimonial I have not read the work): https://www.amazon.com/Kennedys-Last-Stand-Eisenhower-Assassination/dp/0982290268 , esp. quote attributed to Clinton.
Quote; "Jamie Theakston finally lifts-the-lid on the massive investment and research efforts by the NAZIs into areas of science virtually unknown to The Allies. The size and extent of the underground and overground facilities built in Eastern Europe by the Germans for these more occluded endeavours would actually appear to be greater than that they lavished on the more prosaic V-weapons. What is also very telling is the observation at the time (according to Theakston and a Polish researcher), of the appearance of, “more than a hundred” Allied secret service personnel at the site following its capture, the execution by the NAZIs of all the slave workers (who, “went there to die” according to Theakston), and that (again and again we are told -Paraphr-); “this was the most secret endeavour of the NAZI state”…!
What Theakston doesn’t cover is the philosophical bias inherent in Nazi science away from (as they saw it), the “Einsteinian relativism” of The Jews and towards a nuclear physics of their own, a “spin” that resulted in a concentration on electro-magnetism and fluid dynamics (technologies which were not pursued with anything like the same intensity or commitment by The Allies)." …
“Researcher and author Joseph P Farrell talks about his books, “Reich of the Black Sun” and “The SS brotherhood of the Bell”. Topics Highlighted: Joseph’s background, the black sun, the swastika, OSS, Paperclip, NASA connection with the Nazis, underground bases, Hans Kammler, Igor Witkowski, Wunderwaffe, crashed UFO, new physics, alchemy, Mercury, The Apollo Program/Antarctica/nazi retreat to South America and the similarities between the Nazi Bell and the acorn like craft that went down in Kecksburg 1966”: "Arafel": Forbidden History and "The Reich of the Black Sun"

I ask you to use the search facilities (also and esp. re: HIV, AIDS, NAVS), to find these threads on 5Filters rather than giving you direct links because of their, “Covid sensitive” nature, the threads on, “Arafel” on this subject were, however, posted before the pandemic." https://www.arafel.co.uk/2022/02/the-coming-storm-from-forbidden-america.html
Vids.: Family Guy All Bird is the word scenes - YouTube & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg-jvHynP9Y&feature=emb_logo